[MyAppleMenu] May 3, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue May 3 18:59:00 EDT 2011


**** New Downloads Window Coming To Safari In Lion <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/05/02/new-downloads-window-coming-to-safari-in-lion/>
Michael Grothaus, TUAW

When you have an active download in progress, the button will show a blue progress bar, ala the progress bar found on app icons when you are downloading and installing them on an iOS device.

**** Handoff 1.1 <http://www.atpm.com/17.05/handoff.shtml>
Eric Blair, ATPM

It seems like an implementation of a fairly simple idea, but it’s very good at what it does. If you ever want to quickly move a Web page over to your iPad, you can’t really go wrong with spending $2 on such a seamless solution.

**** Warning: This Mac App Is Stealing Credit Card Numbers <http://www.businessinsider.com/mac-defender-virus-scanner?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2Falleyinsider%2Fsilicon_alley_insider+%28Silicon+Alley+Insider%29>
Ellis Hamburger, Business Insider

If you're browsing the web and stumble upon MAC Defender, an antivirus application, think again before downloading it.

**** Notificant For iPhone Reminds You Wherever You Are <http://www.macworld.com/article/159588/2011/05/notificant_iphone_reminds.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Lex Friedman, Macworld

The app, which works hand-in-hand with the Notificant Web service and the $5 companion Mac App Store app, focuses on making sure you don’t forget to do the things you want to do.

**** Apple Updates iMac With Thunderbolt, Beefier GPUs <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/05/03/apple-updates-imac-with-thunderbolt-beefier-gpus/>
Chris Rawson, TUAW

Apple has refreshed its iMac all-in-one desktop line with upgraded CPUs and a few other new features. The key upgrades for the iMac refresh are the new quad-core Sandy Bridge processors and the Thunderbolt I/O port first introduced in the most recent MacBook Pro updates. Offering speeds of up to 10 Gbps, Thunderbolt provides a far faster connection than either USB 3.0 or Firewire. The iMac has also seen an upgrade to its GPUs, which are now three times faster than the previous model.

**** Fluid For Mac Gets Updated To 1.0, Offers Paid Version <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/05/03/fluid-for-mac-gets-updated-to-1-0-offers-paid-version/>
Chris Ward, TUAW

Fluid, the neat little application that turns websites into standalone native Mac apps, has finally grown up into version 1.0 after three and a half years of development.

**** Apps Downloaded With A Promo Code Can't Be Reviewed Anymore <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/05/03/apps-downloaded-with-a-promo-code-cant-be-reviewed-anymore/>
Kelly Hodgkins, TUAW

**** RapidWeaver 5.1 <http://www.macworld.com/article/158172/2011/05/rapidweaver51.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Adam Berenstain, Macworld

Despite its occasionally inflexible tools, Realmac's RapidWeaver 5.1 strikes a winning balance between power and ease of use. It’s a compelling option for people looking to quickly create attractive Web sites with modern features.

**** Target Display Mode Missing In Action On New iMacs <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/05/03/target-display-mode-missing-in-action-on-new-imacs/>
Richard Gaywood, TUAW

Cast your minds back to the launch of the 27" iMac in mid-2009. One of the new features was Target Display Mode, which introduced the ability to use the iMac as a pure external monitor, bypassing the built-in computer entirely. However, Apple has quietly dropped the feature on the latest iMacs, which were announced today.

**** Apple Releases Boot Camp Update For Thunderbolt iMacs <http://www.macworld.com/article/159612/2011/05/imac_thunderbolt_boot_camp.html#lsrc.rss_main>
David Chartier, Macworld

**** New iMacs Support Target Display Mode Via Thunderbolt <http://www.macworld.com/article/159616/2011/05/imacs_thunderbolt_target_display_mode.html>
Dan Moren, Macworld

Apple has confirmed to Macworld that the new iMacs can be used as external displays via their Thunderbolt ports. However, to do so, you’ll need a Thunderbolt-equipped Mac, such as one of the early 2011 models of MacBook Pros. Connecting the MacBook Pro to either the 21.5-inch or 27-inch Thunderbolt-equipped iMac will let you use the desktop as a display for the notebook.

**** Comic Life Leaps Onto The iPad In A Single Bound <http://www.macworld.com/article/159613/2011/05/comic_life_leaps_onto_ipad.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Lex Friedman, Macworld

Plasq on Tuesday released Comic Life for iPad, a new incarnation of its software for turning your digital photos into comics.

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Talking To The Wall <http://www.technologyreview.com/computing/37514/?ref=rss&a=f>
Kate Greene, Technology Review

An experimental interface from Microsoft turns any wall into an interactive surface.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Dwelling Of Not Knowing Which Way To Turn: Reading AimÉ CÉsaire <http://www.bookslut.com/features/2011_05_017577.php>
Elizabeth Bachner, Bookslut

Dwelling made of not knowing which way to turn, dwelling made of saber glitter, dwelling made of cut necks. I’m reading Aimé Césaire, unexpurgated, in his own language and my language at the same time. I’m stuck on the poem “Unmaking and Remaking the Sun.” Today I’ve been trying to come to a decision. To change the course of my life. To unmake, remake, make something happen, and it’s gotten me thinking about language. “Come to” a decision, as if I’m going to walk into some rainy urban park, or weave through the crowds on Broadway, and the answer will appear geographically, in a fixed spot, final as a slashed throat. Faite, fate.

