[MyAppleMenu] Oct 22, 2007

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Oct 22 13:15:00 EDT 2007


**** Free My Phone <http://mossblog.allthingsd.com/20071021/free-my-phone/>
by Walt Mossberg, All Things D
I suspect that if the government, or some disruptive innovation, breaks the crippling power that the wireless carriers exert today, the free market will deliver a similar happy ending.

**** Magic Shop <http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/120/magic-shop.html>
by Alex Frankel, Fast Company
Are your frontline employees going to save or kill your most important quarter? At Apple, nothing is left to chance.

**** Apple Set To Report Fruits Of Busy Summer <http://www.news.com/Apple-set-to-report-fruits-of-busy-summer/2100-1041_3-6214433.html?part=rss&tag=2547-1_3-0-20&subj=news>
by Tom Krazit, CNET News.com
After the close of the stock market Monday, Apple is scheduled to report earnings for the fourth quarter of its 2007 fiscal year, which ended in September. With new Macintoshes, new iPods and the first full quarter of iPhone sales to add to the bottom line, the company shows no signs of falling off its torrid pace.

**** Operating System Truths <http://chris.pirillo.com/2007/10/21/operating-system-truths/>
by Chris Pirillo
Replacing one OS with another is potentially very costly - in money and in time. At least you should be making an informed decision based on truths and practical experiences, not merely on talking points from pseudo pundits.

**** Mac Design Holding Pattern Needs To End <http://cultofmac.com/?p=1364>
by Petr Mortensen, Cult Of Mac

**** As Apple Gains PC Market Share, Jobs Talks Of A Decade Of Upgrades <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/22/technology/22apple.html?_r=1&ex=1350705600&en=fe403784c51d3809&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&oref=slogin>
by John Markoff, New York Times
Driven in part by what analysts call a halo effect from the iPod and the iPHone, the market share of Apple's personal computers is surging.

**** The iPod Touch: A Busienss Tool, Too <http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/index.php/id;834918193;fp;2;fpid;3>
by Seth Weintraub, Computerworld
Sure, you can listen to music, but there's also a practical side, the side that makes it a perfect tool for business.

**** Magic At The Touch Of A Button <http://www.thetimes.co.za/News/Article.aspx?id=592247>
by Toby Shapshak, The Times
The iPod touch is a standout device because it takes the strengths (simplicity, ease-of-use and tons of music) and updates it for the video generation that is now superseding pure music players.

**** Found Footage: Apple Store Refuses Service To iPhone Sans AT&amp;T Contract <http://www.tuaw.com/2007/10/21/found-footage-apple-store-refuses-service-to-iphone-sans-atandt-c/>
by Michael Rose, The Unofficial Apple Weblog

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Google's Purchase Of Jaiku Raises New Privacy Issues <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/22/technology/22wireless.html>
by Ivar Ekman, New York Times

**** How Many Site Hits? Depends Who's Counting <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/22/technology/22click.html?_r=1&ref=media&oref=slogin>
by Louise Story, New York Times

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Chasing The Chinese Dream <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/20/AR2007102000530.html?nav=most_emailed>
by Ariana Eunjung Cha, Washington Post
For a growing number of the world's emigrants, China &mdash; not the United States &mdash; is the land where opportunities are endless, individual enterprise is rewarded and tolerance is universal.

**** WHat Do You Do After Nothing? <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/21/movies/21itzk.html>
by Davie Itzkoff, New York Times
To many fans, and to many people who worked on "Bee Movie," the film represents the first real reutnr of Mr. Seinfeld since the end of his television show, a welcoming back after what appeared to be a self-imposed absense.

**** Alan Weisman On 'The World Without Us' <http://www.calendarlive.com/books/cl-ca-weisman14oct14,0,4670137.story?coll=cl-books-features>
by Alan Weisman, Los Angeles Times
Humans are funny, humans are lovely and humans also get themselves into trouble if they underestimate the consequences of their actions. But they can learn from their mistakes.

**** Why 'Three Times Less' Isn't Three Times Worse <http://www.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/10/21/do_the_math/>
by Jan Freeman, Boston Globe
Let's not sweat 10 times less, five times more, or a threefold increase. Unless we're getting dumber by the decade, there's no reason we should boggle at these old familiar usages.

**** Her Identity Revealed, Her Story Expurgated <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/22/arts/22masl.html?ref=books>
by Janet Maslin, New York Times
Valerie Plame Wilson begins her memoir, "Fair Game," on a note of toughness: She describes paramilitary drills in which she participated as a C.I.A. trainee. Her book also includes a photograph of her as a 2 &frac12;-year-old at Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, sitting in the cockpit of an airplen with her feisty little hands on the controls.

**** The Pleasure Of Rabbit Holes <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/21/magazine/21wwln-medium.html?ref=magazine>
by Virginia Heffernan, New York Times
What about the idea of surrending your actual identity &mdash; your name, rank and serial number in the real world &mdash; to a wonderland of play in mysterious realms?

**** Msg To Rude Playgoers: Trn Tht Drnd Thng Off! <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/19/AR2007101900678.html>
by Peter Marks, Washington Post
It's supposed to be completely dark in the auditorium, but instead all these little light shows are going on. FLICK! The face of the guy across the aisle is bathed in a blue electronic glow. FLICK! Another man two seats down regularly seems to blink on and off &mdash; he's a neon sign in jeans and sports coat. FLICK! FLICK! Two girls sitting several rows away seem to be radiating a slightly purple haze.


