[MyAppleMenu] Sep 9, 2006

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Sep 9 13:15:01 EDT 2006

Mac news for Mac people


*** BT: Binary Universe
Dustin Driver, Apple

*** Jeff Terry: Capturing Light From Long Ago
Dave Brody, Apple

"The Mac is a better visualizationt ool. It has always done graphics at a much higher level than other platforms."


*** Apple To Wintel: It's Time To Get Your Affairs In Order
Tom Yager, InfoWorld

Mark my words: By year's end, Apple will have mind share leadership in all markets but servers. Its market share climb in '07 will dumbfound almost everyone but you and me.

*** Because In Singapore Is Different
My Very Own Glob

Ask how come the replacement procedure is different from North America. Become more upsdet when I am told 'because in Singapore, it's different'.

*** Mixing Carbon And Cocoa
David Weiss

Sometime in the future, applications will be judged by what they enable you to do rather than the API under the hood.

*** Leopard Vs. Windows Vista
Chris Pirillo

My name isn't Chicken Little, and I'm certainly not alone in my belief that Leopard is far more compelling than Windows Vista.

*** iPhone's Early Buzz
Scott Moritz, TheStreet.com

Apple phone designs are more ambitious than expected. And some say its business strategy may aim just as high.


*** The Printshop For Mac
Bakari Chavanu, MyMac.com

*** Desktop/Tabletop Speakers
Dan Frakes, Playlist

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** Saying It 'Messed Up,' Facebook Modifies Controversial Feature
Yuki Noguchi, Washington Post

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Mocking Bush Is My Patriotic Duty
Bill Maher, Salon

Let our allies and our enemies alike know that there's a whole swath of Americans desperate to distance themselves from Bush's foreign policies. And that just Republicans running for reelection.

Life in the city


*** NGO Ban 'Will Embarass Singapore'

Singapore's banning of 19 accredited activists from a giant world financial conference ignited predictions Saturday that the move would backfire and embarrass the city-state, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.

*** Singapore's Barring Of Some Activists Prompts A Protest
Steven R. Weisman and Wayne Arnold, New York Times

*** IMF And World Bank Rebuke Singapore
John Burton and Shawn Donnan, Financial Times

The IMF/World Bank suggested that Singapore had violated the terms of its agreement to host the event by blocking the entry of 19 civil society representatives, who allegedly posed a security threat.


*** George's Brave New World
Two Steps Frm Twilight

*** IMF And WB Rebukes Singapore For Its Tight Rein On Protesters
Singapore Election Watch

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