**** For The Love Of Bridges: Hart Crane And Me <http://www.bookslut.com/features/2011_05_017637.php>
Virginia Lloyd, Bookslut

I grew up in a household largely devoid of poetry in a suburb so starved for public transport that our most reliable way into town was a ferry crossing. Over the years I commuted to and from high school, down a tributary of the Parramatta River west of the city into the sloshing embrace of downtown Circular Quay, the highlight of my journey was passing beneath the criss-cross girders of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. I imagined the journeys of countless strangers above me in cars, buses and trains, and dreamed of future adventures of my own to places which, I realised much later, were defined by their bridges: New York, Paris, Venice. It was years before I discovered Whitman’s “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,” which looked forward to a literal East River crossing as it spoke to future generations of the feelings common to any ferry passenger who ever paid attention to her voyage.

**** Something's Amiss, Martin – A Pun Can Be Lots Of Fun <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/michael-deacon/8488602/Somethings-amiss-Martin-a-pun-can-be-lots-of-fun.html>
Michael Deacon, Telegraph

'Puns offer disrespect to language," complains Martin Amis. "All they do is make words look stupid." Newspapers run quite enough criticism of this entertaining novelist, so let's forget that the works of three of his favourite writers – Nabokov, Joyce and Shakespeare – swarm with puns, and that the subtitle of his own finest novel, Money: a Suicide Note, is a pun. But I must defend punning, which is a minor art, in the right hands.


**** PM Dismisses Argument That NCMPs, NMPs Have No Real Voice <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000360/PM-dismisses-argument-that-NCMPs,-NMPs-have-no-real-voice>
Teo Xuanwei And Ian De Cotta, Today

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Mr Lee said: "It doesn't mean that if you have 30 per cent voting Opposition, therefore, you must have 30 per cent Opposition MPs in Parliament. Only the proportional representation scheme will produce such a precisely proportional outcome ... and the proportional representation scheme has many weaknesses."

Dismissing the argument that the NCMPs and NMPs have no real voice, Mr Lee reiterated that they have "full rights" to participate in "95 per cent of the substantive business of Parliament".

**** Are Singaporeans Capable Of A Political Tsunami? <https://airkosong.com:443/_/2011/05/03/are-singaporeans-capable-of-a-political-tsunami-3/>

I have been living in Singapore for more than 16 years. Last week during the lunch in a public sector forum attended by many senior Singapore civil servants, I was surprised to hear the comment of a senior officer of the CPF Board. He did not mince his words: “If Singaporeans fail to vote in opposition this round, they are doing a disservice to themselves and Singapore.” His point was, Singapore other than its GDP is in bad shape and the opposition has put up a united front this time around with the most credible candidates.

On the other hand, every day Singapore goes on a system without check and balances under the absolute rule of PAP is simply growing its risk of a fatal national mistake in the hand of a few ruling elites. The smaller the collective decision making body, the higher the risk of a fatal mistake. In other words, Singapore has been living on luck for far too long. The recent massive losses from its state investment arm Temasek is already an early warning. It is ironic but logical to argue that only a political tsunami will ensure Singapore a certainty in its future, one that’s less risky but competitive in ideas.

**** You'll Rejoice, Not Repent: Chong-Aruldoss <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000347/Youll-rejoice,-not-repent--Chong-Aruldoss>
Ansley Ng, Today

In one of the rare times an Opposition candidate was allowed into a condominium's premises to speak to residents, National Solidarity Party candidate Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss was asked what assurance she could give voters of the Mountbatten Single Member Constituency that they would not repent for the next five years.

Her reply: "The People's Action Party Government likes to say the Opposition have no credible candidates. I think I'm a credible candidate. My credentials are more than a match, if not better, than (my opponent's). I don't have a tough act to follow." The law firm director added: "I think that you'll not repent but you'll rejoice."

**** Your Vote Is Secret, Say NSP Rally Speakers <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000387/Your-vote-is-secret,-say-NSP-rally-speakers>
Ansley Ng, Today

Your vote is secret and nobody will know how you have voted.

That was the recurrent theme raised by candidates during the National Solidarity Party's (NSP) rally in Mountbatten Single-Member Constituency (SMC) last night, echoing the reassurances made by the Workers' Party in the last few days.

"Nobody will know how you vote, unless you open your mouth," he said. It is even illegal for someone to pretend they know how you voted, said Mr Steve Chia.

**** Strong Defence 'Possible With Spending Cuts' <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000376/Strong-defence-possible-with-spending-cuts>
Satish Cheney, Today

NSP candidate Spencer Ng, 31, cited the shorter training duration in Taiwan, in response to his opponents in the Marine Parade Group Representation Constituency (GRC).

"They're facing a big threat, as they put it, from mainland China. So obviously, we're facing ... lesser danger when compared to our counterparts in Taiwan," he said.

Mr Ng said the party believes it is possible to have a strong defence even with some spending cuts.

**** SDP Says It Has A Panel Of Four Doctors In Its Feasibility Study <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000382/SDP-says-it-has-a-panel-of-four-doctors-in-its-feasibility-study>
Cheow Xin Yi And Ng Jing Yng, Today

The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) says it has launched a study on its proposal to convert void decks into polyclinics and provide a non-profit bus service as part of its "People's Plan" for Sembawang Group Representation Constituency (GRC), unveiled last Saturday.

SDP assistant secretary-general John Tan Liang Joo, who is also contesting in Sembawang GRC, challenged Mr Khaw's team to provide transparency on their own S$500 million renewal plan for the area. Mr Tan said his party needs to know what proportion of the PAP's S$500 million plan announced by the Health Minister two weeks ago is allocated to aspects like healthcare, and how much of it comes from the national budget and the municipal budget.

