[MyAppleMenu] Jun 22, 2009
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applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Jun 22 18:59:00 EDT 2009
**** Apple Stuck Apologizing For AT&T Yet Again With A $30 ITunes Credit <http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TechCrunch/~3/JCvLJvuHuy0/>
by MG Siegler, TechCrunch
Weâve received a few tips of people saying theyâve gotten an email from Apple offering them a $30 iTunes Store credit due to the problems activating the new iPhone 3G S. Apple claims it is still working with AT&T to resolve the issue that has caused some new iPhones to still not be activated 2 days after the launch of the device. And it warns that it may be another 48 hours before itâs resolved.
**** 3.0 Is Here, But Where's The Free Security Update For iPod Touch 2.x? <http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=T&ct=us/1-0&fd=R&url=http://www.tuaw.com/2009/06/21/3-0-is-here-but-wheres-the-free-security-update-for-ipod-touch/&cid=0&ei=GKM-StnOOomQ9QSTnZGgCA&usg=AFQjCNGFahIadQByH1fiTkpIQYyBzoWPpQ>
by Robert Palmer, TUAW
**** Jobs' Health Again Fuels Speculation <http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=T&ct=us/3-0&fd=R&url=http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2009-06-20-steve-jobs_N.htm&cid=1264207329&ei=i9A-SuOFL4m2NbOSqbAF&usg=AFQjCNEKo7cYMHLa_poHsSO5G81qWIVO3g>
by Michelle Kessler, USA Today
Reports that Apple CEO Steve Jobs recently had a liver transplant are sparking speculation about the future of the electronics maker â and questions about what other issues the company may not be revealing.
**** On The iPhone App Storeâs Prohibition Of Emulators <http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/2009/06/22/on_the_iphone_app_stores_prohi/>
by The Fishbowl
Other phone manufacturers have to go to great lengths to sandbox third-party applications, building a complex security model to defend against malware. Apple instead said âscrew thatâ and moved the security model up a level into the app store.
**** My First Day At Stanford Learning To Program The iPhone <http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=T&ct=us/5-0&fd=R&url=http://google.ulitzer.com/node/1009577&cid=0&ei=xPc-SrKLJ4Os9QSI9bzmBg&usg=AFQjCNHFCsrwAMeS8eMkaEq4TXNW08Kzuw>
by Ken Fogel, Ulitzer.com
**** How Apple, AT&T Are Closing The Mobile Web <http://feeds.wired.com/~r/wired/index/~3/RfvXj8DJtv4/>
by Brian X. Chen, Wired
A growing chorus claims that Appleâs questionable approval policy for its iPhone application store raises issues with net neutrality.
**** Apple: Bruised Or Burnished? <http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/jun2009/tc20090621_038917.htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index+-+temp_news+%2B+analysis>
by Arik Hesseldahl, BusinessWeek
So Apple investors will be judging two competing headlines as the market opens on June 22: Will they worry about the mortality of Jobs, long believed to be the irreplaceable creative and aesthetic powerhouse of Apple, or will they decide that the successful launch of the latest iPhone is sufficiently good news to warrant buying more Apple stock?
**** Apple Should Disclose Transplant If Jobs Stays CEO, Experts Say <http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601205&sid=aRYCnEpXRww0>
by Connie Guglielmo, Bloomberg
Apple Inc. should disclose whether Steve Jobs had a liver transplant if he returns to work this month in the role of chief executive officer, corporate governance experts said.
**** Review: Mellel 2.6 <http://www.macworld.com/article/141243/2009/06/mellel2.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by William Porter, Macworld
Do you outline your thank-you notes, number (and then renumber) the items on your shopping lists, or use footnotes in e-mail? Then Mellel is probably the word processor for you. Writers of long technical documents will love the control that Mellel offers over outlines, cross-references, footnotes, table of contents generation, figures, and more.
**** Apple Touts Over 1 Million iPhone 3GS Devices Sold, Quotes Steve Jobs <http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TechCrunch/~3/1DjwJg7Katc/>
by Robin Wauters, TechCrunch
In addition, the company says six million customers have downloaded the new iPhone 3.0 software in the first five days since its release.
**** Review: iPhone 3G S <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=f60e4ac8d21d4ae4514e321d4ba9061e>
by Jason Snell, Macworld
Appleâs smartphone still at the top of its game.
**** Black & White 2 <http://www.maclife.com/article/reviews/black_white_2>
by Zack Stern, Mac Life
While Black & White 2 initially shows its variety, it turns into a dull, slow march. Only the most forgiving gods could overlook its basic problems.
**** iPhone 3G S Benchmarks And Comparisons: Up To 4x Faster Than 3G <http://www.macrumors.com/2009/06/22/iphone-3g-s-benchmarks-and-comparisons-up-to-4x-faster-than-3g/>
by MacRumors
**** Does Apple Still Need Steve Jobs? <http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/06/22/steve.jobs.apple.return/index.html?eref=ib_technology>
by CNN
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Investors Bet On Payments Via Cellphone <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/22/technology/22pay.html?partner=rss&emc=rss>
by Claire Cain Miller and Matt Richtel, New York Times
The aim is to turn phones into virtual credit cards or checkbooks, enabling the kind of click-and-buy commerce and online banking that people have come to expect on their PCs. But shrinking down those services to fit onto cellphones presents serious challenges.
