[MyAppleMenu] Feb 2, 2009
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Feb 2 18:59:00 EST 2009
**** How Secure Is Safari? <http://www.pcworld.com/article/158706/how_secure_is_safari.html>
by Roger A. Grimes, InfoWorld
Security is not Safari's strong point. Security-minded users will have to decide if Safari's poor cipher support, lack of security zones, and absence of enterprise features for mass deployment and control can be overcome by its aesthetic benefits.
**** Apple's Gloom At The Mall <http://online.barrons.com/article/SB123335921826035123.html?mod=googlenews_barrons>
by Mark Veverka, Barron's
The impact of these stores, which will remain powerful when the economy returns, is multifold. They have created a high-margin retail channel that has been hugely responsible for converting Windows users to Macs. Their registers will ring again as long as Apple continues to deliver iconic wares.
**** The SEC Should Leave Steve Jobs Alone <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123353490166937699.html?mod=googlenews_wsj>
by Harvey Silverglate, Wall Street Journal
The notion that investors were entitled to every detail, when they knew the CEO's health history and saw his obvious weight loss, is ludicrous. That a man's desire to maintain a shred of privacy under these circumstances can justify a fraud investigation tells us much about the lack of legal precision, not to mention decency, with which federal investigators and prosecutors too often operate.
**** iPhone Still Has No Flash <http://blogs.eweek.com/applewatch/content/developer/iphone_still_has_no_flash.html>
by Joe Wilcox, eWeek
John Gruber is right. Collaboration "could mean anything." Flash on iPhone isn't a "technical challenge." It's an Apple-imposed challenge, I say.
**** Despite iTunes Accord, Music Labels Still Fret <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/02/business/media/02apple.html?ref=todayspaper>
by Tim Arango, New York Times
Apple, according to a music industry official involved in the negotiations, offered to negotiate variable pricing about a year ago. Apple indicated it was willing to make the switch to variable pricing provided that the music companies would agree to license songs for wireless downloads on the iPhone, as well as drop copyright protections using digital rights management software.
**** Special Gloves Ease Use Of iPhone In Cold <http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/02/01/BUS615IQSM.DTL&feed=rss.business>
by Michael Felberbaum, Associated Press
A company called 4sight Products Inc. has a solution: $40 gloves that have electrically conductive gold-colored material on the tip of the index finger and thumb. Apple must think it's a good idea as well - it has filed an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for gloves that would do essentially the same thing.
**** Aperture To Picasa Plug-In Does Just What It Says <http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/02/aperture-to-picasa-plug-in-does-just-what-it-says.ars>
by David Chartier, Ars Technica
An open source plug-in allow Aperture 2 users to share photos online through Google's Picasa Web Albums service.
**** Get Audio Into Your Mac <http://www.macworld.com/article/138535/2009/02/audio_input.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Christopher Breen, Macworld
How to work with mics and other input methods.
**** App Store Lessons: Apple Clarifies Upsell Policy <http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/02/app-store-lessons-apple-clarifies-upsell-policy.ars>
by Erica Sadun, Ars Technica
You can develop Lite and Free versions of your iPhone application, but it turns out that Beta and Demo apps are off limits.
**** Diner Dash: Flo Through Time <http://www.insidemacgames.com/reviews/view.php?ID=1014>
by Richard Hallas, Inside Mac Games
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Web Site Created For Semantic Cloud API <http://news.cnet.com/8301-19413_3-10154161-240.html?tag=mncol>
by James Urquhart, CNET
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** That Buzzing Sound <http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/02/09/090209fa_fact_groopman>
by Jerome Groopman, The New Yorker
The mystery of tinnitus.
**** In The Attic <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2009/02/09/090209po_poem_heaney>
by Seamus Heaney, The New Yorker
**** The Two Yvonnes <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2009/02/09/090209po_poem_greenbaum>
by Jessica Greebaum, The New Yorker
**** GIC Generates Returns <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_333188.html>
by Alvin Foo, Straits Times
The Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) is confident that it will be able to continue generating reasonable returns for the country's reserves despite a tougher global investment climate.
**** Budget Spending Not Transparent, SDP Proposes Alternative 5-Point Plan <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/1845-budget-spending-not-transparent-sdp-proposes-alternative-5-point-plan->
by Singapore Democrats
If the PAP is serous on helping the people, then it should implement these measures proposed by the Singapore Democrats. No fancy names, no complex time line, just quick and good help for the people.