**** Gomez Attacks Race-based Policies <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000379/Gomez-attacks-race-based-policies>
Cheow Xin Yi, Today

Dr James Gomez of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) last night criticised the PAP's "race-based policies" as relics of Singapore's colonial past that prevent citizens from forming a common identity.

Speaking at a rally near the Commonwealth MRT Station, Dr Gomez zeroed in on practices such as racial identification on identity cards and the need for minority certificates by candidates wishing to contest the GRCs. He said these policies are akin to the PAP Government "putting the stamp on our forehead", when we should have the freedom to identify ourselves.

He questioned the policy on racial quota for public housing, saying it makes moving from one estate to another difficult.

**** No Need To Fear: SDP Tells Voters <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000388/No-need-to-fear--SDP-tells-voters>
Cheow Xin Yi, Today

Armed with a trained psychiatrist, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) last night sought to allay fears among voters during this General Election as their candidates attempted to help them analyse and tackle the "psychology of fear''.

Dr Ang assured that the serial number on the ballot paper - which has prompted concerns that their votes will be tracked - is actually there to protect the elections from scam votes.

And Singapore will still be politically stable even if the Opposition wins "with optimism, two GRCs and two Single Member Constituencies", said Ms Lee, a private tutor.

**** Do You Remember GE 1991, Asks Sylvia Lim <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000392/Do-you-remember-GE-1991,-asks-Sylvia-Lim>
Christopher Toh, Today

Voting Opposition members into Parliament has its benefits, said Workers' Party (WP) chairman Sylvia Lim, citing the 1991 General Election (GE) as an example.

"A few months later, then-prime minister Goh Chok Tong agreed to form a cost review committee to examine why the people felt the cost of living was too high."The committee found that the change in the HDB's pricing policy had made new flats more expensive and reminded the HDB to focus on affordable housing for the lower- and middle-income groups, Ms Lim said.

That review only happened, she added, because of the "wake-up call" from the 1991 GE.

**** Will The PAP Win All 82 Seats Contested On 7 May? <http://singaporege2011.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/will-the-pap-win-all-82-seats-contested-on-7-may/>
Singapore Election 2011

While many expect the PAP’s percentage of votes to fall below 60 percent and even 55 percent, we must not forget that the PAP need only win slightly more than 50 percent of the votes in each constituency to make a clean sweep of all of them.

Lee Kuan Yew is a lawyer and he used his legal knowledge to introduce all kinds of repressive laws to curtail the political rights of Singaporeans. His son is a mathematician – surely he will use statistics to predict his own chances before the election.

That’s why the electoral boundaries are usually announced a month before the general election not only to throw the opposition’s preparations off guard, but to maximize the accuracy of the PAP’s own predictions. Please remember: The PAP is never known to take any chances, especially when its own political survival is at stake.

**** Singapore's Ever-ruling Party Faces Tough Election Battle <http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/asiapacific/news/article_1636370.php/Singapore-s-ever-ruling-party-faces-tough-election-battle>
Kai Portmann, DPA

There is no doubt that the PAP, which fist came to power in 1959, will once again win handsomely.

But by Singapore standards, the election is expected to be a thrilling affair as the opposition seems determined to exploit voter discontent over rising costs of living or limits on dissent in the tightly controlled city-state.

**** The Politics Of Patriotism <http://satayclub.net/2011/05/the-politics-of-patriotism/>
Loh Kai Herng, Satayclub.net

Now, the opposition is no longer content to simply defend itself against attacks from the PAP. It wants to tell voters that it loves Singapore, and use this to sway hearts and minds. For a successful example of how the opposition has co-opted the politics of patriotism into their own platform, one only has to look at the Singapore Democratic Party’s (SDP) transformation.

**** GE: Rojak Govt? Why Not, Says SDP <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126338/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) candidate for Holland-Bukit Timah Group Representation Constituency (GRC) Tan Jee Say has noted the increasing trend for countries all over world to adopt a multi-party government.

Mr Tan, who spoke at a rally held in Bukit Panjang, said this is because society's interests are becoming too diverse to be represented by just one or two political parties.

**** Opposition​’s Scholar Candidates A Worry <http://trulysingapore.wordpress.com/2011/05/02/opposition%E2%80%8Bs-scholar-candidates-a-worry/>
Yours Truly Singapore

Madam Ho should understand that our loyalty should be with the nation, not with the party. We should always put nation above party. We must never betray the nation for the party. We must be prepared instead to go against the party for the good of the nation.

**** PAP Leaders Continue To Harp On Their ‘Fifty Year Track Record’ <http://singaporege2011.wordpress.com/2011/04/30/pap-leaders-continue-to-harp-on-their-fifty-year-track-record/>
Singapore Election 2011

Unable to provide any concrete plans to improve the quality of life of ordinary Singaporeans other than to import another 900,000 foreign workers on work permits, PAP leaders have been harping on the regime’s ‘fifty year track record’ in order to convince undecided voters to continue supporting them.

The message is likely to sway conservative voters in their 40s to 60s who live through the ‘boom years’ under the PAP and are apprehensive about their future if the PAP loses power.

**** PAP Activities In Hougang - A Resident's Account <https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150169648678964>
The Online Citizen, Facebook

Whenever there's a PAP rally, there will be at least 2 coaches reporting here at around 6:30pm to fetch the senior citizens to the rally venue. RC members are seen carrying cartons filled with drinks for those who attended.

