[MyAppleMenu] Oct 23, 2007
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Oct 23 13:15:00 EDT 2007
**** Has Time Machine's AirPort DIsk Use Been Grounded? <http://www.macworld.com/weblogs/editors/2007/10/timemachineairportdisk/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Dan Frakes, Macworld
Given how specific the origin text was, and the fact that it's been purged from the new page while other text remains verbatim, the change doesn't bode well for those hoping to use an AirPort Disk for wireless Time Machine backups.
**** Five iPod Touch Disappointments <http://macguide.woop.tv/articles/five-ipod-touch-disappointments>
by Macguide
**** Mac OS X Leopard Community Commentary <http://chris.pirillo.com/2007/10/23/mac-os-x-leopard-community-commentary/>
by Chris Pirillo
**** Apple Retail To Beijing, China In 2008 <http://www.macworld.co.uk/mac/news/index.cfm?RSS&NewsID=19455>
by Jonny Evans, Macworld UK
Apple will open its first retail store in Beijing, China next summer, said Apple chief financial officer Peter Oppenheimer last night.
**** iPod Growth Slowing... Unless You Count The iPhone <http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9802155-7.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20>
by Matt Rosoff, CNET News.com
**** POS Developer Recommends The Switch To Mac <http://chris.pirillo.com/2007/10/23/pos-developer-recommends-the-switch-to-mac/>
by Chris Pirillo
"The main app I write is a POS (Point of Sale) program for fast food chains. I convinced my big customers to switch over to Mac mini systems instead of PCs and my tech support calls have been cut down by almost 80%. Loking back at all the headaches, time, and suffering I could have saved myself, I just hope my bad experiences can help others switch and save themselves and their companies from so much grief."
**** Ring Me The Money <http://www.sltrib.com/ci_7250887>
by Vince Horiuchi, Salt Lake Tribune
Ringtones are a cash cow for the music industry, but strike a sour note with many cell phone users.
**** More To Mac Sales Than A Halo <http://www.news.com/8301-13579_3-9802156-37.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20>
by Tom Krazit, CNET News.com
**** Is Steve Jobs Finally Targeting Businesses? <http://blogs.wsj.com/biztech/2007/10/22/is-steve-jobs-finally-targeting-businesses/?mod=yahoo_hs>
by Ben Worthen, Wall Street Journal
Apple knows what many individuals have already discovered: The iPhone's web browser makes it a great business tool. And it looks like Apple may be getting ready to market it as such.
**** Facing Competition, iTunes Revs Up Its Film Section <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/23/movies/23appl.html>
by David M. Halbfinger, New York Times
In an effort to win attention for the iTunes movie category, Apple will debut Edward Burns' latest film, "Purple Violets," exclusively on its download service.
**** Bromine Industry Lets Out The Attack Poodles <http://weblog.greenpeace.org/makingwaves/archives/2007/10/bromine_industry_lets_out_the.html>
by Greenpeace
It is possible to significantly reduce the use of BFRs by substituting non-flammable materials for plastics in mobile phones, as some manufacturers already do.
See Also:
Greenpeace Responds To Alarmist Claims, Admits Targeting Apple Grabs Headlines <http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/greenpeace-vs-iphone/greenpeace-responds-to-alarmist-claims-admits-targeting-apple-grabs-headlines-313728.php>, by Gizmodo.
**** Does New iPhone Ad Pass The Sniff Test? <http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9802134-7.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=NewsBlog>
by David Carnoy, CNET News.com
The ad in question is "Delay," which depicts an alleged airline pilot, Bryce, talking about how he used his iPhone's weather.com app to help avoid a major delay. The ads have gotten some of the folks over at FlyerTalk's forums pretty riled up.
**** So... I Bought A Mac - Confessions Of A New Mac Zealot <http://totalteam.blogspot.com/2007/10/soi-bought-mac-confessions-of-new-mac.html>
by Like Nobody's Business
It's the cheapest computer I have ever bought and it's the most productive I have ever been.
**** Apple Is No. 3 PC Maker... For Now <http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2204740,00.asp>
by Daniel Drew Turner, eWeek
A strong surge in notebooks and back-to-school pruchases lifts Apple past Toshiba and Gateway.
