Argus-2.0 paths and installation targets

Carter Bullard carter at
Thu Jan 18 09:06:51 EST 2001

Hey Russell,
   Anything is reasonable.  If we are trying to build
convention, the more tools in the package that are doing
the same thing, the more likely we can establish

   Chas and I were having the same conversation yesterday,
and getting a grip on our filesystem convention would be
a really good thing.  The conventions that we've all
mentioned so far are:

   $ARGUSHOME       Root for all argus things
   $ARGUSHOME/bin   Scripts
   $ARGUSHOME/lib   Configuration modules
   $ARGUSDATA       Argus data directory ($ARGUSHOME/data)
   $ARGUSARCHIVE    Scripts and Perl modules manage
                      historical files here.  $ARGUSDATA/archive

   $ARGUSPATH         Used to specify .*rc file search path.
                      Will always look in $ARGUSHOME/ra.conf first
                      then .rarc in $ARGUSHOME:$HOME.   

   /etc/argus.conf    argus daemon configuration file
   /var/run           PID file

Installation directory defaults?
   $ARGUSHOME               /usr/argus
   /usr/argus               Package default directory
   $ARGUSDATA               /usr/argus/data          
   $ARGUSARCHIVE            /usr/argus/data/archive  
   /usr/argus/bin           Gets argus, argusbug, ra*
   /usr/argus/lib           Gets argus_common.a, argus_parse.a

   /etc/argus.conf          Gets sample ./examples/Config/argus.conf
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/argus   Gets sample ./examples/Startup/argus
   $ARGUSHOME/ra.conf       Gets sample ./examples/Config/ra.conf

Anything else?


Carter Bullard
QoSient, LLC
300 E. 56th Street, Suite 18K
New York, New York  10022

carter at
Phone +1 212 813-9426
Fax   +1 212 813-9426

> -----Original Message-----
> From: r.fulton at [mailto:r.fulton at]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:29 PM
> To: Carter Bullard
> Subject: Re: Argus-2.00 perl module
> Quick question:
> I've changed
> # Installation specific vars
> $Home = if defined $ENV{ARGUSHOME} ? $ENV{ARGUSHOME} : $ENV{HOME};
> $Client_path = if defined $ENV{ARGUSPATH} ? $ENV{ARGUSPATH} : 
>                                             "$Home/bin";
> $Script_Home = "$Home/lib";  # where the .rarc file and modules lives
> $Data_Root = "$Home/data";
> foreach my $dir ( split(/\s*:\s*/, $Client_path) { # find ra
>     if( -x "$dir/ra" ) {
> 	$RA = "$dir/ra";
> 	last;
>     }
> }
> The question is what control do we have over where ra and 
> friends looks 
> for the .rarc file?  The problem I see is that we need to set the 
> output delimiter but this will not be what you want when running ra 
> interactively.  So I need a way of over riding $ARGUSHOME/.rarc from 
> within the scripts.  At the moment I reset $ARGUSHOME to 
> Hmmm... that should continue to work.  Since the script has now saved 
> the value in $Home and will use that when it nees it.
> Maybe there isn't a problem after all!
> What about the Data_Root? Is $Home/data reasonable?
> Russell.
> Russell Fulton, Computer and Network Security Officer
> The University of Auckland,  New Zealand
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