**** Vote For A Govt Of The People <http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/2011/05/vote-for-govt-of-people.html>
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News

No govt must be allowed to favour any section of the populace under any excuses. To officially make it a govt policy is tantamount to discrimination. Some may call it abuses of power. Some will have stronger words to use. The people must not sanction such a political culture.

**** 'Where Is That Again?' <http://www.cnngo.com/singapore/life/tell-me-about-it/elaine-ee-where-again-412161>
Elaine Ee, CNNGo

Nevertheless, if things named after a place can actually be in the place they’re named after, so that they mean something to the people and not just the urban planners or the elections department, they might resonate more deeply in people’s minds and hearts. Which makes sense really, especially during a General Election.

**** Seen In A Tampines Stall: Open Discontent <http://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2011/05/seen-in-a-tampines-stall-open-discontent.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mrbrown+%28mrbrown%29>

The ground is not so sweet, you say? I think it is downright bitter, man.

**** These Spurs We Don't Need <http://singaporedesk.blogspot.com/2011/05/these-spurs-we-dont-need.html>
Singapore Notes

Even he must have sensed his words will not be believed so easily this time, hence he added the qualifier, "There's a trade-off. We have to calibrate it." Yeah, just like the way "population czar" Wong Kan Seng calibrated the influx of foreigners to squeeze out the natives.

**** Teo Ser Luck’s Rally Speech <http://blog.dk.sg/2011/05/03/teo-ser-lucks-rally-speech/>
Dee Kay Dot As Gee

The more you want to take down something, the more it will appear on Internet.

**** 新媒体对选举的重大影响 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/yl/yl110503_005.shtml>
陈俊仁, 联合早报


**** Were SM Goh's Remarks Personal? <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_663904.html>
Muhammad Fahmi Zainal Abidin, Straits Times

The People's Action Party's K. Shanmugam stated that Workers' Party chief Low Thia Khiang had made a personal attack against him in the back-and-forth battle of analogies about co-drivers.

But when the media pointed out that Mr Goh had done the same to Mr Tan, Mr Shanmugam argued that it was different.

**** 刘程强反驳李资政:后港组屋比邻区组屋值钱 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110503_030.shtml>
黄慧敏, 联合早报



**** 梁威立作出 人民党两大保证 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110503_029.shtml>
潘星华, 联合早报


他说,碧山—大巴窑市镇理事会有1亿3000万元累积基金(sinking fund),这笔钱是无论哪个政党中选都能使用,因此所有碧山—大巴窑选区内的翻新工程和日常工作都有钱处理,他们会以高素质的专业水平继续经营。

**** 文森:别把暗房里的绳当蛇 开灯就不怕 大胆支持反对党 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110503_028.shtml>
顾功垒 刘丽仪, 联合早报




**** 陈如斯:行动党不是“Rojak” 味道自然不好 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110503_026.shtml>
王秘, 联合早报


**** Being Too Successful <https://harishpillay.wordpress.com/2011/05/02/being-too-successful/>
Harish Pillay, Life One Degree North, One-O-Three Degrees East

The rot in the PAP clearly is for all to see. They have become too successful for their own good. They lost they moral bearings when they started paying themselves millions of dollars from tax-payers monies. And when questioned about these excesses, they threaten the populace. There is no gratitude.

**** Waz So Great Abt Having NTUC Leaders In Cabinet? <http://atans1.wordpress.com/2011/05/03/waz-so-great-abt-having-ntuc-leaders-in-cabinet/>
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

Yet their presence in the cabinet has not prevented the real wages of bottom 25% of workers from declining in the last 11 years or so.

Nor has it slowed the growth of the cost of HDB flats. Once, one could repay the loan in 10 yrs or less, then 20 yrs. Now it’s getting closer to 30 yrs.

**** Is The Great Leader PAP’s Loose Cannon? <http://thinkhappiness.blogspot.com/2011/05/is-great-leader-paps-loose-canon.html>
Dharmendra Yadav, Think Happiness

**** Using The Osama Factor And Bogeyman For GE2011 <https://harishpillay.wordpress.com/2011/05/02/using-the-osama-factor-and-bogeyman-for-ge2011/>
Harish Pillay, Life One Degree North, One-O-Three Degrees East

**** Election Rallies: What Has Been Said? What Can Be Said? <http://guanyinmiao.wordpress.com/2011/05/03/election-rallies-what-has-been-said-what-can-be-said/>
Guanyinmiao's Musings

**** To Swing Voters Of Aljunied: Victory Margin Could Be Less Than 300 Votes! Every Vote Counts! <http://nofearsingapore.blogspot.com/2011/05/to-swing-voters-of-aljunied-victory.html>
Huang Shoou Chyuan, No Fear Singapore

Dear Singaporean of Aljunied GRC,

This is the one that is called the “defining moment”.

We have to learn to have strength of conviction and not take the easy way out and “cop out” by spoiling your vote.

If not now, when?

**** PAP’s Failing Election Strategy <http://abdillahzamzuri.wordpress.com/2011/05/02/paps-failing-election-strategy/>

I hope that Singaporeans realise that PAP’s unwillingness to have a gay in parliament could also lead to anti-gay policies in Singapore. If this does happen, Singapore would no doubt lose a significant number of smart and good Singaporeans. This would also affect population and employment and also eventually, result in more foreigners being brought in to occupy jobs left behind by people affected by these policies because they feel undermined.

