[MyAppleMenu] May 13, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun May 13 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** Adobe Will Issue Free Security Patches For High-profile Creative Suite Apps ****
Jackie Dove, Macworld

> Recent versions of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash Professional—the company's high-profile Creative Suite applications—have security vulnerabilities on both Mac and Windows platforms. Late Friday night, Adobe confirmed its plan to issue free patches to fix the problems in all three applications—a reversal of its previous strategy that would have forced users to pay for a CS6 upgrade in order to rectify the problems.

**** Mozilla Fires Startling Broadside At Apple ****
Patrick Goss, TechRadar

> On top of criticising the company for imposing its own moral judgement on apps and content, the duo also questioned whether Apple devices were stopping people from contributing to their digital worlds.

Of course, there's really nothing from stopping Apple customers to also use the Web from inside the walled garden.

**** Apple Changes Name Of ‘iPad WiFi + 4G’ To ‘iPad WiFi + Cellular’ In Many Countries Following International Criticism ****
9 To 5 Mac

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Explosion Of Text-Message Spam Creates Space For Cloudmark ****
Scott Denne, Wall Street Journal

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** A Mother’s Dying Request Sends Her Daughter On An Endless Search ****
Daniele Seiss, Washington Post

> I had those ashes with me now, but somehow couldn’t find this rock she had said was so easy to reach. She and I had explored the back roads and hiking trails around her home together. Now, every road, every curve, pull-off and copse of trees — every rock — looked familiar. The summer day was leaning into dusk, and we were running out of time.

**** Getting On The Bus By Getting Off The Bus In Suburbia ****
Susan Dominus, New York Times

> I kept seeing, on my friends’ faces, the same look I had on my own: a combination of delight and sheepishness. Many of us admitted to feeling a little bit silly — not because we had walked the kids to school, but because it had taken a flier sent home from the school and a week dedicated to the cause to inspire us to do it in the first place.

**** Anti-Anxiety Poem ****
Carrie Shipers, New England Review

**** Germany United By Nudity, Divided By Attitude ****
Stephen Evans, BBC

> Sex in Germany, I imagine, is much the same as sex everywhere else.

> It was, as we know, invented in the 60s, probably in California, and since then the techniques involved are probably pretty universal.

> But attitudes to sex and sexuality and nakedness are not. And in Germany, I have to tell you that I have been surprised.

**** Barcamp Singapore 2012 Through My Eyes ****
Roan Yong

**** Don't Share The Wrong Things, Singapore ****
Red Bean Soup

> Singapore's planning is based on tabula rasa (both then and now), a lack of historical awareness, and a deference to smooth motor traffic. Singapore's planners seem ever ready to widen any and all roads to ensure a smooth flow of motor traffic, at the expense of pre-existing building fabric, as well as pedestrian comfort.

**** What’s At Stake In The Hougang By-election ****
Harish Pillay, Life One Degree North, One-o-three Degrees East

> The PAP can’t just choose to set the agenda by merely saying that this is a local election. There are plenty of things that the PAP has not come around to answering and for what it’s worth, the general sentiment is that it is back to status quo.

> For all the “apology” that the PM rendered last year, not much has happened. He was vague enough in the apology and kept it open but more importantly, there is the missing part of what will be done by when.

> Voting in the PAP candidate into parliament for the Hougang constituency will have the person become yet another “me too”/”yes sir”/”+1″ statistic in parliament, with no distinguishing feature or even care in the world. He will be feted by the PAP leadership as being a hero and a slayer of the WP. No doubt, he will say that he is there to represent the aspirations of the people of Hougang, but over some time, it will all be a foot note in history and the PAP will continue in their usual “I know better than you, so shut-up” stance.

**** ‘Political Will Needed To Help Raise Income Of Low-wage Workers’ ****
Jeanette Tan, Yahoo!

> Speaking to an audience of about 50 YPAP members and the public, Zainal said, “The government can be equally responsible (for the widening income gap) because it sometimes doesn’t have the political will to make difficult decisions to help low-wage workers.”

> Apart from the government, Zainal noted that employers and employees also have a part to play in eliminating injustices in wage payments at the workplace.

**** COI On MRT Breakdown: Have We Got The Basic Right? ****
Piji Tailai

> Only when the ‘heart’ of engineers is back to SMRT, it then can promise a problem less metro system. And it is, in fact, an HR problem and certainly, SMRT needs to look at its own history on how to become an engineering company, not a profit maximization company.

**** PM不是AM,何需FB? ****
杨君伟, 联合早报

> 如今,有了PM的FB之后,国人会不会宁可向“君王”禀报,选择不对“臣子”申冤?

**** Hougang By-Election: Where Are The Leaders? ****
Blogging For Myself

> Forget about winning minds. That window of opportunity closed when the PAP screwed up and failed to listen to us for too many years. It would be mostly about hearts. Sadly it would not be a contest of leadership but a game of how to win votes. We used to have leaders. When will those days return?

**** PAP Man Vows To Be 'Independent Voice' ****
Teo Wan Gek, Straits Times

> The People's Action Party (PAP) candidate for Hougang on Saturday pledged to be an 'independent and objective voice' for residents in Parliament if elected - even if it might mean differing from the government.

How independent can you be, when you are still restricted by the party's whip?

**** MRT Crowds 'Aren't Shoppers' At New Interchanges ****
Siau Ming En, Straits Times

> Amidst the bustling crowd of people going by everyday, the shops at the MRT stations are not faring that well. For those within the new interchanges after the Circle Line, some are saying sales declined because people are in a rush to change trains.

Aren't shops outside the fare gates? If you go out of the fare gate to buy stuff, returning back into the MRT will cost you extra.

**** “后港虽小,但意义重大” ****
郑景祥, 联合早报

> 工人党指定的后港补选代表方荣发认为,这次补选不可能单纯是他和朱倍庆之间的竞争。

> “它甚至超越工人党和行动党之争。后港是反对党的传统重镇,这里的人放弃了组屋翻新的机会,就是要确保我们的国会里还有一把反对党的声音。这场补选将决定我们是否还要保留这样一个特殊的地方。”

**** 维文:上月起取消标价底限后 小贩摊位租金已有下调迹象 ****

> 自国家环境局上月起取消小贩摊位租金的最低限额后,租金已开始出现下调的迹象。

> 环境及水源部长维文医生相信,在可预见的未来,小贩摊位租金将有望下调,为国人提供负担得起的食物。

So, is the PAP government acknowledging that the bidding process implemented by the government, in areas such as market stalls, coffeshops, and land purchases, is a significant cause for the inflation we are experiencing?

**** Ng: Show Singaporea​ns Some Respect ****
Yours Truly Singapore

> You used your own experience of discussing banned articles within the confines of your own classes to show Yale academics what they can do in Singapore – practise academic freedom within the confines of their classes to stay out of trouble. But doing things on the sly is not freedom. If you’re free to do it, why do it on the sly? Why not do it openly? Your so-called ‘freedom in practice’ is really just freedom behind closed doors, which is no real freedom at all. All that you are preaching to Yale is to do things in secrecy which is quite pathetic really.

**** Heartland Heartache ****
Roger Smith, Singapore Sojourn

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