But if the intent is to make the Budget sound and look impressive while evading transparency and accountability then names like Resilience Package would go a long way in aiding the wayang.
**** ä¸å¤ï¼æ°å±±å°±èäºï¼ <http://www.zaobao.com/fk/fk090202_507.shtml>
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**** Singapore Is Evil <http://eternal-hap.blogspot.com/2009/01/spore-is-evil.html>
by Making History Relevant
People may say Singapore does not have 'free' elections, but this isn't enough to paint the government as evil.
**** çµè´¹ - çæ´»çç¦èç¹ <http://www.wp.sg/wordpress/2009/02/çµè´¹-çæ´»çç¦èç¹/>
by The Workers' Party
**** Responsibilities To National Stakeholders <http://singaporeenquirer.sg/?p=1753>
by Gabriel Sim, Singapore Enquirer
If taxpayer money is used, there must be transparency and accountability. If companies and industries are saved because of our sacrifices and our money, then there should be some compensation and windfall due to us when everything recovers.
I believe Mr Gabriel Sim is forgetting one crucial fact: Companies pay taxes too!
**** STOMP The Biggest Loser In TPJC Controversy <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/02/stomp-is-the-biggest-loser-in-the-tpjc-controversy/>
by Terence Lee and Mervin Lee, The Online Citizen
One wonders if the editor of STOMP even bothered to verify the accuracy of the report, if one could even call it that.
**** This Dollar Needs To Drop <http://online.barrons.com/article/SB123335914625635103.html?mod=googlenews_barrons>
by Ven Ram, Barron's
Economists say the authority will eventually let the Singapore dollar weaken, as otherwise it risks falling behind the curve even as other central banks cut rates aggressively to prop up their economies.
**** Offshore Singapore, Why So Attractive? <http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/articles/12856_offshore_singapore_why_so_attractive>
by Ecommerce Journal
**** æåç®æ¯é²æ¥çå家åï¼ <http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/8564>
by æ±çè, ææ´²æ¥æ¥(馬ä¾è¥¿äº)
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**** Informing Media Opinion <http://www.phnompenhpost.com/index.php/National-news/Informing-media-opinion.html>
by Roger Mitton, THe Phnom Penh Post
When I met a Singapore delegation, they told me how their ministers, even the prime minister, sue the newspapers. They said I'm too soft with journalists. But in Cambodia, we take a much more relaxed and democratic attitude. Even a foreigner can own a newspaper here. You don't even need a Cambodian partner. That's not possible in most Asian countries, even those that claim to have a free press. One of the reasons we did it is because foreigners help our own journalists develop their technical and professional abilities. And it helps foster the openness of Cambodian society because people now feel they can say things they used to think were forbidden.
**** Blogging Group Fizzles Out <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_333353.html>
by Serene Luo, Straits Times
The fledging Association of Bloggers (Singapore) has lost at least seven out of 10 of its founding committee members over the weekend. The Straits Times understands an eight person also intends to step down. Those who have stepped down include its two vice-presidents and treasurer.
**** Off-Budget Steps To Come? <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_333396.html>
by Fiona Chan, Straits Times
Even as a panel hosted by audit firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers praised this year's budget statement, - announced two weeks ago and to be debated in Parliament starting today - expectations of a 'Plan B' hung in the air, in the form of more off-budget measures to come later this year.
**** Singaore, Indonesia Reach Agreement On Border Dispute <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/406410/1/.html>
by Sujadi Siswo, Channel NewsAsia
Indonesia and Singapore have settled a dispute over a maritime border that spans over 36 years. It involves the area around Indonesia's Nipah Island, in the Riau Islands, nearest to Singapore.
**** The Needy Still Lack Awareness Of Help Schemes <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/406445/1/.html>
by Hetty Musfirah Abdul Khamid, Channel NewsAsia
Of the S$6.25m budgeted for the CCC-ComCare Fund, only S$1.57m was disbursed to the needy and low-income families in the first nine months of the current fiscal year.
**** Amendments To The Films Act <http://geraldgiam.wordpress.com/2009/02/02/amendments-to-the-films-act/>
by Gerald Giam
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