This election, I think we can clearly see what the PAP will do when it’s being put under pressure – lack of tact (low EQ) and not able to address issues directly (distracting voters).

**** GE: SDP Urges PAP Not To Be Too Quick To Shoot Down Opposition Ideas <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126449/1/.html>
Sharon See, Channel NewsAsia

Singapore Democratic Party candidate Michelle Lee, who is contesting in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC, has said it is a pity the People's Action Party seems quick to shoot down ideas mooted by the opposition.Dr Ang Yong Guan, SDP candidate for Holland-Bukit Timah GRC, said: "They always say opposition candidates are of low quality, they always don't come up with a plan. And now, SDP has come up with a plan - first of all, I don't think they have read thoroughly the plan. They kept saying, 'no manufacturing, no manufacturing' - that's not what Jee Say said.

"Jee Say said, phase out manufacturing and bring in the creative industry. And that's what we want - the service industry ... And then we have divided into six sectors - from enterprise to community, to family, and to creativity, and they are not taking us seriously.

**** Sylvia Lim: Vote WP To 'Wake Up' The PAP <http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_663873.html>
Peh Shing Huei, Straits Times

WP chairman Sylvia Lim urged voters to give the PAP a wake-up call by voting for the WP, explaining that this would result in a more attentive Government.

After the PAP lost four seats in the 1991 general elections, she said the Government moved to address residents' cost-of-living concerns.

'What happened after the 1991 general election showed that the PAP take election results very seriously,' she said. 'If you vote for the opposition, the PAP will wake up and take concrete steps to address your concerns.'

**** Mainstream Media A Reflection Of PAP <http://sgpoliticalobserver.blogspot.com/2011/05/mainstream-media-reflection-of-pap.html>
Observing Singapore Elections 2011

This kind of gutter news reporting is reminiscent of the ruling party’s approach towards this election, with scare-tactics, fear-mongering, character assassination attempts and smearing of opponents whom they know would give them a run for their money and able to dislodge them from their lofty pedestals. And what’s more, we have an irrelevant Minister whose past by his sell-by date claiming on Nomination Day that the opposition who were supposed to contest in his GRC were nothing more than “feeble”. Such arrogance coming from someone who was made to cry like a wuss, in front of a live television audience, when Malaysia kicked us out back in 1965.

**** Bryna Sim Has No Sense Of Shame At All <http://rachelzeng.wordpress.com/2011/05/03/bryna-sim-has-no-sense-of-shame-at-all/>
Rachel Zeng

**** Suppose The Opposition Doesn’t Win A Single Seat. <http://www.visakanv.com/blog/2397/suppose-the-opposition-doesnt-win-a-single-seat/>
Visakan Veerasamy

Our duty and role as an engaged citizenry remains, even after the election fever ends. We must make a commitment to maintain this sense of scrutiny, of interest, of concern. We must pressure our ministers to be accountable, to serve the nation well, whatever it takes.

**** PAP Has Abused Power To Secure Political Advantage: WP <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/pap-has-abused-power-to-secure-political-advantage-wp/>
Andrew Loh, The Online Citizen

It is because of this “political reality” facing the opposition and “to help Singaporeans seriously contemplate the future for Singapore” that the Workers’ Party has chosen the election slogan, “Towards a first world parliament” for the general election this time. This is the vision the party is offering Singaporeans, Mr Low said.

“A first world parliament is one which is able to balance a strong Executive with a check and balance mechanism formed by a credible and responsible opposition which is given the mandate by the electorate,” Mr Low told the enthusiastic crowd. “This is the first step to stop further abuse of power by the PAP.”

**** GE: WP Chief Says Party's Message Has Sunk In With Voters <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126454/1/.html>
Dylan Loh, Channel NewsAsia

Workers' Party chief Low Thia Khiang has said his party's message "Towards A First World Parliament" has sunk in with voters despite criticisms from the ruling People's Action Party about the slogan lacking substance.

Angela Oon, WP candidate for Nee Soon GRC, said: "Communities are always formed from the ground up. It's very organic. And that's what we mean by a kampung spirit. We're not seeking to bring back the kampung spirit into Nee Soon because the kampung spirit still exists here."

The WP team have also challenged their PAP opponents to state whether the area's town renewal plans would proceed regardless of election results.

**** Foreign Workers And The PAP Strawman <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/foreign-workers-and-the-pap-strawman/>
Ho Yixian, The Online Citizen

And if these reporters had bothered to ask the pertinent questions, they might have stumbled onto the true crux of the foreign worker issue. The PM and other members of the PAP have repeatedly tried to frame the foreign worker debate in this election as a question of ‘Have the total benefits of having foreign workers in Singapore outweighed the costs?’, while asserting that preventing foreign workers from working in Singapore would lead many MNCs to pull out of Singapore. At best, the PAP is employing an indefensible strawman to hit like a pinata at a party. At worst, the PAP is failing to comprehend a basic concept every A level economics student learns.

No serious opposition party is advocating shutting out all foreign workers completely; most argue that over the past 5 years, too many have been let into Singapore too quickly. It is not about total benefits versus total costs. It is about marginal benefits versus marginal costs. The first foreign worker let into Singapore, for the sake of argument the CEO of a local HQ, probably created many jobs and didn’t take up much space on our roads and trains. The next few hundred thousand maybe added to our talent pool or did jobs Singaporeans loathed to do. The millionth, however, has in all likelihood created minimum benefits for Singaporeans, and is that person taking up the last space on the MRT at rush hour.