**** A Bleak Future <http://magnezium.blogspot.com/2007/10/bleak-future.html>
by Musings
When are we going to start teaching people what equality and non-discrimination really mean?

**** Singapore Delays Sale Of Stake After Turbulence <http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/transport/article2708785.ece>
by David Robertson, The Times
Singapore Airlines has postponed the sale of its 49 per cent stake in Virgin Atlantic because of turbulence in the financial markets.

**** Singapore's Wealth Fund Flattered By Imitation <http://www.ftd.de/karriere_management/business_english/:Business%20English%20Singapore/268618.html>
by John Burton, Financial Times
The secretive government agency is suddenly receiving considerable attention as other countries, including China, South Korea and Japan, seek to copy its operations in an effort to improve returns on their vast foreign exchange reserves.

**** Indonesian Regulator Says Singapore's Temasek Not Complying With Competition Law <http://www.forbes.com/markets/feeds/afx/2007/10/22/afx4244251.html>
by Thomson Financial
The Indonesian competition authorities have ruled that Singapore government-linked investment company Temasek Holdings is not in compliance with the law relating to its ownership of two Indonesian cellphone carriers, the chairman of the body said Monday.

**** Drama Over PSLE Paper <http://aaron-ng.info/blog/drama-over-psle-paper.html>
by Aaron Ng, Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

**** Singapore To Acquire 12 More F-15SG Jetfighters <http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news_world.php?id=291273>
by Bernama

**** It's In Singapore's Interest To Keep Myanmar In 'Asean Family': George Yeo <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_169356.html>
by Clarence Chang, Straits Times

**** Group Pushing For Change In Gay Sex Law Wants Greater Clarity <http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/STIStory_169350.html>
by Keith Lin, Straits Times
A group campaigning for a change of the law that makes gay sex a crime has asked the government for greater clarity on the issue.
"We believe that cabinet needs to give Singaproeans a clear idea of where it stands on this issue," said Mr Stuart Koe, chief executive of gay media company Fridae.com, one of the group's organisers. "It will be ambiguous if you have a law that will not be enforced."

**** Of Dollars And Sense <http://chaomugger.wordpress.com/2007/10/22/of-dollars-and-sense/>
by Bright Lights
The government has already given so much leeway to our civil liberties to remain economically relevant. They honestly don't give a damn what you do in your bedroom as long as money comes in, but if you start pushing for individual rights, nuh-uh... so play the money game!

**** Look Out For Singapore's Very Own Boarding Schools <http://www.schoolbag.sg/2007/10/look-out-for-singapores-very-o/>
by Schoolbag

**** Straits Times: Advertising Masquerading As Reporting <http://onthereddot.com/ian/2007/10/22/straits-times-advertising-masquerading-as-reporting/>
by Wanderings, Musings And Happenings From Ian On Singapore
Is Straits Times disguising advertising as reporting to build hype about their own product?

**** Democracy For Thee, But Not For Me <http://thepolicestate.blogspot.com/2007/10/democracy-for-thee-but-not-for-me.html>
by Trowa Evans, The Police State
One almost wonders if these kind of ruthless and atrocious actions are tacitly endorsed from a state leader who gve his thumbs up to the Tienanmen Square masacre and also ruled in favor of Burma's leading democratic activist to stay in house arrest.

**** China Cuts Asia Imports As Korea, Singapore Lose Jobs <http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601101&sid=aYunkUdq8bmE&refer=japan>
by Michael Dwyer, Bloomberg
More than 13,500 electronics-product workers in Singapore have lost their jobs since 2004, according to Ministry of Manpower statistics. The International Monetary FUnd last week forecast Singapore's growth rate will fall to 5.8 percent in 2008 from an estimated 7.5 percent this year.

**** Pariticpating In The IBA <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2007/10/22/toc-feature-participating-in-the-iba/>
by Jeth Lee, theonlinecitizen

**** Ang Mo Kio Fire: Shouldn't The Town Council Do More? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2007/10/22/ang-mo-kio-fire-shouldn%e2%80%99t-aljunied-town-council-do-more/>
by Leong Sze Hian, theonlinecitizen
With 35 per cent of the Service and Conservancy Charges going into the sinking fund, why not use some of it to buy fire insurance fo markets?

**** SDP Leaders To Go To Police Station Tomorrow 22 Oct <http://pseudonymity.wordpress.com/2007/10/21/sdp-leaders-to-go-to-police-station-tomorrow-22-oct/>
by Pseudonymity

**** Tuesdays With The PAP <http://nuffnang.blogspot.com/2007/10/tuesdays-with-pap.html>
by Ming, Nuffnang.com

**** Penalised For Delay Caused By CPF Board <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_169173.html>
by Jennifer Ho Shu Yun, Straits Times

**** Which Way Forward For Print Media? <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/217969.asp>
by P N Balji, Today

**** 10 Years Ago: Singapore Loosens Censorship On Internet To Attract Talent <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB87755216077380000.html?mod=googlewsj>
by Wayne Arnold, Wall Street Journal
Goaded in part by rising competition for high-tech talent from mre easygoing Asian neighbors, Singapore announced changes in internet censorship that it hopes will improve its dour image in the wired community.

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