[ARGUS] Argus-clients 5.0.0 - packet interval histogram reporting issue

Carter Bullard carter at qosient.com
Wed Jun 19 10:41:38 EDT 2024

Gentle people,
I’m looking to release the argus 5.0 server and clients in the next days … Yay !!
If you have been tracking the v5.0.0 branch of the GitHub repo for argus clients, you would have seen a lot of activity.
Most have been with transition of existing code into the open source, copyright, and some documentation …
Also bug fixes to get all the new features working correctly …

I have made modifications recently to packet size max,min,mean,stdev reporting as well as distribution histograms.
I have also fixed a bug in the use of XDR for floats in inter-packet arrival time reporting.  All good ...

As a result of one of the fixes, and time, I have decided to remove the inter-packet arrival time histograms from
the initial release.   I will reintroduce it as devel just after we get v5.0 out the door.

If you are using this feature in your work, send me email and I’ll get you the fixes to keep that support going ...

Thanks for all the support,


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