The fact that all the foreign workers in Singapore have in aggregate brought more good than harm does nothing to prove that the PAP has allowed the optimum number into Singapore. And while it may be true that MNCs like Intel would not locate their plants here if they were not allowed to hire foreign workers, that is far from the issue. The issue is whether they would have located their plants in Singapore had they been allowed to hire fewer foreign workers. That is what the PAP has glossed over by making sweeping statements that mis-characterise the complaint of many Singaporeans.

**** Mica Minister Alerts Police Over Resident’s Threats <http://blogs.todayonline.com/singaporevotes/2011/05/03/mica-minister-alerts-police-over-residents-threats/>

Minister for information, communications and the arts (Mica), Mr Lui Tuck Yew, 49, has said that he and his team had alerted the Police over a confrontation they had with a member of the public while on their campaign trail.

Mr Lui did not say where exactly this took place but said the resident had accused the 10 of them of trespassing, “calling the PAP government the worst (more vulgarities) government in the world.”

**** “Change Is Coming To Singapore!” : Reform Party <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/change-is-coming-to-singapore-reform-party/>
Benjamin Cheah, The Online Citizen

The RP proposed a series of ideas to address these issues. The party would “push for assistance for the elderly” workers who have been replaced. Ministerial salaries would be reduced, with the monies going to this assistance program. The party also recommended releasing more land for housing and pushing for smaller and cheaper 1- and 2-room flats. The minimum age for singles to buy flats would be reduced to an as-yet unspecified age, allowing singles to purchase these flats, with their housing loan small enough to be paid off in 15 years instead of 30 to 50 years. Above all, the party proposed to “reform foreign labour policy so Singaporeans come first.” The nature of this reform was not elaborated upon.

**** “I Am More Than A Match For Mr Lim Biow Chuan” <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/i-am-more-than-a-match-for-mr-lim-biow-chuan/>
Jewel Philemon, The Online Citizen

Ms Aruldoss stole the show and made her party and supporters proud as she touched on issues, from High HDB prices to her opponent, the incumbent Mr Lim Biow Chuan, as well as providing solutions that she plans to implement if she is elected.

Ms Aruldoss raised the issue of the casinos in Singapore. She says, “I am a happily married mother of four. It is the concern of mothers that their children grow up in a safe and nurturing environment…I ask the PAP, is it worth risking Singapore’s safe environment for a casino? We don’t want the crime and sleaze that comes hand-in-hand with a casino.”

**** PAP Has Forced Us To Take Strong Action <http://singaporeelection.blogspot.com/2011/05/pap-has-forced-us-to-take-strong-action.html>
Singapore Election Watch

So you think PAP has done a first-class job already? Don't be so complacent. True, we have come a long way. But that was yesterday. Today the PAP appears to have lost the way or gone the wrong way. Time to tell the PAP a strong message. It does not seem to be listening. What do we do? The strong message shall be to vote in a few more Opposition MPs into parliament. We have no choice. The PAP has forced us to take strong action now.

**** S’poreans Claim Influx Of Foreigners Hampering Their Livelihood <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/5/3/nation/8597064&sec=nation>
Shahanaaz Habib, The Star

Opposition parties are pushing for tighter controls on foreign workers and students.

They say Singaporeans are being overwhelmed by the sheer number of foreigners taking their jobs, pushing wages down, pushing up property prices and filling spots in schools and colleges at the expense of Singaporeans.

**** NSP's Jeanette Chong-Aruldoss' Plan For Mountbatten SMC <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000948/NSPs-Jeanette-Chong-Aruldoss-plan-for-Mountbatten-SMC>
Shaffiq Alkhatib, Today

And town hall meetings at least four times a year to facilitate an open dialogue on top of the Meet-the-People sessions.

These are just part of a five-year plan that National Solidarity Party candidate for Mountbatten Single Member Constituency (SMC), Ms Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss, 48, aims to implement should she win the election.

**** SDP: SM Goh Wrong On Ministerial Pay <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0000931/SDP--SM-Goh-wrong-on-ministerial-pay>
Sharon See, Today

Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) candidate, Mr Tan Jee Say, 57, said Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, 69, was wrong when he said most of the population were not concerned with ministerial pay.

Mr Tan said many residents had told the SDP candidates during their walkabouts that they were concerned about the high salaries ministers drew.

**** PAP's Cynthia Phua And Her Most Famous Moment As An Aljunied MP <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2011/05/paps-cynthia-phua-and-her-most-famous.html>
Gilbert Koh, Mr Wang Says So

I also hope that both Julie and Ah Teck had the good fortune to meet a judge who could understand their hardship and empathise with their daily struggles for money and a roof over their heads.

And I hope that the judge treated Ah Teck with more kindness and compassion, than the Aljunied PAP MPs had done.

Since the General Elections are here again, it is also my hope that you will take a few moments to reflect on the above incident.

Especially if you are in the Aljunied GRC, please vote wisely .... for MPs who are kind and compassionate, and who genuinely want to help their residents.

**** Fallacy About High Ministerial Salaries <http://singaporeansays.blogspot.com/2011/05/fallacy-about-high-ministerial-salaries.html>
A Singaporean Says

The PAP, in giving all their reasons for giving ministers and MPs such high salaries, now run the risk of attracting all the wrong kind of "talent".

