[MyAppleMenu] May 25, 2009
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applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon May 25 18:59:00 EDT 2009
**** Watch Free TV On The iPhone <http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/120055/>
by Etan Horowitz, The Orlando Sentinel
Apple's iPhone is great for watching TV shows that you downloaded on your computer and loaded onto the device. But since the iPhone can't play Flash-based Web videos, there aren't that many ways to stream full episodes of popular TV shows for free. Here are some ways to do it.
**** Worst. Mistake. Ever. <http://pixobebo.com/index.php/pixonomy/articles/worst_mistake_ever_how_i_wish_i_could_forget_windows_forever/>
by Kate MacKenzie, PixoBebo
I was home again, naturally. Within a few days I was cruising on my Mac like never before, comfortable, safe, secure. Instead of feeling victimized by Windows PCâs hardware and software shenanigans, I felt comfortable, relieved.
**** Is App Store Rejection The New Acceptance? <http://www.iphonesavior.com/2009/05/is-app-store-rejection-the-new-acceptance.html>
by iPhone Savior
While hundreds of apps get launched into the App Store each week, virtually unnoticed, the ones getting rejected seem to be gaining significant press that would otherwise cost developers a fortune or never materialize at all.
**** Sonic The Hedgehog Races Onto The iPhone. But Do Its Fake Buttons Slow Him Down? <http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/05/24/sonic-the-hedgehog-races-onto-the-iphone-but-do-its-fake-buttons-slow-him-down/>
by Jason Kincaid, TechCrunch
**** MathTime: Hinsdale Kids Design Math App For iPhone <http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-talk-iphone-mathmay25,0,2531071.story>
by Mick Swasko, Chicago Tribune
You might think of flash cards and work sheets when you think of grade-school math. But now, thanks to two young brothers from Hinsdale, there's an app for that.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Love Affair With Secondaries <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2009/06/01/090601fi_fiction_raine>
by Craig Raine, The New Yorker
**** "Operation Spectrum Was Political Rape" <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/05/operation-spectrum-was-political-rape/>
by The Online Citizen
**** Other Countries Are Light Years Aheda Of Us In Providing Public Transport Subsidies For Disabled <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=3113>
by Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net
In terms of caring for the disabled and helping them cope with the cost of living by providing them public transport subsides, our government is light years behind other nations like Taiwan.
**** Public Order Concerns: Look Who's Talking <http://www.yoursdp.org/index.php/component/content/article/2408-public-order-concerns-look-whos-talking>
by Singapore Democrats
All these protests activists were not possible a few years ago because Mr Lee Kuan Yew insisted that pandemonium would break out if Singaporeans were allowed to come together for such events.
Such scare-mongering is the hallmark of anti-democrats. The appeal to fear is a potent weapon in getting the masses to fear itself and its own voice.
**** 3 Guides To Changes <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_381180.html>
by Zakir Hussain, Straits Times
Changes to Singapore's political system are in the works and on Sunday, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong spelt out three principles that will guide these amendments.
One, they must be fair to all political parties; two, they should result in a strong, effective government after an election; and three, they must ensure diverse views are represented in Parliament.
**** Materials To Be Online Soon <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_381190.html>
by Liaw Wy-Cin, Straits Times
The education ministry is making its material on sexuality education more accessible by publishing it online.
**** No 'Claims' System For MPs Here <http://tnp.sg/news/story/0,4136,203020,00.html?>
by Ho Lian-Yi, New Paper
Overpaid, overclaimed and over there. British MPs suffered a public backlash when their ridiculous expense claims recently came to light. Could this happen in Singapore?
**** Singapoe System Might Have Prevented The Expenses Scandal <http://www.theherald.co.uk/features/letters/display.var.2510115.0.Singapore_system_might_have_prevented_the_expenses_scandal.php>
by Marcus Brooke, The Hearld
A recent survey showed that the 10 best-paid Parliamentarians in the world were in Singapore: on average, Singapore parliamentarians are paid seven times as much as their British counterparts.
**** SM Upbeat On Ties With Malaysia <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_381330.html>
by Zakir Hussain, Straits Times
Both leaders, Goh Chok Tong said, understood that this was a 'last chance' for them to get bilateral ties on a better footing.
