[MyAppleMenu] Mar 13, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Mar 13 18:59:00 EDT 2011


**** Light Leak, Yellowing Affecting Some iPad 2 Users <http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20042462-37.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=News-Apple>
Josh Lowensohn, CNET

Second-generation products tend to have most of the kinks worked out, though for some, the iPad 2 is exhibiting issues with the screen that have appeared in past Apple products.

**** iPad 2 Shipping Times Slip Again, This Time To 3-4 Weeks <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/03/12/ipad-2-shipping-times-slip-again-this-time-to-3-4-weeks/>
Michael Grothaus, TUAW

**** GarageBand For iPad: A Look Under The Hood <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/03/12/garageband-for-ipad-a-look-under-the-hood/>
Brett Terpstra, TUAW

**** Review: Bare Bones Software BBEdit <http://www.macnn.com/reviews/bare-bones-software-bbedit.html>

**** In New Case, iPad Starts In An Instant <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/12/technology/12faster.html?nl=todaysheadlines>
Miguel Helft, New York Times

The cover’s “smarts,” though, come in part from being able to turn the iPad 2 on when you open it and off when you close it. The click and finger swipe — three to four seconds, in an unscientific test — that stood between you and the digital world in the original iPad? Gone.

**** Guide To Mac OS X File Sharing <http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/guide-to-mac-os-x-file-sharing-934550>
Ian Osborne, TechRadar

Share files with other user accounts or across your network.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Rethinking Snow <http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2011/03/13/rethinking_snow/?rss_id=Boston+Globe+--+Ideas+section>
Courtney Humphries, Boston Globe

But another winter will come, and perhaps the next time nature dumps this much, we could try a different approach: use the overabundance of snow to create something beautiful.


**** Budget 2011: Straits Times Vs CNA <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/03/budget-2011-straits-times-vs-cna/>
The Online Citizen

**** GRC System: Wool Over Eyes (Part 2 Of 6) <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/03/grc-system-wool-over-eyes-part-2-of-6/>
Rajiv Chaudhry, The Online Citizen

We saw that minority candidates were consistently returned in significant numbers in each of the elections since independence (and even before independence), including such notable personalities as David Marshall, Devan Nair, S Rajaratnam, E W Barker and Othman Wok. Malay candidates, in particular, were well represented in the early years. It would, thus, appear the system was not “broke”.

So, if it wasn’t “broke”, why did it need to be fixed? To find an answer to this question, we need to go back in time to the mid-1980s.

**** After Egypt, Now With Tsunami News, CNA Again A Disgrace <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/after-egypt-now-with-tsunami-news-cna-again-a-disgrace/>
Yawning Bread

When Singapore launched CNA, as I well recall, the announced mission — OK, maybe I was foolish to even half-believe it — was to bring the Asian perspective to international news, a kind of Al Jazeera for Asia. It was also the time when there were dreams of making Singapore a media centre for the region. We painted CNA as a station for Asia and perhaps the world, not just Singapore. Yet, the Singapore government could not let go of its fear that independent news reporting would not paint them as saints, so unlike at Al Jazeera, only People’s Action Party loyalists need apply. As for the dream of making Singapore a media centre, it was abandoned when foreign journalists refused to work under our licence conditions. The only thing we’ve half-succeeded at was to bundle CNA into various cable offerings abroad; you can tune to CNA in many hotels.

The result today: We now have a disgracefully low quality product being sold around the world. Instead of carrying news from the Asian perspective to the world, all it does is to show our government up as a petty dictatorship (which I don’t mind) but also to show Singaporeans up as a boot-licking, uncritical, insular people that have resigned ourselves to such a propaganda machine.

**** YPAP Budget Forum: Not Much Sense? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/03/ypap-budget-forum-not-much-sense/>
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen

So, if Dr Tan is retrenched, and is offered a job as a waiter, would he take it?

If he keeps rejecting job offers as a waiter, wouldn’t he be not helping in regard to his own remarks – “if you do that (count job rejections) the unemployment rate can be reduced to one per cent”?

**** 大家挤一挤? <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/yl/yl110313_005.shtml>
洪艺菁, 联合早报



陆交局的规定是每列车人数不可超过1600人,相等于每平 方公米4.9人。SMRT最近的数据显示,东西、南北线地铁目前每列车人数约1200至1450,相等于平均每平方公米有3.8个乘客,因此他们总是坚持拥挤情况“没那么糟”。但是,“大家挤一挤”之类的游戏,久久玩一次还可以,若天天这么个“玩”法,难免令人吃不消。每平方公米4.9人的规定,应该被视为安全指标,而不是搭客的接受指标。每天过着这种沙丁鱼挤罐头的日子,谁能受得了?

**** Casino Novelty 'Wearing Off' <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_644659.html>
Tessa Wong, Straits Times

The number of Singaporeans visiting the two local casinos is declining gradually - after higher-than-expected attendance in the past year since they opened, minister for community development, youth and sports Vivian Balakrishnan disclosed on Saturday.

**** SM Goh Compares S’pore’s Flood To Japan’s Tsunami <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/03/sm-goh-compares-spores-flood-to-japans-tsunami/>
The Online Citizen

**** Hard Truths: Got Refund Mah? <http://atans1.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/hard-truths-got-refund-mah/>
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

MM now seems dismissive of the book, what with his statement to the media that the book was based on 32 interviews over a period of two years and that the comment on Muslims integrating with other communities was made probably two or three years ago.