**** Google's Vision Improving For Image Search <http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10269546-2.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20>
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** A Car of Oneâs Own <http://www.lrb.co.uk/v31/n11/ohag01_.html>
by Andrew OâHagan, London Review Of Books
This was the day General Motors came to the end of the road. I once asked a Sudanese politician to name the thing that in his eyes proved a nation was a nation. He didnât hesitate: âThe ability to make cars.â Britain was a nation because it made Jaguars. Germany was a nation because of Volkswagen. America ran the world because of General Motors. Italy made Fiats and France made Peugeots, Japan made Toyotas, and even the Russians, struggling along the highway towards modernity, had the easily underestimated Lada. Was making cars once an indicator of national self-sufficiency? Is it still?
**** Five Houses Down <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2009/06/29/090629po_poem_wiman>
by Christian Wiman, New Yorker
**** The âWorld-Famousâ Lipizzaners <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2009/06/29/090629po_poem_bruck>
by Julie Bruck, New Yorker
**** Ziggurat <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2009/06/29/090629fi_fiction_oconnor>
by Stephen O’Connor, New Yorker
The new girl sat at the computer in the corner playing Ziggurat, Panic!, and U-Turn. This was in the pine-panelled section of the Labyrinth, which is where the Minotaur had been hanging out lately, mainly because he didnât remember ever having been there before, and he liked sleeping on the pool table.
The new girl was smaller than most of the others. Peanut-colored. Her shoulders shook. Her fingers twitched on the computer keys, making noises like munching rodents. Her eyes were filled with rhomboids of white, then blue, then red. Yellow. Then red again. Lots of red. And they were separated by two wrinkles that said to the Minotaur, Go away! Iâm too busy for you!
**** Sentosa Beats Disneyland - But At What Price? <http://tnp.sg/columnists/story/0,4136,205728,00.html?>
by New Paper
>From $4 Cokes to five-minute video games that cost $12 a pop, there are some things that are simply overpriced in my view.
**** Parents Not So Keen To Close Schools <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC090622-0000047/Parents-not-so-keen-to-close-schools>
by Lin Yanqin, Today
The H1N1 statistics may be rising fast - among them seven students aged 12 to 20 linked to Riverlife Church, a cluster reported over the weekend - but parents appear to think extending the school holidays is not quite necessary for now.
**** It Can Be Difficult To Gauge Length Of Train Delay: SMRT <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC090622-0000008/It-can-be-difficult-to-gauge-length-of-train-delay--SMRT>
by Bernadette Low, SMRT Corporation, Today
SMRTâs aim during any service disruption is to recover service as soon as possible. However, at the initial stages, it may not be possible to determine how long the recovery will take. Hence, we seek passengersâ understanding if we are unable to provide accurate information at the onset on the time needed for service to recover.
**** Is Building 2 And 3 Room Flats A Sign Of Progress? <http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/2009/06/is-building-2-and-3-rm-flats-sign-of.html>
by My Singapore News
How many of you agree that building more 2 and 3 room flats is a sign of progress? To me it is the clearest indicator that we are going down, getting poorer as a people.
Actually, I believe that stopping to build 2 and 3 room flats was a mistake in the first place.
**** I Heart Singapore... <http://sporenaissance.blogspot.com/2009/06/i-heart-singapore.html>
by A Singaporean Renaissance
It would be really good if entry and exit barriers were lowered as far as possible.
**** Third Bridge? <http://kokbent.wordpress.com/2009/06/21/third-bridge/>
by My Another Attempt To Blog...
**** éèåå·¡ï¼èæåå·¡-æ°å å¡çä¸å
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**** ä¸æ°èåæ¼ç»å¼å§ æå
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by ç¯çç½
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**** Losing Touch And Sense Of Proportion <http://wayangparty.com/?p=10304>
by Gabriel Sim, The Wayang Party
**** å¤æå¦æ ¡æåä¸å¨è¯¾å¤æ´»å¨ <http://www.zaobao.com/sp/sp090622_007.shtml>
by èµè¯ç³, èåæ©æ¥
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**** Singapore Tries Hard To Counter Demographic Challenges <http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/274236,singapore-tries-hard-to-counter-demographic-challenges--feature.html>
by DPA
In its efforts to counter the demographic challenges of low fertility and an ageing population, Singapore's government leaves no stone unturned, even using death to sell marriage.
**** Local Media Can Write About Gay Pride Events In China, Not Singapore <http://www.yawningbread.org/arch_2009/yax-1046.htm>
by Yawning Bread
The first thing that struck me when I saw the feature article in the Straits Times about Gay Pride events in China was why no similar kind of reporting has been done about pride events in Singapore.
**** Singapore Changes Tactics To Battle H1N1 Influenza <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/437781/1/.html>
by Channel NewsAsia
Health minister Khaw Boon Wan has spelt out measures in the country's tactics to battle the H1N1 virus as circumstances in the country change. Speaking at a news conference on Monday, he said as the numbers in the country escalate, agencies have to shift their resources to focus on detecting and treating infected cases, paying special attention to high-risk patients.
**** Schools To Re-open As Scheduled Despite H1N1 Situation <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/437803/1/.html>
by S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia
Health minister Khaw Boon Wan has said schools will re-open and the Asian Youth Games and National Day celebrations will carry on.
**** Faster Ferries To Bintan <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_393904.html>
by Straits Times
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