[ARGUS] Argus v5.0.0 release - pythonlib, perllib, swig, configure and makefiles

Carter Bullard carter at qosient.com
Fri Jun 14 20:27:23 EDT 2024

Gentle persons,
I’ve updated a number of supporting files to the client v5.0.0 branch of the GitHub repos, getting ready for the v5.0 release.

We are distributing both a perl and a python library in this first release, which both use swig (swig.org) to handle the C <-> perl/python bindings.
If you have swig installed ( a requirement ), then we’ll configure, and try to build the bundles, without swig (default v3.x behavior) no libraries built.

Currently, the perl library adds functions for handling time specifications, such as, “-12d+15m” (command line ‘-t <timespec>’ definitions). Not huge, but important for RestFul API support.

The python lib functions are about using numpy arrays with argus data, for feature extraction, aggregation, filtering, etc … this is really important for using python and argus like you would want to.  
I’ve updated configure.ac to do the python numpy module checking, so all of this should be automatic, and seems to work if you have python3-devel and numpy installed.

More functions to come as we get v5.0 going.


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