[MyAppleMenu] Feb 3, 2009

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Feb 3 18:59:00 EST 2009


**** LaCie Intros 8x Blu-Ray Disc Burner <http://www.macworld.com/article/138591/2009/02/d2.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Peter Cohen, Macworld

The drive can burn up to 50GB of data on a single dual-layer BD-R disc, and can do so at 4x to 8x speed (limited to 6x using USB 2.0).

**** Review: Cartoonizeme For iPhone <http://www.macworld.com/article/138590/2009/02/cartoonizeme.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Kyle Bailey, Macworld

This slick little iPhone app allows you to add cartoonish effects pictures of friends and relatives until your cheeks hurt from too much smiling.

**** Apple Improves Keynote, Pages, Numbers '08 Compatibility <http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/02/apple-improves-keynote-pages-numbers-compatibility.ars>
by Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica

Version 4.0.4 of Keynote improves compatibility with PowerPoint 2007 and PowerPoint 2008 files generated by Microsoft.

**** False Hopes: Adobe Desperate To Install Flash On The iPhone? <http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2009/02/false-hopes-ado.html>
by Charlie Sorrel, Wired

"Apple and Adobe are collaborating." It seems straightforward enough, but is likely to be just bluster and wishful thinking.

**** Steve Jobs And Your Own Privacy As An Executive <http://www.forbes.com/2009/02/02/steve-jobs-health-leadership-governance_0202_joni.html>
by Saj-Nicole Joni, Forbes

In the new era of transparency, it is less possible to avoid the collision between public and private rights. I preidct that if you want to lead at the top, these issues will increasingly be decided in favor of the greater good of those you serve.

**** Apple In-Ear Headphones With Remote And Mic Review <http://the-gadgeteer.com/2009/02/02/apple-in-ear-headphones-with-remote-and-mic-review/comment-page-1/>
by Dave Rees, The Gadgeteer

I conducted my usual earbud test on them and was very happy when I was able to stop using them.

**** Mac OS X Makes The Grade In New Computer Science Course <http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-10154974-16.html>
by Matt Asay, CNET

If the University of Utah is offering OS X administration courses, it's because there's a market for the class, a market that is being fed by increasing enterprise adoption of the Mac.

Something disturbs me... "Mac OS X Deployment v10.5", or any computer administration classes, does not belong to Computer Science. Where is the science?

**** Mac Enters Enterprise By Back Door <http://blogs.eweek.com/applewatch/content/mac_os_x/mac_enters_enterprise_by_back_door.html>
by Joe Wilcox, eWeek

Business Mac deployments hit a 5 percent adoption ceiling last year, but they're bouncing down, according to a new report by Forrester Research.

**** <i>World Of Goo</i> Publisher Files For Bankruptcy <http://blog.wired.com/games/2009/02/world-of-goo-pu.html>
by Earnest Cavalli, Wired

Even publishing the finest indie game of the year can't protect a company from the ravages of our current economy.

**** I'm Sorry, Mac, I Was Wrong <http://asia.cnet.com/blogs/thetechdynasty/post.htm?id=63008678&scid=rvhm_ms>
by Ryan McLaughlin, CNET Asia

Apple has done absolutely everything it can to make using its laptop computer an enjoyable experience.

**** Learn To Play An Instrument <http://www.macworld.com/article/138596/2009/02/play_instrument.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Christopher Breen, Macworld

Your Mac can help you pick up new skills.

**** BookEndz-es <http://blastmagazine.com/the-magazine/technology/2009/02/bookendz-es/>
by Bradley Ouellette, Blaast

**** Apple Sues German Website Over 'Misuse' Of iPhone Imagery <http://www.macblogz.com/2009/02/02/apple-sues-german-website-over-misuse-of-iphone-imagery/>
by MacBloz

Apple has sent a cease and desist letter to a German website that sells iPhone 3G's independent of a Simlock or T-Mobile contract, as well as a $2,271 bill for legal costs surrounding the misuse of Apple's own iPhone imagery.

**** Another Case For Lower Mac Prices <http://www.businessweek.com/technology/ByteOfTheApple/blog/archives/2009/02/another_case_fo.html?campaign_id=rss_blog_byteoftheapple>
by Peter Burrows, BusinessWeek

Has Apple so differentiated itself from Windows rivals that the Mac market is now a separate thing from the overall PC market?

**** A Salmagundi Of Smart Playlists <http://www.macworld.com/article/138595/2009/02/smart_playlists.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

Smart playlists let you set up rules and then sit back and let iTunes do the searching, filling the playlists with tracks that meet your desires. Here’s a handful of smart playlists to show you some of the subtle ways you can have your Mac choose your songs for you.

