[MyAppleMenu] Jun 3, 2008
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Tue Jun 3 13:15:00 EDT 2008
**** Apple's Script <http://www.red-sweater.com/blog/502/apples-script>
by Daniel Jalkut, Red Sweater Blog
Kudos to the WebKit team!
**** Apple School Deal Offers Free iPod Touch <http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/06/03/free.ipod.touch.edu.promo/>
by MacNN
Apple today began one of its more ambitious back-to-school promos by offering a free iPod touch to faculty and students buying a Mac.
**** From Macs To Speakers, More Gift Ideas For Dads, Grads <http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/tech/drmac/5815009.html>
by Bob LeVitus, Houston Chronicle
**** Mac Time Machine: Backup For The Rest Of Us? <http://blogs.zdnet.com/storage/?p=327>
by Robin Harris, ZDNet.com
It is cheap insurance for busy systems. You can afford no less.
**** Apple Fans Prepare For Glimpse Of 3G iPhone <http://www.news.com.au/technology/story/0,25642,23803101-5016091,00.html>
by News.com.au
**** I'm Getting A MacBook <http://mikeberta.us/blog/2008/06/02/im-getting-a-macbook/>
by Mike's Doc Blog
Call me a bandwagoner if you would like but this is a decision I reflected on for quite a while.
/One should not underestimate the difficulty of migrating out of Windows platform, and that's why the switch to Intel by Apple makes so much sense./
**** Endangered Speices Game Debuts <http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/06/02/safari.sketch/>
by MacNN
**** Apple's Genius Bar Is Genius... <http://beautifulandgrotesque.blogspot.com/2008/06/apples-genius-bar-is-genius.html>
by Ryan Hartsock, Beautiful And Grotesque
Thanks Apple for a great customer service experience time and time again!
**** Apple Stores Across Country Holding Black Music Month Concerts <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/06/02/apple-stores-across-country-holding-black-music-month-concerts>
by Jeff Smykil, Ars Technica
This month, in recognition of Black Music Month, Apple stores are hosting a variety of concerts around the country featuring various African American artists.
**** Mobile Me: What A New .Mac Might Mean For The iPhone <http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/06/mobile-me-what.html>
by Charlie Sorrel, Wired
Here are four things we'd love to see from Mobile Me.
**** Lifting The Lid: Steve Jobs Unlikely To Face SEC Options Suit <http://www.reuters.com/article/PBLSHG/idUSN0736611420080530>
by Gina Keating, Reuters
Steve Jobs is not likely to face a government lawsuit over stock options backdating despite legal actions agaisnt a growing number of his former colleagues at Apple and Pixar.
Jobs appears to have a strong case. As CEO, he may not have known about the legal implications of backdating carried out by subordinates, lawyers say. Internal audits have cleared him, and federal regulators want ironclad cases, rather than a battle agaisnt the business icon responsible for the iPod.
**** Dragoman Offers Batch File Conversion For Mac OS X <http://www.macworld.com/article/133725/2008/06/dragoman.html>
by Peter Cohen, Macworld
Dragoman is a "universal" batch file conversion tool that can convert images, photos, music files and archive files using a drag-and-drop interface.
**** The iPhone Trickles Into The Enterprise <http://www.macworld.com/article/133721/2008/06/iphone_enterprise.html>
by David Haskin, Computerworld
Consumer adoption may well help accelerate acceptance of iPhone 2.0 in the enterprise, but not without IT managers giving close scrutiny to its capabilities, security, support, price and even durability.
**** Essential Mac Maintenance: Get Set Up <http://www.macworld.com/article/133671/2008/06/macmaintenance1.html>
by Dan Frakes, Macworld
Setting your system up right can not only prevent problems but also make a difference if a problem arises int he future—be it a hard-drive meltdown, a natural disaster, or theft. Taking these steps when your Mac is brand new is easiest, but it's never too late to get organized.
**** Five Mac Maintenance Myths <http://www.macworld.com/article/133684/2008/06/maintenance_intro.html>
by Dan Frakes, Macworld
Let's talk about what you /don't/ need to do, despite what you may read in online forums or on email mailing lists.
