
Peter Van Epp vanepp at
Mon Jul 10 11:22:33 EDT 2006

	In addition to the user data printing, I also haven't been able to
figure out how to cause common/argus_util.c:ArgusConvertRecord to put the 
icmp data in to net->net.union.icmp where the data handling routine is 
expecting to find it (and thus thinks everything is an ECR when the type field
is the default 0). This doesn't seem to work:

                     case ARGUS_V2_ICMP_DSR_STATUS: {
                        struct ArgusV2ICMPObject *nv2icmp = (struct ArgusV2ICMPO
bject *)hdrs[ARGUS_V2_ICMP_DSR_INDEX];
                        struct ArgusV2FarStruct  *far = (struct ArgusV2FarStruct
                        struct ArgusNetworkStruct *net = (struct ArgusNetworkStr
uct *) dsr;
                        struct ArgusIcmpStruct *icmp = (struct ArgusIcmpStruct *
) &net->net_union.icmp;
                        icmp->hdr.type            = ARGUS_NETWORK_DSR;
                        icmp->hdr.subtype         = 0;

Peter Van Epp / Operations and Technical Support 
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

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