**** Singapore Cinema Patrons Showing Symptoms Of A Hyper-Stimulated Society? <http://eicolab.com.au/2009/05/25/singapore-cinema-patrons-showing-symptoms-of-a-hyper-stimulated-society/>
by Zern Liew, Eicolab
Is this inability to sit quietly, to appreciate a reflective deep moment, or to give oneself completely to a production a sad symptom of a hyper-stimulated society? Are people simply bored as soon as the flashing lights and noise on the screen stop, even for a second?
**** Singapore And Israel - A Study Of Contrasts <http://subbaiyer.wordpress.com/2009/05/24/singapore-and-israel-a-study-of-contrasts/>
by Subba's Serendipitous Moments
The difference between Singapore and Israel was neatly summed up by Guy Kawasaki in one of his recent visits to Singapore. He called Singapore an one-opinion town. His precise words were: Israel has 5 million people, six million entrepreneurs, and fifteen million opinions. Singapore has 5 million people, six entrepreneurs and one opinion.
**** JB Residents Not Swayed <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/SE%2BAsia/Story/STIStory_381339.html>
by Elizabeth Looi, Straits Times
A proposed bridge linking Singapore to eastern Johor has divided opinion in the Malaysian state, with Desaru tourism industry players all for it, and Johor Baru residents decidedly less enthusiastic.
**** Micro Loans From Singaporeans Changing Lives <http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews/Singapore/Story/A1Story20090525-143535.html>
by Dawn Tay, My Paper
In Azerbaijan, south of Russia, Ms Qatiba Jafarova has bought two cows to expand her home-grown dairy business - aided by cash loans from Singaporeans she has never met.
**** Change With The Times <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/321822.asp>
by Wendy Lee, Today
Opening 200 new centres will not help if hours are not extended beyond 7pm.
**** As Graciousness Drive Starts, Some Want Penalties Imposed <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/431545/1/.html>
by Zul Othman, Channel NewsAsia
**** Temasek: Lose So Much, Tell So Little? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/05/temasek-lose-so-much-tell-so-little/>
by Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen
How can Temasek say that employee and shareholder (Singaporeans) interests be aligned, when Singaporeans are still being kept in the dark when even our finance minister said in response to the BoA loss, that they do not question the day-to-day investments of Temasek?
**** Changes In SG Political Engagement? <http://harishpillay.livejournal.com/160241.html>
by Harish Pillay
**** Video Shows Student Jump <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_381409.html>
by Sujin Thomas, Straits Times
A fellow student filmed a bloodied Nanyang Technological University (NTU) David Hartanto Widjaja jumping off the roof of a link-bridge with his mobile phone, a coroner's court heard on Monday.
**** Singaporeans Dine Out Less <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_381438.html>
by Straits Times
More Singaporeans are eating in instead of dining out, as part of belt-tightening in this economic downturn. But they are not taking this to extremes and cutting out the little luxuries in life.
**** Singapore Sees Biggest Price Fall Ever In April <http://www.lse.co.uk/MacroEconomicNews.asp?ArticleCode=ibsyzroxold0btd&ArticleHeadline=update_2-singapore_sees_biggest_price_fall_ever_in_april>
by Nopporn Wong-Anan, Reuters
Singapore's consumer price index saw its biggest ever monthly fall in April, but analysts said there was no significant deflation risk.
**** MPs Suggest Changes To Political System To Make It More Robust <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/431699/1/.html>
by Hasnita Majid, Channel NewsAsia
While Singapore seeks to experiment with its political system, MPs said it must do so cautiously.
**** Changes To CPF Act Afoot <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_381546.html>
by Straits Times
Changes to the Central Provident Fund Act were tabled in Parliament on Monday to provide for the proposed establishment of the CPF Life scheme and the Housing and Development Board's new Lease Buyback Scheme.
**** 'Hybrid System' For Parliament? <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_381547.html>
by Zakir Hussain, Straits Times
Nominated MP Siew Kum Hong on Monday called for a hybrid Parliament in which 'a limited number of seats' could be 'allocated by way of proportional representation', while the majority would still be filled the way they are now.
This would allow for more diverse views in Parliament, he said, adding that it would also be 'more consistent with democratic principles than a scheme like the Nominated MP scheme'.
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