What other Hard Truths he will “stand corrected on”? Genetics? FT policy? Defence? High ministerial salaries? How can S’poreans be assured that facts on the ground have not changed on other Hard Truths for MM to “stand corrected”?

**** Statement By MediaCorp <http://www.mediacorp.sg/en/media/EDC110312-0000109/statement%20by%20mediacorp>

In a statement, Mr Edwin Koh, Senior Vice-President, Marketing & Sales Planning, MediaCorp clarified that the edm was sent to a targeted group of clients and agencies that had interest in being part of "breaking news" coverage.

Added Mr Koh, "We apologize unreservedly if we had been seen to be insensitive to the gravity of the situation. The staff concerned has been counseled to be more circumspect; we hope the public will be forgiving and we can focus our attention and efforts on the affected victims of this most unfortunate tragedy."

The way I read this, MediaCorp still doesn't know if the edm was "insensitive to the gravity of the situation."

**** Political Parties And The MDP <http://webelieveinsecondchances.blogspot.com/2011/03/political-parties-and-mdp.html>
We Believe In Second Chances

It is not just enough to talk about the economy or industry. This is also our chance to set a new direction for Singaporean society, and help us move towards being a more compassionate, merciful country.

**** S’pore Floods Nothing Compared To Japan Disaster: SM Goh <http://sg.yfittopostblog.com/2011/03/13/spore-floods-nothing-compared-to-japan-disaster-sm-goh/>
Ewen Boey, Yahoo!

Senior minister Goh Chok Tong chides Singaporeans for making a meal out of Singapore’s “sporadic” floods. He suggested that Singaporeans should follow Japan’s example in dealing with nationwide catastrophes.

**** The “Wisdoms” Of Goh Chok Tong <http://dlzj.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/the-wisdoms-of-goh-chok-tong/>
Ἴκαρος Flew Too High

He is certainly not of enormous stature as the Minister Mentor, yet he continues to behave as though he were Lee Kuan Yew. His regular outbursts are testament to his pathetic attempts to hype himself up as wise and capable leader. Hey, let’s face it: he is not. But he continues to terrorize all of us with his regular snippets of “wisdom” when he simply cannot make the cut.

**** Why Are HDB Carpark Lots Reserved For PAP's VIPs? <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4661-why-are-hdb-carpark-lots-reserved-for-paps-vips>
Singapore Democratic Party

**** Changes In Voters' Demographics In Aljunied GRC "Not Very Big": George Yeo <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1116198/1/.html>
Shaffiq Alkhatib, Channel NewsAsia

**** Opposition "Need To Seek Breakthrough In GRC" In Coming GE <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1116202/1/.html>
Joanne Chan, Channel NewsAsia

"The GRC has been the trump card of PAP and mechanism for gerrymandering," said the opposition MP for Hougang. "What happens if something happens to (opposition MP) Mr Chiam (See Tong) or something happens to me? Can we maintain Hougang? There's always this question.

"If you are in GRC, perhaps you can ensure a smoother renewal and continuity...So any serious opposition candidate, serious opposition party would need to seek a breakthrough in the GRC."

**** SM Goh : Singaporeans Are Too Dependent On Govt... <http://singaporemind.blogspot.com/2011/03/sm-goh-singaporeans-are-too-dependent.html>
Diary of A Singaporean Mind

There were no protests on the streets, nobody hackled the minister in charge, etc. The floods affected people's llivelihoods and destroyed property. Singaporeans only reacted because the PAP govt said nothing can be done about the floods. Many who spoke up were not doing so for themselves but out of concern for the other Singaporeans who suffered losses from these floods. He rather have Singaporeans "not care" and remain silent while their fellow Singaporeans suffer from the floods?

**** Low Thia Khiang: Opposition Renewal An Important Issue For Voters <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/03/low-thia-khiang-opposition-renewal-an-important-issue-for-voters/>
Andrew Loh, The Online Citizen

On the issue of leadership renewal, Mr Low stressed that it is not just important for the WP, but for the opposition as a whole.

Leadership renewal is also one of the reasons why the WP has declared winning a GRC as one of its goals.

**** Workers’ Party, Data Privacy, And The Elephant In The Room <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/workers-party-data-privacy-and-the-elephant-in-the-room/>
Yawning Bread

**** MM Lee's Comment On Muslim Integration Has Brought Closure: Yaacob <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1116233/1/.html>
Joanne Chan, Channel NewsAsia

"At the end of the day, I see this event as something which turn out to be very good for the community, because what is important is that we have lots of non-Muslims who have stepped forward to say, hey there is no problem with the Muslims integrating, there is no problem with me having friends who are Malay-Muslims."

**** Lee Hsien Loong On Why Singapore Is Considering Nuclear Power <http://newasiarepublic.com/?p=25233>
Donaldson Tan, New Asia Republic

**** Response To Questions From Hri Kumar <http://siewkumhong.blogspot.com/2011/03/response-to-questions-from-hri-kumar.html>
Siew Kum Hong

For all of the government's rhetoric on personal responsibility and self-sufficiency, we hardly hear anything said about ensuring that the parents' sins are not visited on the children. Yes, simple questions have clear, easy answers. But real life usually does not lend itself to simple questions like the ones posed to me above.

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