[MyAppleMenu] Sep 4, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Sep 4 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** Run Office On Your iPad ****
Dan Miller, Macworld

> For now, CloudOn offers the most seamless experience of the three Windows-on-your-iPad apps, although OnLive Desktop currently looks nicer on a third-generation iPad. In my testing, I found CloudOn more responsive than OnLive or nivio, as well as more intuitive; it makes Office feel more like a native iPad app than either of the other two. It also has the virtue of being free. But if you need to edit Windows Office documents and guaranteeing file compatibility is your top concern, all three services offer viable—if imperfect—solutions.

**** One Million Apple Device IDs Reportedly Dumped After Alleged FBI Breach ****
Louis Goddard, The Verge

> A file reportedly containing 1,000,001 iPhone and iPad identification numbers has been posted on Pastebin, with hackers claiming to have stolen the data from a laptop belonging to an FBI agent. The poster claims to be in possession of a full file containing 12 million unique device identifiers (UDIDs), as well as personal data including "full names, cell numbers, addresses, zipcodes," though this information was redacted in the released sample. The data was posted under the Operation AntiSec banner, associated with hacktivist groups such as Anonymous and LulzSec.

**** Suitcase Fusion 4 Breaks New Ground For Web And Print Publishing ****
Jay J. Nelson, Macworld

> Designers who work predominantly in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop will find Suitcase Fusion 4's new font panels a real time saver. Web designers will appreciate this version's unique integration with Extensis' WebINK fonts and Google Web fonts. Users of Adobe InCopy will welcome its new plug-in for precise font auto-activation. Cross-platform teams will appreciate the identical feature set on Macs and Windows. And all existing Suitcase users will enjoy the new Favorites feature, colored font previews and more accessible interface.

**** Apple Acquires Stack Of LTE Patents ****
The Chosunilbo

> Apple has acquired a large number of patents related to the fourth-generation LTE mobile technology in order to prepare for possible legal disputes with archrival Samsung.

**** The Bruce Willis Dilemma? In The Digital Era, We Own Nothing ****
Dan Gillmor, The Guardian

> Whether or not the Willis story is true, it evokes one of the main dilemmas of the digital age: ownership is disappearing.

**** No, Bruce Willis Isn't Suing Apple Over iTunes Rights ****
Charles Arthur, The Guardian

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Review: Raspberry Pi ****
Simson L. Garfinkel, Technology Review

> Can a $35 computer persuade kids to put down their smartphones and try their hands at programming?

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Letter From The Shore ****
Kristin Fogdall, Slate

**** Books Before and After ****
Charlotte Mathieson, Open Letters Monthly

> When is a book a book, and when is it something more? What is it that matters about books, and where is that meaning made? Why, and how, do we value books? And how has the meaning of books changed: what did books mean in an era experiencing the rapid rise of print, and what do they mean to us now as we shift into the digital age?

**** Dimensions Of Data, Turned Into Art That Speaks ****
Cornelia Dean, New York Times

> Now Felice C. Frankel and Angela H. DePace are offering some help. They bill their new book, “Visual Strategies,” as a guide to graphics for scientists and engineers, but it will be useful for anyone who wants to make clear presentations of data of any kind.

**** Because PM Has Engaged Dr Jiajia He Has Engaged Most Bloggers? ****
Ravi Philemon

> "People like me do not do the things we do because we are looking for 'opportunities', but because we want to contribute back to society. I only hope that your 'bosses' will think deeper about who they'd invite to the table, so that they wouldn't have to backtrack and rescind invitations later."

'Tis the season to un-invite bloggers.

**** Dismal Response At Our SG Conversation ****
Blogging For Myself

> The moment the government said no sacred cows would be spared and put a new minister in charge of this Conversation, I know they are not serious. A rookie minister has no decision power over sacred cows.

**** MP And Blogger Face-off Online ****
Tessa Wong, Straits Times

> Aljunied GRC MP Pritam Singh may have gotten a bit more online engagement than he bargained for when he recently commented on the PAP’s engagement tactics on his Facebook page.

• <a href="http://temasektimes.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/pritam-singh-admits-wp-is-timid-i-have-seen-what-the-pap-can-do-to-those-who-adopt-an-aggressive-stance/">Pritam Singh admits WP is ‘timid’: I have seen what the PAP can do to those who adopt an ‘aggressive’ stance</a> (The Temasek Times)

**** Where Is Singapore’s National Conversation Going? ****
Kirsten Han, Asian Correspondent

> But has there been a point to these meetings? Are all these examples of engagement really leading somewhere, or is it all just a public relations exercise to cast a paternalistic government in a softer light?

**** The Silencing Effect ****
Biddy Low, Publichouse.sg

**** PM Lee Meets Chinese President Hu ****
Maria Siow, Channel NewsAsia

> During the meeting, both leaders reviewed the progress made in their bilateral relations.

> These include the Suzhou Industrial Park, which began in 1994, and described by Mr Lee as doing well and beyond the expectations of both countries.