**** Apple Announces iTunes Festival, 2008 <http://www.macworld.co.uk/digitallifestyle/news/index.cfm?RSS&NewsID=21518>
by Jonny Evans, Macworld UK
James Blunt, McFly, N.E.R.D., The Zutons and Chaka Khan are among dozens of acts confirmed to play at the second iTunes Festival:London this summer, which takes place this July.
**** No Apple At Apple Expo, 2008 <http://www.macworld.co.uk/business/news/index.cfm?RSS&NewsID=21515>
by Jonny Evans, Macworld UK
Apple has once again decided to snub its European users, cancelling its booth at the 25th anniversary Apple Expo, Paris event.
/i wonder if Macworld SF will soon be at risk too. There must be many not-so-happy people in Apple having to worry about putting on a show right after the holiday seasons./
**** 1Password Improves Autosave <http://www.macworld.com/article/133708/2008/06/1password.html>
by Peter Cohen, Macworld
1Password helps keep track of passwords for the web sites you visit. New to the 2.6.3 release is an easier to use autosave window for Safari and other browsers based on Apple's WebKit technology: it now lets you verify that the login information is accurate before saving.
**** Thousands Of Palm Apps To Leap To iPhone <http://www.macworld.co.uk/ipod-itunes/news/index.cfm?RSS&NewsID=21496>
by Jonny Evans, Macworld UK
Apple has a developer hit on its hands with the iPhone and iPod touch, with mobile developer StyleTap last night confirming plans that should bring "thousands" of applications to both devices.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Acer Aspires To Lead Low-Cost Laptop Race <http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-9957706-7.html?tag=nefd.top>
by Erica Ogg, CNET News.com
**** Is Google Draining Or Retaining? <http://www.slate.com/id/2192697/?from=rss>
by Chris Thompson, Slate
Reports of an exodus of talent from the company has been greatly exaggerated.
**** Gearing Up For The Rise Of The Mini Web Gadgets <http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4050344.ece>
by Jonathan Richards, The Times
Devices that offer pocket-sized web connectivity for people ont he move are likely to be this Christmas's stocking-filler gadget.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** The Names <http://www.slate.com/id/2188042/?from=rss>
by Joe Wilkins, Slate
**** Dark, Perhaps Forever <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/03/science/03dark.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by Dennis Overbye, New York Times
Although cosmologists have adopted a cute name, dark energy, for whatever is dirving this apparently antigravitational behavior on the part of the universe, nobody claims to understand wy it is happening, or its implications for the future of the universe and of the life within it, despite thousands of learned papers, scores of conferences and millions of dollars' worth of telescope time.
**** The Book Collection That Devoured My Life <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121217626838633437.html>
by Luc Sante, Wall Street Journal
Why it's so hard to let go of books in a language I can't read... or duplicate copies of 'True Tales from the Annals of Crime and Rascality'... or Tijuana sailors' pornography...
**** A Biography Of The World's Most Famous Sex Manual <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/29/AR2008052903264.html>
by Michael Dirda, Washington Post
The title alone summons visions of exceedingly ambitious sexual postures. Yet the real /Kamasutra/ is even more fascinating than its myth.
**** Chee And Sister Drop Appeals Against Sentence <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Courts%2Band%2BCrime/STIStory_244017.html>
by Straits Times
Explaining their decision, they said they were unable to file their notices of appeal by the deadline because they could not pay the $2,000 administrative fee.
**** MediaCorp's RSI To End Transmission On July 31 <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/351639/1/.html>
by Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia
MediaCorp said the effectiveness of a shortwave radio service has diminished over time,w ith changing technology and media consumption habits.
**** Singapore, US Sign Aviation Security Pact <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_243971.html>
by Straits Times
Singapore is the first country in the Asia Pacific to conclude a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Transport Security Administration (TSA), of the US Department of Homeland Security, to work on the development and enhancement of civil aviation security, said a statement from Ministry of Transport on Tuesday.
/I hope this does not translate to more invasion of privacy for passengers./
**** Lax Editorial Standards At Today? <http://aaron-ng.info/blog/lax-editorial-standards-at-today.html>
by Aaron Ng, Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
The problem with the first headline wasn't exactly the issue of Gopalan Nair being an American citizen but rather, the problem was the original headline was factually wrong.