**** Apple Won't Pursue Circuit City; 250,000 iPhones Sold To Unlockers <http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/07/10/22/apple_wont_pursue_circuit_city_250000_iphones_sold_to_unlockers.html>
by Katie Marsal, AppleInsider
Apple revealed that it will not pursue a relationship with Circuit City for Mac sales and that an estimated 250,000 iPhones were sold to buyers who intended to unlock them.
**** Apple Sells Record Number Of Macs For Q4 2007 <http://db.tidbits.com/article/9256>
by Jeff Carlson, TidBITS
Apple reported that for the fiscal quarter ending 29-Sep-07, it shipped 2,164,000 Macintosh computers, besting last quarter's record by 400,000.
See Also:
Apple Posts $904 Million Profit <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/10/22/appleprofit/index.php>, by Jim Dalrymple and Philip Michaels, Macworld.
**** Leopard Preview: What's New With Mac OS X Server <http://www.macworld.com/2007/10/firstlooks/leoserver/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by John C Welch, Macworld
>From setup options to file-sharing, changes abound in Leopard's server software.
**** Leopard: Is It Worth The Upgrade? <http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9801749-7.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20>
by Don Reisinger, CNET News.com
If you rely on software that must work all the time, I simply can't recommend an upgrade until you known all the kinks are worked out. But if there is no mission critical material at your disposal and you don't mind some growing pains, spend the $129 and upgrade to Leopard.
**** Don't iTouch Me <http://blogs.smh.com.au/gadgetsonthego/archives/2007/10/dont_itouch_me.html>
by Adam Turner, Sydney Morning Herald
Am I the only one the feels that iPod touch is a slap-in-face insult to countries that don't have the iPhone?
**** Apple Pulls Boot Camp Download Ahead Of Leopard <http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/10/22/boot.camp.beta.gone/>
by MacNN
**** Chemical Group Comments On Greenpeace iPhone Report <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2007/10/22/chemical-group-comments-on-greenpeace-iphone-report>
by Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica
An industry group has spoken out against Greenpeace's recent report on the iPhoen, saying that not only is everything used in the iPhone approved for use in electronics, it's also the only way to stay safe.
**** How Leopard Will Improve Your Security <http://db.tidbits.com/article/9251>
by Rich Mogull, TidBITS
With the release last week of the feature list for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, the security world is buzzing about some extremely important updates that should, if they work as expected, significantly improve Mac security and will make me less nervous about connecting to wireless networks in internet cafes.
**** Are Your Fonts Ready For Leopard? <http://db.tidbits.com/article/9255>
by Sharon Zardetto, TidBITS
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Microsoft Exec: Desktop Application Software Is Not Dead <http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/10/23/Microsoft:-Desktop-application-software-not-dead_1.html?source=rss&url=http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/10/23/Microsoft:-Desktop-application-software-not-dead_1.html>
by Jeremy Kirk, IDG News Service
A top Microsoft executive defended desktop application software, the source of the company's revenue for three decades, arguing on Tuesday that even services-based companies such as Google still need it.
**** Can You Play Me Now? <http://www.slate.com/id/2176391/fr/rss/>
by Justin Peters, Slate
The death of the free cell-phone game.
**** Remixing News: A River Runs Through It <http://www.wordyard.com/2007/10/22/remixing-news/>
by Scott Rosenberg, Wordyard
With the web reshuffling how the most avid users of news get their information, editors' roles are changing — not vanishing, but definitely being challenged.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Breasts Like Martinis <http://www.slate.com/id/2174671/fr/rss/>
by Jill McDonough, Slate
**** Low Road To Splitsville <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/21/AR2007102101643.html?nav=most_emailed>
by David Segal, Washington Post
Looking for a perfect little weekend vacation this fall? Here's a travel tip you don't hear very often: Head to Pittsburgh. Right away.
Seriously, get in the car and read this story later, because when you're done reading, you'll wish you'd left 10 minutes ago. There are towns with better vistas, sure, and there are getaways with more sunshine. But only Pittsburgh is the scene of the fabulously tawdry and surpassingly vicious spectacle that is the divorce of Richard Mellon Scaife.
**** In The Dreamscape Of Nightmares, Clues To Why We Dream At All <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/23/science/23angi.html?ex=1350792000&en=771299ac3872f74a&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by Natalie Angier, New York Times
By all evidence, outrangeously bad dreams are a universal human experience.