**** New Rules "Discourage" Shoebox Units Outside Central Area ****
Channel NewsAsia

> The government is capping the total number of units that can be built on a site for non-landed private residential developments outside the Central Area.

**** S'porean Less Satisfied With Public Transport Service: CSISG Survey ****
Qiuyi Tan, Channel NewsAsia

> Chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Transport Cedric Foo said: "In any service offering, expectations are not a bad thing. For Singapore, which is famed for having efficient infrastructure, I would not fault commuters to have high expectations.

> "However, their expectations should be realistic, because it is not possible for every single bus to be prompt, because sometimes traffic condition or weather condition prevent it to be so. By and large, we should work towards a level of service that is comparable or exceed other global cities in a realistic manner."

**** SBS Transit Fined S$400,000 For March Train Disruption ****
Channel NewsAsia

> LTA's findings further revealed that SBS Transit had not carried out immediate diversion or rectification works on tunnel leaks at the incident site, and was not sufficiently diligent in detecting and replacing the corroded wires.

**** The Difference Between SDP And PAP On Malay Issues ****
Singaore Democratic Party

**** Press Controls And The Myth Of The Online Bypass ****
Cherian George, Journalism.sg

> Investigation, fact-checking and sense-making for a large, diverse population in a complex, fast-moving society is a resource intensive enterprise. It just cannot be done solely by small teams of part-timers and volunteers.

I'm a tad less pessimistic than Mr Cherian George.

**** The President Has Failed Us ****
Political Writings

> For a $1.5M man, I’d hoped for a more comprehensive report on his first year in office as an Executive President.

> Did he watch over our reserves? Did he scrutinise the Budget? Did he do his job? That’s what I want to hear.

**** Anti-social Behaviour A Symptom, Not Disease ****
Feng Zengkun, Straits Times

> This suggests that at least a segment of Singaporeans have walked away from the communal table, and feel that there is no point in discussion or lobbying the authorities to try and change things.

> This is worrisome. If left unchecked, such fatalism is more insidious and destructive to Singapore’s future than disagreements over policy.

The view among many, I would guess, is that the government will always do what they want to do, regardless of feedback. At most, we get some fine-tuning or tweaks. And the various consultative exercies that resulted in old wine in new bottles since the Goh Chok Tong government didn't help.

**** Education Minister Urges All To Share And Listen With Open Minds & Hearts ****
Channel NewsAsia

> In a post last night on the Facebook page "OurSGConversation", Mr Heng said he has heard diverse perspectives and ideas, and received many offers to contribute to this process.

> He said these are heartwarming signs that Singaporeans have a desire to make Singapore and the lives of our families and our children better.

**** Cityscape & Culture: The Dangers Of Good Intentions In Singapore ****
Elly Chiu, Flamingo Singapore

> And yet, in Singapore because the built environment remains so heavily controlled by public policy (and perhaps too important to devolve to individuals/ private players), the government must make good on its intentions and truly lead in efforts of culture-building through the cityscape. Otherwise, grassroots efforts face the danger of remaining on the sidelines of public discourses of Singaporean culture, watching only as the old continually gets demolished to make way for the new.

**** Will Food Prices Continue To Rise? ****

> Could we build more high rise buildings designed for organic farming like those demolished JTC flatted factories?

**** Not Reported: Banking Jobs Being Relocated Out Of S’pore Systematically ****
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

**** 小六会考何以能妨碍生育? ****
黎宁, 联合早报

> 提高年轻人的生育率几乎是全球发达经济体的共同难题,原因繁多而且复杂。对新加坡而言,取消小六会考能够让年轻国人减轻负担,更多地生育,只是一个贻笑大方的伪命题而已。

**** 别误读新加坡“高压文明” ****

> 文明确实离不开罚,但如果只剩下罚,那不仅实现不了文明,而且连罚本身也会行不通。

**** Singapore Mega-Church Faithful Invest In Malls: Southeast Asia ****
Sharon Chen, Bloomberg

> In a city state of 5.2 million people occupying a quarter of the area of Rhode Island, the mega churches stand out with their gatherings of thousands, near-celebrity leaders and outreach methods that range from magic shows and concerts to musical worship backed by electric guitars.

**** Primary Colours – Dispelling Myths About Primary Education ****
Hri Kumar

> But so long as we maintain the current system, MOE can and should deal with parents’ concerns about Primary One education. They should start by addressing directly and clearly a number of questions which keep surfacing.

**** NAC Decision Will Hurt Local Artists ****
Heman Chong, Alvin Pang and Ho Rui An, Today

> How did the NAC arrive at this conclusion? It stated recently that it intended to pursue greater dialogue with artists, curators and the arts community here.

> Its unilateral decision is contrary to the spirit of consensus and engagement.

**** Law Soc Member Explains Actions In M Ravi Case ****
Ashley Chia, Today

**** Is Singapore Ready For Greater Freedom Of The Press? ****

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