[MyAppleMenu] Sep 20, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Sep 20 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** How To Put Your iPad Into "Guest User" Mode With Guided Access ****
Rene Ritchie, IMore

> If you've ever wished your iPad -- or iPhone or iPod touch -- or be locked down into Safari web browsing only, or that you could let someone run a presentation or try a new game without snooping through your personal business, now you can.

**** Maps Missing Info Dismays Some iOS 6 Users ****
Erica Sadun, TUAW

> Developer Jeremy Tregunna adds 'That map isn't so bad; the entire city of Escazú in San José, Costa Rica, is missing, and it's misspelled "Escaza."'

**** iOS 6 Maps Is A Mess ****
Ian Betteridge, Technovia

> iOS Maps looks like what it is: something cobbled together fast from multiple sources of variable quality. And the problem is that for a core part of a mobile operating system, that’s nowhere near good enough.

**** I Used To Be Able To Find My Way With My iPhone; Then Apple Released Their Own Maps ****
Kirk McElhearn, Kirkville

**** Parallels Desktop 8.0 Review ****
Cliff Joseph, Macworld UK

> An impressive upgrade that integrates the Windows and Mac environments even more smoothly.

**** VMWare Fusion 5.0 Review ****
Cliff Joseph, Macworld UK

> Impressive upgrade brings ‘near native’ performance to Windows apps running on your Mac.

**** Growl 2.0 Now Available With Support For OS X Notification Center ****
Amar Toor, The Verge

**** Your Best Chances For Getting An iPhone 5 This Weekend ****
Chicago Sun-Times

**** iOS 6 Breaks The App Store ****
Eugene Kaneko, Pixite Apps

> It shows you one app at a time, in the order that Apple determines. It takes a lot of swipes and over 11 seconds to see the first 25 since the transition animation has to complete before you can swipe again.

**** iCloud For Windows 2.0: An Improvement, But Not Much Has Changed ****
Andrew Cunningham, Ars Technica

> The original iCloud for Windows was a pretty basic client that offered just a portion of the OS X version's functionality, and that doesn't change in version 2.0, though it is streamlined and expanded a bit in ways that should appeal particularly to iOS users with Windows PCs on their desks.

**** I Dislike The Ios 6 App Store’s New Look ****
52 Tiger

> Is my iPhone displaying this improperly?

> Should I be holding this in landscape?

> Why are these apps cut off?

**** iOS 6: What Are Smart App Banners And How Do They Work? ****
Joshua Schnell, Macgasm

**** Apple Web Page Outage Inadvertently Disabled iOS 6 Device WiFi Networking ****
Erica Sadun, TUAW

> This URL is meant to allow captive portal network detection at venues like hotels. The problem seems to have been resolved on Apple's end, and WiFi access is, as far as we know, restored for iOS 6 users. If the problem persists, you may have to toggle Wi-Fi off/on on your iOS device.

**** Three Surprising Ways iOS 6 Can Boost Your Productivity ****
Rick Broida, Macworld

> Usually you don't think of an operating system in terms of productivity, but iOS 6 does bring a few welcome improvements to that table. If you're wondering whether or not it's worth upgrading (trust me, it is), check out these three ways iOS 6 can help you work smarter.

VIP inbox, smarter Reminders, and Siri-powered Facebook and Twitter updates.

**** Who Benefits From iOS6's Crappy Maps? ****
Anil Dash

> Apple's made a new product that actually is pretty but dumb. Worse, they've used their platform dominance to privilege their own app over a competitor's offering, even though it's a worse experience for users. This is the new Maps in iOS 6.

**** Review: Apple's New Find Friends App Adds Push Notifications For Locations ****
Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica

**** Microsoft Office For Mac Now Has Retina Support ****
Megan Lavey-Heaton, TUAW

**** iPhoto For iPhone And iPad Updated For iOS 6, Includes Many New Features ****
Leanna Lofte, IMore

> iPhoto for iPhone and iPad have been updated with support for iOS 6 and also includes a slew of new features including coaching tips, new ink effects, support for 36.5 megapixel photos, and more.

