argus memory issues

Russell Fulton r.fulton at
Tue Sep 4 19:34:30 EDT 2007

Is the lastest argus-3.0 supposed to resolve the memory issues?

I have just put up
<> 	386 KB
31/8/07 	9:38:00 AM

and it is still using large amounts of memory:

20549 argus     25   0  293M 293M   836 R     7.4 19.5   0:28   1 argus
20547 argus     25   0 73020  71M   820 R     5.5  4.7   0:27   1 argus
20551 argus     15   0  293M 293M   836 S     2.0 19.5   0:03   1 argus
20548 argus     15   0 73020  71M   820 S     1.1  4.7   0:03   1 argus

and this is after about 5 minutes running.

I recompiled without threads and started only one argus with the same


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