Argus 2.0 Record Changes

Peter Van Epp vanepp at
Tue Jul 11 12:22:41 EDT 2000

> Hey Peter!
>    There are several ways to tackle the link utilization value
> that you are looking for, but I'm not sure exactly if I know
> what your fishing for, so lets try some possibilities.
>    If your looking for just relative per flow link utilization.
> One way that you would do it, with any version of Argus, is
> to configure it to generate management records, which report
> total packets and bytes on the interface, at an interval that
> suits your needs, say every 60 seconds, or less.  This would
> give you the basic link utilization trend, and then you could
> compare the per flow utilization that can be derived from
> the actual flow records to decide whose the biggest, baddest
> flow during the interval.

	This is what I was looking for. Been there all along and I didn't know

>    If it is, "what percentage of the link utilization
> was contributed by this flow", well now there is a stat
> we could put into each flow record.  I would do it by noting
> the total interface packets and bytes at the start of the
> flow report, and the total interface packets and bytes at
> the end of the flow report, and dividing the difference
> into the totals for the flow.

	This too would probably be interesting if it isn't to difficult to 
generate. The more data we have the better as far as I'm concerned!

>    Is this last stat what your interested in?
> Carter

Peter Van Epp / Operations and Technical Support 
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

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