**** 说了再建(Hdb组屋) <http://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2011/05/说了再建hdb组屋.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mrbrown+%28mrbrown%29>

**** Does PAP’s Desmond Choo Agree With Sexist Example He Recounted? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/does-paps-desmond-choo-agree-with-sexist-example-he-recounted/>
The Online Citizen

People’s Action Party (PAP) candidate Desmond Choo spoke in Teochew of meeting an old man who said that choosing an MP is like choosing a wife. ‘If your wife is unable to cook, there’s no point. You must choose a wife who is able to do things for you.'

**** Getting Away With Hubris And Arrogance <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/getting-away-with-hubris-and-arrogance/>
Andrew Loh, The Online Citizen

The hubristic behavior of PAP members can be distilled down to one reason – its 46-years of uninterrupted rule. MM Lee, in particular, represents this hubris – someone who can get away with making disparaging remarks about the Malay community, and about Singaporeans in general as well.

Seems younger ministers have learnt this well and are exhibiting the same disconnect with a more educated, more vocal and more expectant electorate.

This being out-of-touch, which incidentally was denied by Mr Lee last week, is also evident in MM Lee’s words of recent times. Indeed, he admitted that he was “out of date” even in a matter as important as racial integration among the races.

**** GE: NSP Launches 5-year Plan For Mountbatten <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126508/1/.html>
Lynda Hong, Channel NewsAsia

It includes setting up an alternative grassroots organisation called Residents Connect; facilitating and promoting town hall meetings to four times a year; holding career development clinics; and working with agencies to bring about education and financial awareness.

**** GE: Eleven Rallies Across Singapore On Wednesday <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126518/1/.html>
Nancy Ang, Channel NewsAsia

**** Collapse Of PAP Is Not A Great Concern <http://tankinlian.blogspot.com/2011/05/collapse-of-pap-is-not-great-concern.html>
Tan Kin Lian

"We, the ordinary/loyal citizens of Singapore(loving Singapore is our second nature) can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst."

**** Track Record – Of PAP Or The Public Service? <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/track-record-of-pap-or-the-public-service/>
Howard Lee, The Online Citizen

The real hard truth is that, should the PAP not be returned to power come polling day, it will still be the public service that will keep the country going. For sure, it will feel an initial stage of lost without the current leadership, but the nation will not crumble to the ground as the bogeyman has warned. This is because the Singapore public service is not always at the will of the political leadership, inclined as we are to believe otherwise.

I trust that most public officers, if given the chance, will rise to the service of the people and do the right thing, no matter what political climate they operate within.

**** NSP's Steve Chia Addresses Pioneer SMC's Foreign Worker Woes <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110503-0001123/NSPs-Steve-Chia-addresses-Pioneer-SMCs-foreign-worker-woes>
Shamir Osman, The Online Citizen

Pioneer residents have been complaining about foreign workers loitering at void decks in the neighbourhood, often sitting around drinking beer.

Said Mr Chia: "The party caused the inconvenience to the residents here, and he (Mr Foo), as a member of his party, by installing (CCTV cameras in Pioneer) is adding to the maintenance cost. The PAP allowed the dormitories to be built at Pioneer rather than at Joo Koon, where there are no HDB flats.

"I have suggested this before and I will continue to do so. When the contract of these dormitories expire, stop issuing renewals and move them to another location…at Joo Koon where there are no HDB flats."

**** Single-party Govt Made Up Of Elites And Scholars Not Good For S’pore <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/single-party-govt-made-up-of-elites-and-scholars-not-good-for-s’pore/>
Alicia Wong, The Online Citizen

A single party government may have been a strength in the past, but in the world today, it is limited and narrow. Gaps and misses are becoming more frequent and apparent. Let me look at some of these complications that have risen.

**** Letter To Mah Bow Tan <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/letter-to-mah-bow-tan/>
Jeraldine Loy, The Online Citizen

This election, I struggle to make a decision. We have a remarkable government with a proven track record but are you really for us, for the people? Have your policies truly benefited us? As a housing minister, if your appeal on our behalf does not carry any weight, then whose voice would?

**** Do More Than Just Being Online! <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/do-more-than-just-being-online/>
Loh Kai Herng, The Online Citizen

The point I want to make is, we can complain all we want about how politically apathetic our other fellow citizens are but it’s time to look at ourselves in the mirror. Why are we so terribly reluctant to get involved in our very own political process? We say that we are scared of this, or that we are afraid of that. But what exactly are we worried about?

The truth is, we are self-censoring ourselves. There are many reasons why Singaporeans are apathetic, but the chief reason is that we don’t want to speak up. What we don’t know is how powerful our voices are, if only we dare to use them. It’s time we talk to the politicians instead of them talking to us.

**** HDB – Shorter Loans Better? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/hdb-shorter-loans-better/>
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen

Therefore, opting for a shorter loan for new flats on HDB loans, or resale flats on HDB or bank loans, may be a risky move, since most people may not have enough cash to pay when CPF cannot be used.

**** No Evidence In MM Lee’s Claims On HDB Prices <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/no-evidence-in-mm-lees-claims-on-hdb-prices/>
Tan Lay Kuan, The Online Citizen

In conclusion, we cannot find evidence of MM’s claims in our study that the HDB resale prices would collapse if a constituency goes over to the opposition or that there is a significant difference between the property values of HDB flats on government and opposition wards, holding other variables (i.e. location, design, floor area, age, level of unit) constant.

