[MyAppleMenu] Aug 22, 2014

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Aug 22 18:59:00 EDT 2014


*** Some Curious Apple Lapses ***
Ken Segall's Observatory

> Recently, I’ve noticed two lapses that seem out of character for Apple. Each is mystifying in its own way.

*** Ask The iTunes Guy: Encoding Miracles And Missing Audiobook Chapters ***
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

*** Repix Creator Introduces Sophisticated Yet Simple Camera App Camu ***
Aldin Calimlim, AppAdvice

> The app also features an auto mode that lets you take great selfies as it automatically takes a photo when no movement is detected.

*** Camu For iPhone Puts An Elegant Spin On Social Photography ***
Jackie Dove, The Next Web

*** Apple Research And Development Spending Surges; New Device Coming? ***
Julia Love, San Jose Mercury News

> The Cupertino-based company has shifted research and development into overdrive this year, spending $1.6 billion in the third quarter, up 36 percent from the same period last year. At this rate, Apple's spending will be up 60 percent year-over-year by the fourth quarter, according to a Morgan Stanley report released this week.

*** Apple Maps And iTunes Radio Flourish Despite Critics ***
Aaron Pressman, Yahoo Finance

> Apple’s two big efforts to push aside some of the most popular mobile apps in maps and music have taken a drubbing from critics, but new data from Comscore show just how successful they’ve been.

*** Best Mac Apps For Instant Messaging ***
Peter Cohen, iMore

*** How To Find The Owner Of A Lost Or Stolen iPhone ***
Allyson Kazmucha, iMore

*** Apple Removes Secret App From Brazilian App Store For Not Conforming With Local Laws ***
Mike Beasley, 9 To 5 Mac

> As noted by the judge, the Brazilian constitution prohibits anonymous freedom of expression, which essentially makes Secret and other apps like it illegal with that country.

*** How Apple Took Over The Only Segment Of The PC Market That Still Matters ***
Ed Bott, ZDNet

> Macs are still enormously profitable, and their high average selling price makes this division a formidable cash cow. In addition, Apple’s product planners have shrewdly targeted the most important segment of the market, the only segment that’s growing and the one that is by far the most profitable.

*** Second OS X Yosemite Public Beta Released ***
Kerek Kessier, iMore

*** New Browser Extension Warns You When Articles Are Paid For By Advertisers ***
Ian Paul, PCWorld

> The result is AdDetector, a simple extension available in the Chrome Web Store or Mozilla's add-ons gallery for Firefox. Once it's installed, AdDetector scans web pages you visit to ferret out ads. When it does find a sponsored article, the extensions displays a large red banner at the top of the page. If the extension can determine the sponsor's name it will display that, too.

*** Google Play Music For iPhone Updated With Ability To Remove Music On-the-go, Improved Playback, More ***
Zac Hall, 9 To 5 Mac

MyAppleMenu Reader

*** China's 1989 Choice: The Paradox Of Seeking Wealth And Democracy ***
Joseph O'Mahoney & Zheng Wang, The Wilson Quarterly

> At the same time, the Party rejected the old model that balanced economic reform with political reform. Any hopes of democratization were effectively halted. Compared with 25 years ago, today’s China has less freedom of speech. The state has applied tight controls, and the government’s budget for maintaining social stability is higher than the defense budget.
> This was the ‘1989 Choice’: the combination of political repression with a market economy and embrace of globalization.

*** Hervé This: The World’s Weirdest Chef ***
Wendell Steavenson, Prospect

> Having deconstructed cooking into chemical and physical principles, he wants to reconstruct flavour itself.

*** An Astrophysicist In Search Of E.T. ***
Alexandra Wolfe, Wall Street Journal

> Sara Seager of MIT thinks we could be able to detect life on other planets in just 20 years.


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