**** An Active, Purposeful Machine That Comes Out At Night To Play <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/23/health/23memo.html?_r=1&ex=1350792000&en=19153612986747b7&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&oref=slogin>
by Benedict Carey, New York Times
Scientists have been trying to determine why people need sleep for more than 100 years. Now, a small group of neuroscientists is arguing that at least one vital function of sleep is bound up with learnng and memory.
**** Did Roger Ailes Call The Market Top? <http://www.slate.com/id/2176408/fr/rss/>
by Daniel Gross, Slate
The strange timing of the Fox Business Channel.
**** Singapore Economy More Diversified Than Decade Ago - Trade/Industry Official <http://www.forbes.com/markets/feeds/afx/2007/10/23/afx4249029.html>
by Thomson Financial
Minister of state for trade and industry Lee Yi Shyan said that as the city-state's economic base diversifies, growth will become more stable and sustained.
**** Singapore's ST Telemedia To Face Indonesian Commission On Allegations Vs Temasek <http://www.forbes.com/markets/feeds/afx/2007/10/23/afx4249501.html>
by Thomson Financial
**** PM Lee: Why Singapore Must 'Leave Section 377A Alone' <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_169745.html>
by Imelda Saad, Straits Times
"If we force the issue and settle the matter definitively one way or the other, we will never reach an agreement... Instead of forging a consensus, we will divide and polarise our society," Lee Hsien Loong explained.
**** The Molly Awards <http://mollymeek.livejournal.com/168810.html>
by Mollymeek
There's really no need to critique certain arguments that have already been critiqued. So today Molly shall give out awards instead.
**** Singapore Sept CPI Up 2.7 Percent Year-On-Year, Down 0.3 Percent From August <http://www.forbes.com/markets/feeds/afx/2007/10/23/afx4248660.html>
by Thomson Financial
**** Myanmar Nationals Protest Against Singapore's Business Ties With Military Junta <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Asia/STIStory_169742.html>
by Carolyn Hong, Straits Times
About 50 Myanmar nationals demonstrated outsid ethe Singapore High Commission in Kuala Lumpur to demand that the republic breaks its business ties with Myanmar.
**** COC Starts Governance Review On Large Charities <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_169727.html>
by Straits Times
**** Bird Talk <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2007/10/bird-talk.html>
by Mr Wang Says So
Despite regular increases in ERP charges and the number of ERP gantries, there has been no improvement whatsoever in the average travel speed.
**** A Tongue In Cheek Solution <http://pedestrianinfidel.blogspot.com/2007/10/tongue-in-cheek-solution.html>
by Pedestrian Infidel
Simply put, Malaysia seriously needs a lot of cash... and the little cash-loaded red dot to our south needs real estate and resources. So my friends, with my tongue placed firmly in cheek, I would like to offer this simple answer for Malaysia's impending financial woes. Let's sell Johor to Singapore!
**** Is Terminal 3 Worth The While? <http://sovietmole.com/2007/10/23/is-terminal-3-worth-the-while/>
by The Moley Prophet
Come on CAAS, people do not look at what you paid for your furnitures. People look at what they get, and to be a major hub, the key ingredients ought to be catered for buisness travelers - you should know what they want.
**** Singapore's Law Encourages Men To Rape Their Wives <http://aaron-ng.info/blog/singapores-law-encourages-men-to-rape-their-wives.html>
by Aaron Ng, Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
**** 377A <http://pandadomus.blogspot.com/2007/10/377a.html>
by Panda Domus
All they asked for was /you/ to accept them for whom they are and not to ostracise them aside just because they are not responding to the "correct" societal norms.
**** Why MPs Should Read Blogs <http://magnezium.blogspot.com/2007/10/why-mps-should-read-blogs.html>
by Mohan Gopalan, Musings
There is nothing that 377A can do that those other laws can't. What have we come to, when a non-lawyer like Alex Au has to teach the senior minister of state for law about the law?
**** M1 Struggles To Grow In Singapore <http://www.telecommagazine.com/newsglobe/article.asp?HH_ID=AR_3647>
by Iain Morris, Telecommunications Magazine
One problem for M1 has been its lack of fixed-line infrastructure. Both SingTel and StarHub own fixed networks that allow them to offer bundles of mobile and fixed services at higher speeds than M1.
