[ARGUS] Argus v5.0.0 release

Carter Bullard carter at qosient.com
Sat Jun 15 10:07:14 EDT 2024

Gentle people,
Testing has gone well for argus-5.0, in all environments, (even fixed a few bugs) and as a result, we will be releasing argus-5.0 server and clients, on Jun 20th from GitHub.
I will create the releases, which result in a TAG release, and a set of release tarballs, argus-5.0.0 and argus-clients-5.0.0, and I’ll rename / rebase the v5.0.0 branch as the main branch, in both of the GitHub repos, whichever is best practice ...

There are a lot of improvements, and new features, which I’ll start to document on both GitHub, and openargus.org.  The key changes to argus are extended Argus Source IDs to support IPv6 and UUIDs, zero configuration approach to monitoring from an endpoint (laptop, workstation, tablet, IoT), improved performance, L2 and sub-layer L3 parsing extensions, support for full control plane data capture, improved tunnel parsing support, packet size distribution reporting, and a large number of bug fixes.

There are a few argus projects on GitHub, Private Passive DNS, the Python Library, and Argus Endpoint, which v5.0 enables.  The technology for the Passive DNS will be in the release, and  I’ll start transitioning code into those other projects, as well as improvements on documentation, on both openargus.org and GitHub, after we get 5.0 out the door.

Thanks for all the help in getting us to this point,
Hope all is most excellent,

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