racube : Argus in 3D

VIEAU Cédric 172196 cedric.vieau at cea.fr
Fri Jan 8 08:29:21 EST 2010


My colleagues and I have made a tool to visualize Argus flow data in 3D (the idea is taken from "The spinning cube of potential doom") and we are releasing it today as an opensource tool that you might find of interest.

We call it the "monitoring cube" and it can display live Argus flows through a new "racube" client. 
It's available on http://www-moncube.cea.fr/doku.php/en:cube:cube

Documentation is not yet complete and it has only been tested under debian linux, so it might require a little work to get it running on your installation, but I hope you will be able to give it a try. 

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


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