**** Gopalan Nair's 1St Court Mention <http://chiatilik.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/gopalan-nairs-1st-court-mention/>
by Chia Ti Lik
A simple first mention for Gopalan Nair scheduled for 9 am ended at 4.35 pm. For the first time in more than 9 years as a lawyer, I saw a criminal case being handled in this manner.
**** Card Or IU: Which Is Faulty? <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_243748.html>
by Tan Weizhen, Straits Times
Is it the CashCard or the In-vehicle Unit (IU)? It's still a mystery as to what's behind the ERP glitches that plague about 300 drivers a month.
**** Singapore Should Sign Pact On Cluster Bombs <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_243812.html>
by Timothy Tan, Straits Times
This is disappointing, as even neighbouring countries like Malaysia and Indonesia are among the signatories.
**** Thinking About The Long-Term <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/257242.asp>
by Tan Kin Lian, Today
The comments of your editorial directory about my "strategic errors" arose from a misunderstanding of my purpose, which is to protect the long-term interests of the policyholders.
**** Right Move, Wrong Target <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/6/3/focus/21424882&sec=focus>
by Nelson Benjamin, The Star
At the end of the day, much of Johor's economy is still heavily dependent on Singaporeans and it is in our interest to ensur ethey keep on returning to the country whether to eat, shop or even spend a bit on fuel.
**** US Blogger Charged In Singapore Over 'Prostituting' Comment <http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5gntcSbiVZObFVO3OHeAzWZTzw8-Q>
by AFP
A California-based blogger who allegedly accused a judge of "prostituting herself" has been arrested and charged in Singapore, his lawyer and a court document said Monday.
According to a court document, Gopalan Nair is charged with insulting justice Belinda Ang Saw Ean last Thursday by sending an email which said she "was throughout prostituting herself during the entire proceedings, by being nothing more than ane employee of Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his son and carrying out their orders".
**** Who's Truth Is It Anyway? <http://feedmetothefish.blogspot.com/2008/06/whos-truth-is-it-anyway.html>
by Feed Me To The Fish
After so many years, I'm happy to note that alternative reports and news are now available on the net.
**** 146Th Today Changed Title Of Gopalan Nair's News <http://uncleyap-news.blogspot.com/2008/06/146th-today-changed-title-of-gopalan.html>
by Kengho Yap, News Release By UncleYap
So they had first wanted public perception of the Mr Gopalan Nair to be American then otherwise later. Some instructions had been issued from the top to have this changed? :-)
**** "The Strength Is In The Ordinary People" - JB Jeyaretnam <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2008/06/ìthe-strength-is-in-the-ordinary-peopleî-ñ-jb-jeyaretnam/>
by Jamie Lee, The Online Citizen
"People are feeling that they've got to express, but it's not enough to leave it on the internet," said Jeyaretnam, who has applied to set up a new opposition outfit, the Reform Party, this year.
He has pledged to address what he deemed as systemic flaws in Singapore's governance by working to "educate, empower and energise" the people and focusing on their civil rights.
**** Singapore To Dissident: Go To Jail <http://www.asiasentinel.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1235&Itemid=31>
by Asia Sentinel
**** What Is The Regime Thinking? <http://singabloodypore.rsfblog.org/archive/2008/06/02/what-is-the-regime-thinking.html>
by Eng Chuan Lee, Singabloodypore
When a regime is unsure of its political footing, conjuring up a foreign bogeyman is the oldest trick in the book.
**** LTA Considers Implementing More Full-Day Bus Lanes <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/351442/1/.html>
by Margaret Perry, Channel NewsAsia
Eleven new full-day bus lanes came into operation in the central business district on Monday, and the Land Transport Authority (LTA) is planning to implement more such lanes in various parts of Singaproe to cut travel times for bus commuters.
/As a bus commuter, I hope to see bus lanes on expressways and more buses taking advantage of expressways./
**** 'Bring Your Own Bag Day' To Be Weekly Affair From June 4 <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/351409/1/.html>
by Chio Su-Mei, Channel NewsAsia
Come June 4, the popular 'Bring Your Own Bag Day' will become a weekly affair. Every Wednesday will be designated 'Bring Your Own Bag Day' at participating retailers, which include major supermarket chains.
/I wonder how the reporter can justify the use of the word 'popular' to describe this initiaitive./
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