**** Apple Releases OS X 10.8.2 With Facebook Integration, Save As Improvements, More ****
Lex Friedman, Macworld

> Save As devotees, take note: 10.8.2 adds an option to discard the changes in the original document when you use the recently-restored Save As option. That addition restores the original Save As behavior to which Mac users were long accustomed before the feature first vanished in Lion, and reappeared with different functionality in the original Mountain Lion release.

**** Review: Refined iOS 6 Highlighted By Stunning Maps Overhaul ****
Dan Moren, Macworld

**** Apple Releases Lion, Snow Leopard Updates ****
Lex Friedman, Macworld

> The company says that the new version of Lion adds the typical assortment of general system fixes and stability improvements, but the hallmark feature of the otherwise minor OS update is the introduction of Gatekeeper. That technology, first introduced with Mountain Lion, gives users more control over which apps can launch on their Macs.

**** Changing Safari 6'S Default RSS Reader ****
Christopher Breen, Macworld

> The solution is to turn to a third-party. In my case I chose Rubicode’s free RCDefaultApp. This is a very handy preference pane that allows you to associate such things as file types, media types, and feeds with specific applications. In our case, we want to associate RSS feeds with one application or another.

**** Tempting Fate: Installing iOS 6 On The iPhone 3GS ****
Andrew Cunningham, Ars Technica

> iOS 6 doesn't make the iPhone 3GS any slower or more difficult to use than it was before, which should be good news to anyone who keeps theirs around as a secondary or backup phone—indeed, it's pleasantly surprising how many of the refinements and improvements make their way down to Apple's oldest-supported piece of iOS hardware. However, that hardware has been surpassed so thoroughly by other iOS and Android handsets at this point that it's difficult to recommend it as a primary handset. You don't have much to lose if you upgrade a 3GS to iOS 6, but there's a lot more to gain by investing in a newer device.

**** Review: iOS 6 Gets The Spit And Polish Treatment ****
Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica

> Much like OS X's move from Leopard to Snow Leopard, iOS 6 refines many of the major changes introduced in iOS 5. It's a more modest release than iOS 5, but existing iOS users will be pleased with the update. I didn't run into anything that would make me warn anyone off of updating, and I think some of the new features are so useful that most users with supported devices should feel free to update as soon as they can.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Could Someone Really Destroy The Whole Internet? ****
George Dvorsky, Io9

> In just 40 years, our whole civilization has become dependent on the Internet, in more ways than we could count. So when you hear activist groups threatening to crash the whole thing, or doomsday preppers warning of a global Internet failure, it's pretty scary.

> But could someone actually bring the entire Internet down? We asked an expert.

**** A Jacket To Shush Your Phone ****
Rcahel Metz, Technology Review

> A jacket with a pocket that blocks radio waves could offer digital respite.

**** High Court Rejects Application For Open Trial On S'pore's US$4b Loan To IMF ****
Ashley Chia, Channel NewsAsia

> Mr Jeyaretnam's lawyer Louis Joseph told reporters that Justice Tan Lee Meng, who heard the trial in chambers on Thursday, said matters that were pure legal issues are usually heard in chambers.

**** National Conversation: Two Defence-related Questions For LKY ****
David Boey, Senang Diri

> Firstly, With respect, what exactly was your role during the Japanese Occupation? How did such arrangements take place (responded to a job ad, press ganged into service, volunteered etc)? What went through your mind during the period? How did your family/friends/neighbours react?

> Secondly, do you still believe the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) was "crazy" to put submarines on the wish list for the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)?

**** MHA’s Statement On Archbishop Nicholas Chia’s Comments ****
Minitry Of Home Affairs, Singapore Government

> The actions by this group to publicise the matter through Mr Au is disrespectful of the Archbishop, and contrary to his views and intentions as conveyed to the group after he had decided to retract his letter. This deliberate breach of the Archbishop’s trust confirms the objective of this group to publicly involve the Catholic Church and the Archbishop in their political agenda.

**** [Rock] Singapore, Google And Extreme Videos [Hard Place] ****
Cherian George, Journalism.sg

> A show of solidarity with other countries concerned about gratuitous attacks on religion would have been easier to swallow than a statement that expresses doubt in Singaporeans’ ability to react in a “rational and calm” manner to hateful speech. Declaring a lack of trust in the public is hardly the way to build that trust – which is ultimately Singapore's most powerful defence against global forces that seek to tear societies apart.