Smart playlists is one of the most powerful feature of the iTunes/iPod product, and is one of the main reason why my podcast listening experience is so great on my iPod.

**** Drobo Saga: The Resolution <http://speirs.org/2009/02/03/drobo-saga-the-resolution/>
by Fraser Speirs

THe Drobo situation has been resolved.

**** Kept Out Of Sight: The Strange Case Of Apple's Disappearing Visual Voicemail <http://web20.telecomtv.com/pages/?newsid=44468&id=e9381817-0593-417a-8639-c4c53e2a2a10&view=news>
by Tony Poulos, Telecom TV

Despite Apple's success at rolling out the iPhone via its mobile operator partner channels, it hasn't had everything its own way. One of the iPhone's much-vaunted features - Visual Voicemail - has been studiously ignored by many operators even though they could profit from it as a way of driving even more subscribers to their service.

**** Review: Aquaria <http://www.macworld.com/article/138583/2009/02/aquaria.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Chris Holt, Macworld

The game doesn't merely pay homage to an earlier genre of gameplay, but embellishes and explores new ways to define it. Well-paced and unique, Aquaria is an instant classic.

**** Hands-On: TechRestore's Matte-Screen MacBook Pro Service <http://www.macworld.com/article/138574/2009/02/techrestorembp.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Rob Griffiths, Macworld

If you're a matte screen aficionado, and you've been lamenting the lack of such screens on the new 15-inch MacBook Pro, TechRestore's screen replacement program is an option worth serious consideration.

**** Force The Help System To Update Help Files <http://www.macworld.com/article/138602/2009/02/fixhelp.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Rob Griffiths, Macworld

**** Review: iPhoto '09 <http://www.macworld.com/article/138598/2009/02/iphoto09.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Rick LePage, Macworld

By focusing on the people and places behind our photos--and how we share them--Apple has made it easier in iPhoto ’09 to categorize, search for, and share our pictures. We’d like to see some of these new features more streamlined and automated, but this latest version is a solid step forward.

**** iLife Suite Quietly Going Intel-Only, PowerPC Owners Cry <http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/02/ilife-09-suite-quietly-going-intel-only-powerpc-owners-cry.ars>
by David Chartier, Ars Technica

iLife '09 contains plenty of new features to convince current Mac owners to upgrade from iLife '08, but there is one unfortunate deterrent for those still on PowerPC-based machines. GarageBand '09 is the first iLife component to have one of its most touted features go Intel-only.

**** Review: Flutter And Palringo For iPhone <http://www.macworld.com/article/138611/2009/02/flutter_palringo.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Jeffery Battersby, Macworld

Apps look to address iPhone's inability to send pictures via MMS.

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Is Wikipedia Cracking Up? <http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/is-wikipedia-cracking-up-1543527.html>
by Stephen Foley, The Independent

It was a utopian vision: an encyclopedia for the people, by the people. But eight years on, Wikipedia is plauged by endless hoaxes, riven by boradroom rebellion - and lurches from one cash crisis to another. Will it become a footnote in the history of the web?

**** Is Open Source Becoming Like Microsoft? <http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-10154383-16.html?tag=mncol>
by Matt Asay, CNET

To the extend that we build projects that run only with other open-source projets, and intend them to only work with open-source components, we're acting like the proprietary ecosystems that we've been trying to overcome.

**** I'm Reading Newspapers Again <http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2009/02/im_reading_newspapers_again.html>
by Roger Ebert, Chicaco Sun-Times

The pages follow in orderly progression. The headlines and artwork point me to stories I find interesting. I am settled. I am serene. I read. I think. I am freed from clicking and the hectic need to scroll, to bounce between links. I don't have search for the print stories. They find me.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Between Sound And Silence <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123362462332941929.html?mod=rss_Books>
by David Lodge, Wall Street Journal

His parents were deaf. He was not. A memoir.

**** What Are The Odds A Handy, Quotable Statistic Is Lying? Better Than Even <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/03/books/03gewen.html>
by Barry Gewen, New York Times

It's hard to resist a book that tells you that most people have more than the average number of feet. Or that researchers have found that Republicans enjoy sex more than Democrts do. Michael Blastland and Andrew Dilnot delight in bringing such facts to our attention &mdash; and then explaining them away.

**** Paradise <http://www.slate.com/id/2210318/?from=rss>
by Emma Jones, Slate

**** China: A Threat To Or Threatened By Democracy? <http://dissentmagazine.org/article/?article=1318>
by Edward Friedman, Dissent

In order to dal with a superpower--anti-democratic China--democracies feel compelled to become less democratic.

**** When Altruism Isn't Moral <http://www.american.com/archive/2009/when-altruism-isnt-moral>
by Sally Satel, The American

Our nation's current organ donation system relies on altruism alone. A regime of donor compensation would be better.