**** Petitioners To Stay The Course On Call To Repeal Section 377A Of Penal Code <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/307169/1/.html>
by Wong Siew Ying, Channel NewsAsia
**** Only Non-Issues Allowed? <http://mollymeek.livejournal.com/168674.html>
by Mollymeek
**** Why Pay Premium For Old Apartments? <http://tnp.sg/news/story/0,4136,145592,00.html?>
by Desmond Ng, New Paper
Unknown buyers snap up units for $1.1 million.
**** Government Does Not Endorse Gay Lifestyle: Singapore Minister <http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5h6vmB-ijv8maeiq5-9xNtQw3EUkw>
by AFP
Singapore's government does not want to endorse a homosexual lifestyle, a senior cabinet minister said Monday, as parliament debated a rare petition to repeal a law that criminalises gay sex.
**** Singapore's Population Reached 4.48M Last Year <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/307151/1/.html>
by Margaret Perry, Channel NewsAsia
The biggest change was seen in the number of permanent residents, which quadrupled from about 112,000 <17 years ago> to more than 460,000 last year.
See Also:
Foreigners Make Up 30 Pct Of Singapore's Population <http://beta.malaysia.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20071022/tap-singapore-population-c3bb44c.html>, by Reuters. Foreigners living in Singapore make up 30 percent of the city-state's population, up from 14 percent in 1990, following a decade-logn policy of attracting people to boost economic growth, according to government figures released on Monday.
**** Singapore FM: ASEAN Reluctant To Sanction Burma <http://www.voanews.com/english/2007-10-22-voa21.cfm>
by Voice Of America
Singapore's foreign minister says Southeast Asian nations are reluctant to impose sanctions on Burma because they could further isolate the military-ruled government.
**** A Desperate Jayakumar Evades Chee's Questions <http://singabloodypore.rsfblog.org/archive/2007/10/22/a-desperate-jayakumar-evades-chee-s-questions.html>
by Singapore Democratic Party, Singabloodypore
Confronted by uncomfortable truths, minister for law Mr S Jayakumar resorted to obfuscation to minimize the embarrassment of the PAP government had to face in front of a crowd of international lawyers and legal experts at the IBA conference.
**** More Switching From Free-To-Air TV <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_169630.html>
by Chua Hian Hou, Straits Times
Free-to-air television is feeling the heat as viewers switch off in favour of pay-TV and new technologies. Viewership fell across the board, according to figures released by research firm The Nielsen Compnay last Friday.
/So, the argument then that compeititon between MediaCorp and SPH was unhealthy and the two entities had to merged was all nonsense?/
**** 1.Sg Domain Will Cost At Least $40K <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_169582.html>
by Irene Tham, Straits Times
**** Singapore's Arms Sales To Myanmar Not Substantial <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_169653.html>
by Goh Chin Lian, Straits Times
Foreign minister George Yeo said that Singapore had few defence interactions with Myanmar. Links had to maintained with the military as it was a key institution there. But these were limited to a multilateral level, such as international meetings.
And while Singapore's established policy has been not to divulge details of defence sales, he said that over the years, defence sales to Myanmar had not been substantial. These had always 'been carefully limited to items that are not suitable for countering civilian unrest,' he said.
There is no arms embargo against Myanmar, but Mr Yeo said Singpaore would comply should there be one sanctioned by the United Nations.
**** Prof Ho Explains T-Shirt Incidents <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/218155.asp>
by Jasmine Yin, Today
The police may have over-reacted in their bid to keep law and order here when Singaporeans and Myanmar expatriates tried to show support for the beleaguered people of Myanmar, ackowledged senior minister of state for home affairs and hlaw Ho Peng Kee.
**** A Code To Fit The Crime <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/218150.asp>
by Loh Chee Kong, Today
At the second reading of the Bill, associate professor Ho Peng Kee, senior minister of state for law and home affairs, sought to assuage the concerns over the more controversial amendments by explaining the rationale behind the changes and reiterating that the authorities had "carefully considered every feedback received, holding discussions with the relevant agencies to explore the ideas, suggestions and views that surfaced."
**** A Rare Petition And A Spirited Debate <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/218120.asp>
by Ansley Ng, Today
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