[MyAppleMenu] Dec 17, 2014

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Dec 17 18:59:00 EST 2014


*** Got An iPad And This App? You’ve Got A Second Mac Screen ***
Kif Leswing, GigaOM

> A new app called Duet Display will turn your iPad into an external screen for your Mac, and it does it over the cable you already use to charge and sync.

*** How To Use iCloud Drive On The Web, iOS And OS X ***
Stephen Robles, AppleInsider

*** Papers, Please iPad Review – Tablet Immigration ***
David Jenkins, Metro

> In terms of gameplay mechanics though there’s no getting away from it: Papers, Please is boring and repetitive. But it’s meant to be that way. You’re not supposed to be enjoying being an immigration official, checking rulebooks and cross-referencing entries. And yet despite this the game is incredibly tense.

*** Dozens More Companies Sign Up For Apple Pay ***
Mike Isaac, New York Times

> The new companies that recently agreed to work with the service include SunTrust, Barclaycard and USAA. Ten more banks, including TD Bank North America and Commerce Bank, will back the new form of payment on Tuesday. With the new additions, Apple says it supports the cards that represent about 90 percent of the credit card purchase volume in the United States.

*** Apple Defeats $1 Billion iPod Antitrust Suit In Three Hours ***
Karen Gullo And Robert Burnson, Bloomberg

> Juror Jerry Kaake said no evidence was produced showing that the software upgrades were intended to thwart RealNetworks, while Apple put on ample proof it was trying to enhance security, including a report from an outside security firm the iPod maker hired and the testimony of a company security executive.

*** Drafts 4 Update Adds New Features But Removes Today Widget At Apple's Request ***
Aldrin Calimlim, AppAdvice

*** The Four Mac Security Options Everyone Should Know ***
Topher Kessler, Macworld

> While OS X is relatively secure by default, there are some additional steps you can take to ensure the data on your Mac is only accessible by you, even if your Mac is stolen. Take the following tips to heart to better protect your Mac and its data.

*** A Disturbing Trend ***
Ben Brooks

> Despite what the developers of Cleen may say, there’s no good reason for collecting this data. Whether people are using the app or not, or how much, won’t change anything about the app. Money is the only reason to continue or discontinue development.

*** Instagram For iOS Gains Five New Filters, Slo-Mo Video Uploads ***
Juli Clover, MacRumors

> According to Instagram, early filters were designed to compensate for lower image quality, while the filters released today take into account higher image quality while providing tools to capture the mood of a moment.

*** Fix Your Mac Stuck On Encrypting With FileVault ***
Topher Kessler, MacIssues

> This problem likely is happening because of errors in your hard drive’s partitioning and formatting, so to fix this problem, you will need to use Disk Utility in Recovery Mode.

*** Jury Finds Apple Not Guilty Of Harming Consumers In iTunes DRM Case ***
Josh Lowensohn, The Verge

> Delivering a unanimous verdict today, the group said Apple's iTunes 7.0, released in the fall of 2006, was a "genuine product improvement," meaning that new features (though importantly increased security) were good for consumers.

*** Apple Stops Online Sales In Russia Over Ruble Fluctuations ***
Tim Higgins, Bloomberg

> Apple Inc. halted online sales of its products in Russia due to “extreme” ruble fluctuations, showing how the currency’s swings are rippling out to international businesses.

See Also: <a href="http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-12-16/no-caviar-is-not-getting-cheaper-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-russian-ruble-collapse?utm_source=nextdraft&utm_medium=email">Here's Why the Russian Ruble Is Collapsing</a> (Natalie Kitroeff and Joe Weisenthal): Russia's economy has been hurt by two big things: the falling price of oil and economic sanctions. (Remember Crimea?) The oil and gas industry generates about half of Russia's revenue, so when a combination of the shale boom in the U.S. and weaker demand worldwide pushed the price from $110 per barrel earlier this year to $60, Russia got hammered.

MyAppleMenu Reader

*** How Headlines Change The Way We Think ***
Maria Konnikova, New Yorker

> By now, everyone knows that a headline determines how many people will read a piece, particularly in this era of social media. But, more interesting, a headline changes the way people read an article and the way they remember it. The headline frames the rest of the experience. A headline can tell you what kind of article you’re about to read—news, opinion, research, LOLcats—and it sets the tone for what follows.

*** What Happened When Marissa Mayer Tried To Be Steve Jobs ***
Nicholas Carlson, New York Times

> She believed it could again become a top-tier tech firm that enjoyed enormous growth and competed for top talent. And two years in, Mayer, who has a tendency to compare herself with Steve Jobs, wasn’t about to abandon her turnaround plan.

*** Book Review: ‘The Strange Library,’ By Haruki Murakami ***
Joseph Peschel, Washington Post

> Murakami does lapse into bouts of over-playfulness, but whether he is writing for adults or children, he remains a suspenseful and fantastical storyteller.

*** Why James Cameron’s Aliens Is The Best Movie About Technology ***
Tim Carmody, Medium

> Our humanity is capacious enough to extend to other beings (including those we have made with our own hands). We also have perspective enough to nuke the things we’ve made from orbit when it’s necessary to save lives. We are craven beings, but that’s not all we are. Even an orphan, a marine, an android, and a badass warrant officer turned surrogate mom can become a kind of family.


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