[MyAppleMenu] Apr 8, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Apr 8 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** UK Probes Apple iPad Marketing Over 4G Access ****
Olesya Dmitracova, Reuters

> Britain's advertising regulator is deciding whether to launch an inquiry into Apple Inc's marketing of its latest iPad following what some customers said were misleading claims about access to 4G, which is not available in the country.

**** Apple's 'iPad' Is The Only Tablet People Know ****
Associated Press

> The iPod, which was the first digital music player when it came out in 2001, is still the name people use for "digital music player" or "MP3 player." And it appears Apple's iPad is headed down the same path.

**** How The Tax Man Followed Amazon And Apple To The Cloud Computing Party ****
Erika Morphy, Forbes

**** Fish, The App That Thinks It's A Book – Review ****
James Birdle, The Observer

> Fish takes the form of a "tap essay": single sentences presented one at a time on the device's small screen, without any links or other distractions. The whole thing takes about five minutes to read. Then you read it again, because it's so good, which reinforces Sloan's central point: one definition of "love" is "that to which we return".

**** Notes, Quotes, And iBooks ****
Michael E. Cohen, TidBITS

> What I find unacceptable are arbitrary drawbacks that are created deliberately by those who design and develop ebook-reading software. In particular, I’m appalled by the shortcomings with notes and quotes that ebook software developers design into their products, especially in light of the growing movement to replace traditional textbooks with their ebook equivalents.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** What 23 Years Of E-Mail May Say About You ****
Anne Eisenberg, New York Times

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** “The Astaires: Fred & Adele” By Kathleen Riley ****
Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post

> What much of the moviegoing world does not realize is that Astaire had a remarkable life before Hollywood, one in which his dancing partner was his sister Adele.

**** The Buddha In The Attic By Julie Otsuka – Review ****
Elizabeth Day, The Observer

> This is a small jewel of a book, its planes cut precisely to catch the light so that the sentences shimmer in your mind long after turning the final page. With <i>The Buddha in the Attic</i>, Julie Otsuka has developed a literary style that is half poetry, half narration – short phrases, sparse description, so that the current of emotion running through each chapter is made more resonant by her restraint.

**** The Pleasures Of Rereading ****
Tom Lamont, The Observer

> It usually starts with a pretence of steeliness. Not the whole thing, I'll tell myself, reaching for the ruined paperback. One chapter, a favourite passage, then I'll wedge it back in with those books begun but not yet finished; the dozens more bought or inherited that I honestly mean to open, sooner to get to all of Dickens. I'm a chronic rereader, mostly of novels, and it is a habit as coiled with guilt as it is with pleasure, because every go-round with a favourite is also another time I haven't read <i>Bleak House</i>.

**** A Universe Without Purpose ****
Lawrence M. Krauss, Los Angeles Times

> One by one, pillars of classical logic have fallen by the wayside as science progressed in the 20th century, from Einstein's realization that measurements of space and time were not absolute but observer-dependent, to quantum mechanics, which not only put fundamental limits on what we can empirically know but also demonstrated that elementary particles and the atoms they form are doing a million seemingly impossible things at once.

**** Thomas ****
Words Of The Cze

> Whether that retrospective opinion is correct is open to debate, but it is hard fact that Taiwan has been facing wage stagnation for a decade, and that decade has coincided with a time when they stayed the most closed and closeted of the Asian Tigers, with Hong Kong, Seoul and Singapore opening up to different degrees in different ways to different results. Whether the latter caused the former, but to dismiss Tharman’s point as easily as Lucky did is the bigotry of ignorance.

**** Rediffusion To Go Off The Air On April 30 After 63 Years ****
Royston Sim, Straits Times

> Cable radio station Rediffusion will stop broadcasting from April 30. Rediffusion was Singapore's first cable radio station. It began broadcasting here in 1949.

**** Why Balloons By The Sea Is Heart-breaking ****
Wild Shores Of Singapore

> It's important to clean up after ourselves!

**** Sim Wong Hoo Is Back ****
Blogging For Myself

> I had always felt it was his bad luck to have to compete against Steve Jobs over the iPod. His barriers of entry against his competitors are mainly language and technology.

Sim was "stupid" in claiming Apple won due to better marketing; on hindsight, having one's fate controlled by Microsoft, and adding useless features (We Have FM Radio!) are what did them in.

**** Weekend Parents: Some Leaving Kids With Caregivers On Weekdays ****
Jane Ng, Straits Times

**** Butterflies At The Airport ****
中国 Jumble

**** Tharman Should Get His Facts Straight On Taiwan.... ****
Diary Of A Singaporean Mind

**** A Gift From The Library ****
Midlife Popcorn

> As someone said, “Some old jokes get dated, other old jokes get married.” I was reminded of this when I went to the library a few days ago and, along with the books I had reserved, the librarian also handed me a booklet titled “The Art of Dating – What Men and Women Should Know”.

**** Doctors Like Me Are Upset About HSA's Medical Device Regulation... Why? ****
Huang Shoou Chyuan, NoFearSingapore

> With my hand on heart, I sincerely feel that wrong policies should be rescinded or at least severely altered. That means in the least,medial devices that have been cleared by USA’s FDA need not need registration and the doctors or vendors bear responsibility when we use them. Period.

**** Regulation Of Medical Devices? What Shocking News? ****
The Gigamole Diaries

> Will the new regulations slow down the utilization of medical devices? Without doubt. But this slow down is necessary until manufacturers and doctors get used to dealing with public expectations of quality.

**** 英保良老板林道荣病逝 ****
司徒晓昕, 联合早报

> 前英保良百货集团董事经理林道荣上个月因心脏问题导致肺积水入院,昨天凌晨2时左右因心脏衰歇在国大医院去世,享年87岁。

> 人称“二老板”的林道荣,上月30日才豪气地花了35万元,在瑞士史丹福酒店设千人宴答谢旧员工。虽然心脏出了问题需要动手术,但他为了在手术前先宴请旧同事而决定把手术日期延后。然而,晚宴举行前,他因健康情况急转直下入院,最后无法出席。

**** Xenophobia And Hypocrisy ****
Gordon Lee, The Online Citizen

**** Holland Village: Where Has The Crowd Gone? ****
Siau Ming En, Chow Jia Ying and Chong Ning Qian, Straits Times

> The Circle Line extension's opening in October last year did bring more people there, but not all of them were shoppers. Worse, regulars seemed 'turned off'.

<li><a href="http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_786512.html">Biggest Drop For Holland Village Business In 80 Years</a> (Straits Times).</li>
<li><a href="http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_786513.html">Thambi Magazine Store At Holland Avenue Stays Put</a> (Straits Times)</li>
Nice for the Sunday Times to do some promotions for Holland Village, trying to lure the regulars back. Hey, it's not crowded anymore! Come back! Come back!

**** Doctors Upset Over Need To Register All Medical Devices With HSA ****
Salma Khalik, Straits Times

> Specialists told The Sunday Times that the HSA clearance, made necessary since the beginning of the year, can take several months and cost several thousand dollars.

Why is the government not keeping costs low?

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