**** Witness: Organizer Of Mid-Autumn Festival Rehearsal Did ‘Cock-up’ ****
TR Emeritus

> Some of the performances were carried out on South Bridge Road and there was no closure of roads on Sat (15 Sep), the day of the rehearsal. The young primary school children were actually made to dance in the open road during the rehearsal. The road, of course, was closed on Sunday evening for President Tony Tan and his entourage.

> Commenting on the supposed incident earlier prior to this article when contacted by TRE, Dr Lily Neo, who is the adviser to grassroots organizations in that area said that she was “under the impression that the roads were closed” and promised that she “shall look into this and shall ensure that it won’t happen again”.

> Netizens however, are not contented with Dr Lily Neo’s assurance of ensuring “that it won’t happen again”. They are asking for the organizer to be taken to task and for Dr Lily Neo to make public the result of her “look into it”.

**** Civil Society Has Been "Vilified" In Archbishop's Remarks: MARUAH ****
Braema Mathi, MARUAH, Today

> More importantly, it is very important to us, and to many other Singaporeans that an independent Commission of Inquiry be set up as we are perturbed by the many contradictions in this case. This was the work that began on June 2nd between MARUAH and Function 8, to ensure that the rights of those detained are protected and fulfilled through an inquiry.

**** Press Release ****
Function 8

> In the midst of a national conversation called by the prime minister, we believe there is no room for whispered meetings on the issues above. We request Archbishop Nicholas Chia to publish his first and second letters and advise on what transpired between the time his first letter was written and his second letter so that the public can judge for themselves whether the actions or inaction of Function 8 and Mr Au were “irresponsible and regrettable”. For clarity, His Grace should also make known to members of the public if his first letter to the organisers of the 2 June event was solicited or unsolicited.

**** Controversial YouTube Video Now 'Not Available' In Singapore ****

> Although the video still appears in the search results on YouTube, clicking on the link brings users to a page with the message: "This content is not available in your country due to a government removal request."

• <a href="http://www.mha.gov.sg/news_details.aspx?nid=MjY2Ng%3d%3d-K4h1iuXJGmk%3d">Ministry of Home Affairs Statement on the Blocking of Access to the Film "Innocence of Muslims"</a> (Singapore Government)

**** Third-world Corruption, Traffic, And An Overseas Singaporean ****

**** Why Minister Tharman's Claim Needs To Be Examined Closely... ****
Diary Of A Singaporean Mind

> If Tharman's claim is true that our future elderly are financially self sufficient, it throws the key argument that we need to import foreigners to shore up our dependency ratio out of the window.

I don't think this is true. Keep in mind that one of the assumption is that one can get a decent job until retirement, which, argues the PAP government, is only possible when we import more labour.

**** What The Archbishop Did Not Intend ****
Alex Au, Yawning Bread

> On the contrary, I think it <i>is</i> the responsible thing to do to expose these hidden events to public scrutiny. They show Singaporeans the inner workings of how our country is governed, and transparency is essential to a healthier democracy. The very fact that powerful forces would want these goings-on to be kept from the public eye is itself suspicious.

**** iOS 6 Is Now Available For Download ****

> So if you rely heavily on the Traffic Info, you might want to wait for Apple to add Traffic info to Singapore before upgrading (And provided that they do add the feature to Singapore). Or pray that Google will release a Google Map for iOS and Apple approves it.

**** Illegal Assembly Charge Against Chee 'Correct', Says AGC ****
Ashley Chia, Today

> In response, the AGC spokesperson said that under the Miscellaneous Offences Act and its regulations, a public place includes places to which the public has access by way of payment or permission. A public place can thus be privately owned.

**** Archbishop Slams Alex Au, anti-ISA Rally Organisers ****
Teo Xuanwei, Today

> Responding to TODAY's queries about his blog post, Mr Au said it is "the responsible thing to do to bring these hidden events to public attention".

> "It shows Singaporeans the real workings behind the scenes," he added. Mr Au reiterated that he had not seen the contents of Archbishop Chia's letters. "I am receiving the reports from people whom I trust and who said they have already told many others the same story, except that no one has written about it before," he said.

• <a href="http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2012/09/18/lunch-menu-a-4-point-letter/">Lunch menu a 4-point letter</a> (Alex Au, Yawning Bread)

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