**** The Saga Of The Structured Notes - What Next For The Suffering Investors? (Part 2) <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2009/02/saga-of-structured-notes-what-next-for_03.html>
by Mr Wang Says So

In Singapore, the risk-profiling process is carried out by the very same salesperson who's going to try to sell you some structured product. In other words, there's a conflict of interest.

**** From Theory To Practice: Femtocells Put To Work In Singapore <http://web20.telecomtv.com/pages/?newsid=44456&id=e9381817-0593-417a-8639-c4c53e2a2a10>
by Tony Poulos, Telecom TV

Femtocells may become a serious part of the mobile infrastructure over the next few years. We've covered the standards and the theory, but with Singapore's StarHub having launched service, we can now bring you one of the first, independent femto reviews.

**** 8 Drop Out Of Bloggers Association <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/300060.asp>
by Alicia Wong, Today

Less than a month after the Bloggers Association (Singapore) was officially formed, eight founding members have stepped down, leaving president Jayne Goh and secretary Wilfrid Wong at the helm.

The sudden departures mostly stem from the negative response to the association and personal commitments, said Ms Goh, who admitted: "There are quite a lot of disagreements as well, on the way the association is run and on my conduct."

**** My Favorite Spot In Singapore <http://princessemilyng.blogspot.com/2009/02/my-favorite-spot-in-singapore.html>
by Shhh! Secret Life Of A Princess

Simple pleasures of life.

**** 新加坡的红灯区 <http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4dbff57a0100brkx.html>
by 霜天晓角 新的希望 2009


**** No Steep Rental Cuts <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_333632.html>
by Joyce Teo, Straits Times

The head of a developers' association yesterday urged commercial tenants here not to expect steep rental cuts from their landlords.

Mr Simon Cheong, president of the Real Estate Developers Association of Singaproe (Redas), has asked tenants to be reasonable in their demands.

**** More Help For Needy Students, How About Near Needy? <http://singaporeenquirer.sg/?p=1763>
by Daniel Ling, Singapore Enquirer

**** RI, Singapore Agree On New Boundary <http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2009/02/03/ri-singapore-agree-new-boundary.html>
by Erwida Maulia, The Jakarta Post

After almost four years of negotiations, Indonesia and Singapore have agreed on a new maritime boundary.

Departing from previous concern, foreign minister Hassan Wirajuda said, Singapore, which has been acitvely reclaiming its shoreline, finally agreed not to use its southern reclaimed shoreline as the basis to determine the border.

**** 2008电视收视 娘惹、奶爸、草根收视下滑中的砥柱 <http://www.zaobao.com/fk/fk090203_514.shtml>
by 洪铭铧, 联合早报


**** Swiss's Loss, Singapore's Gain <http://www.property-report.com/em_op_archives.php?id=194>
by Khalil Adis, Property Report Asia

If you noticed more Lamborghinis and Ferraris revving up Singapore's roads lately, it's the super rich making their mark.

**** Singapore Visitor Arrivals Down For 7th Straight Month <http://www.forbes.com/feeds/afx/2009/02/03/afx5998520.html>
by Melanie Lee, Reuters

Singapore's visitor arrivals in December 2008 fell 6.9 percent rom a year earlier as the global economic downturn took a toll on the tourism sector, the Singapore Tourism Board said on Tuesday.

**** Sports Hub Consortium Having Difficulty Finding Funds To Start Project <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/406588/1/.html>
by 938Live

The consortium which is constructing the Kallang Sports Hub is having difficulty in raising the necessary funds to start the project, due to the ongoing financial crisis.

**** MPs Welcome Move To Use Reserves But Warn Against Setting A Precedence <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/406600/1/.html>
by S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia

MPs who spoke on the subject are clear about their stand - that such a decision must not be made a habit and it is important for Singaporeans to understand the full reasons behind it and the president's approval.

**** Shoppers Tighten Belts Despite Bargains In Orchard Road <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/406606/1/.html>
by Cheryl Lim, Channel NewsAsia

Recession woes have hit Singapore's shopping belt. Retailers are finding it harder to persuade consumers to part with their hard-earned cash despite the attractive post-Lunar New Year sales.

**** Written Answer To Parliamentary Question On Status Of Implementation Of Recommendations On Committee Of Inquiry Into Mas Selamat's Escape, 03 February 2009 <http://www.mha.gov.sg/news_details.aspx?nid=MTM2Mw%3D%3D-FrzO8GhB8aY%3D>
by Wong Kan Seng, Singapore Government

All the specific recommendations have ben fully followed up and implemented.

**** Tough Questions Asked About Effectiveness Of Jobs Credit Scheme <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/406610/1/.html>
by Asha Popatlal, Channel NewsAsia

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