**** “We Can Do So Much Better” <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/“we-can-do-so-much-better”/>
Loke Hoe Yeong, The Online Citizen

This is not about blindly mimicking ‘western-style democracy’. We all agree that every country is different. So let’s not fall into the trap of shunning democracy, simply because it has been dressed up by the ruling party as a sort of imported, exotic animal to be handled with utmost caution.

We all have a vested interest in building the best possible way of running Singapore, and we want to work hard at that.

**** GE: Need To Respect Choice Of Voters, Says SPP <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126553/1/.html>
Timothy Ouyang, Channel NewsAsia

Speaking on the sidelines of the SPP's walkabout at Toa Payoh Hub Tuesday evening, Mr Pwee said his party has never said that they want certain ministers to be voted out.

Instead, it is ultimately up to the voters to decide who they wish to vote into Parliament.

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be called a democratic society, would we?"

**** Open Letter From Tan Kin Lian <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/open-letter-from-tan-kin-lian/>
Tan Kin Lian, The Online Citizen

This general election gives you the chance to change the situation and elect a MP that has the time to listen to you and understand the issues faced by you and your family in working and living in Singapore and be able to voice these issues for you in Parliament.

To do this job well, the elected MP should be prepared to spend sufficient time in your community. There are many capable people who are willing to work full time for the MP allowance of $15,000. You do not need a government scholar or a top corporate manager to be your MP. You only need an educated person who is honest, interested to serve the people, have a heart and ears and is able to think independently.

**** 19 Students Per Class. Is This True? <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4791-19-students-per-class-is-this-true>
Singapore Democratic Party

**** Second Party Political Broadcast On May 6 <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126559/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

**** Our Candidates <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4815-our-candidates>
Singapore Democratic Party

**** Repent, Sinners, If Thou Shalt Vote For The Opposition <http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2011/05/singapore’s_general_election>
The Economist

Older and wiser heads however counsel me against taking too much of this too seriously. In a country where political debate is normally quite limited, the election campaign period serves as a safety valve, they say—people can blow off a bit of steam and then we can all return to a peaceful, stable, PAP way of life, just as before. The iron laws of Singaporean electoral arithmetic will prevail, as ever.

Maybe so, but there is undoubtedly something a bit different going on this time. Specifically, the opposition has altered its tactics, mounting an unusually concerted attack on the PAP. And there are real issues now that the opposition can exploit.

The rising cost of everyday goods and services in an already expensive city is the main worry for Singaporeans, and this has become the main campaign message for many opposition politicians. Immigration has become part of the mix too; opposition candidates argue that the steady stream of low-cost workers coming to Singapore depresses wages for Singaporeans, thus adding to their worries about rising prices. Some parties argue for reductions in taxation, or special help for the elderly and other groups. The PAP argues that Singapore should stick to its traditional free-market, low-welfare policies, arguing that the best way to combat rising prices is to help the already flourishing economy grow even further. Last year Singapore achieved the second-highest growth rate in the world, after Qatar.

**** 1991: Then And Now <http://satayclub.net/2011/05/1991-then-and-now/>
Cheryl Chan, Satayclub.net

It could well be that the PAP will obtain its lowest vote share in history – 58% to 61% – yet manage a clean sweep of all 87 seats.

**** GE: SDP Unveils Shadow Health Plan <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126563/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) continued to make the education system here an election issue. SDP's Teo Soh Lung, who is contesting the Yuhua single ward, brought up the issue of class size again at the Bukit Panjang SMC rally.

She said PAP candidate Grace Fu's insistence that it is less than 40 is not the case.

As for healthcare; rising costs and long waits at polyclinics was discussed. At the Bukit Panjang SMC rally, SDP's Dr James Gomez presented SDP's shadow health reforms to be implemented, if elected.

**** GE: Aljunied GRC Flat Prices 3% To 16% Higher Then Hougang SMC <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126567/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

National development minister Mah Bow Tan said the average resale prices of flats in Aljunied GRC are three to 16 per cent higher than in Hougang SMC.

**** GE: WP's Lee Li Lian Speaks About Stay-at-home And Single Parents <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1126575/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

The Workers' Party's (WP) Lee Li Lian, a candidate for Punggol East SMC, said at the WP's rally on Tuesday that if elected, her immediate and most important task would be to establish a Punggol East town council from scratch.

She also proposed that the Workfare bonus - meant only for people with an income - be given to stay-at-home parents.

"They have chosen a noble profession that is no less important than any salaried job. They have often put their careers on hold to nurture the next generation. They should not be forgotten. The Workers' Party proposes that stay-at-home parents should receive the same infant care and child care subsidy as other working mothers."

**** The KPIs Of Reality <http://mollymeek.wordpress.com/2011/05/03/the-kpis-of-reality/>

**** Nonsense And Irresponsible, Says Low Thia Khiang Of PAP Accusations <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/nonsense-says-low-thia-khiang-of-pap-accusations/>
The Online Citizen

The account of Hougang Town Council, like any Town Council account from the PAP, has to be audited by a public accountant who must be approved by the Ministry for National Development. After the auditor completed the audit, it has to be submitted to the Ministry for National Development and Auditor General for approval. After which, like all statutory boards, it has to be presented to Parliament and each MP can have a copy of it.

If the account is messy, how come MND and Auditor General approved it? Why is Mrs Lim, who is a minister and an MP, making this kind of comment now? She has received a copy of the report on Hougang Town Council and had not made any observations earlier. Why shoot such irresponsible comments on me now? What is she trying to do?

May I remind her as well that during the Lehman crisis, Hougang Town Council is one of those who did not lose any money! We have always handled our funds prudently.

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