[MyAppleMenu] May 5, 2006
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri May 5 13:15:00 EDT 2006
Mac news for Mac people
*** iPods Crash NHS IT System
Contractor UK
A hospital's IT system has been offline for two days after NHS staff overwhelmed it by downloading music for their iPods.
*** How One Tech-Savvy Music Lover Taught The iPod To Speak Hebrew
Carolynne Wheeler, Globe And Mail
*** Mac Enthusiasts Say Protest May Get Apple's Attention
Antone Gonsalves, TechWeb
An enthusiasts web site dedicated to all things related to Intel Macs is asking everyone who has experienced problems with heating and noise on the machines to call Apple support on May 20.
*** Apple Patent Covers Wireless iTunes Distribution
Tom Krazit, CNET News.com
*** Apple Responds To Rumors Of Aperture's Demise, Releases Update
Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
"The reports of Apple reducing their commitment to Aperture are totally false."
*** Why Apple Will Never Launch A Media Center Mac
Mac Vista
Fast forward a couple of years and iTunes will be an online TV channel that will allow anyone with a fast internet connection to watch the programs they want, when they want, without any ads.
*** My Take On The OS Debate
A Stark Place
Apple has the right approach to software development.
*** The Downfall Of Apple
Maria Palma, CustomersAreAlways
This may soon be the headline that's splashed all across newspapers and internet sites across the world when iPod and Mac users finally anty up and demand better customer service.
*** Why The New Mac Campaign Will Fail
Chris Seibold, Apple Matters
*** Apple's Announcement Streak
Apple has been announcing something significant on a different sequential weekday since their birthday.
*** Apple's Good Fight On Malware
Arik Hesseldahl, BusinessWeek
Of the many things I worry about happening to the two Macs I use daily, the threat of a virus or Trojan outbreak is not terribly high on the list. At least, not today.
*** More Aperture Dirt
John Gruber, Daring Fireball
Here's what I've learned: No one from the original Aperture engineering team was fired or removed from the team. Yes, most members of the original engineering team left the project -- but they did so on their own volition. Why? Because of what can only be described as spectacularly bad management.
*** Hacking The ROKR's 100-Track Limit
Christopher Breen, Playlist
*** Remote From A Mac
Daivd Moss, PC Pro
*** The All New Mickey Mouse
Heng-Cheong Leong
There's a new television show in town, and it is featuring the mascot of the Copyright bill... er... Disney company itself: Mickey Mouse <http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/05/arts/television/05mick.html?ex=1304481600&en=487e0e3f44650f5d&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>. (In my household here in Singapore, we'll get it via Playhouse Disney channel, which we subscribe to.)
Now that our daughter has settled on having Strawberry Shortcake and Thomas the Train on every piece of stuff she owns -- toys, water bottles, bedsheet, my wife is dreading the day when we will have to buy all new stuff again for my daugher when her interest shfts to a new cartoon character. :-)
*** Rumor Today: MacBooks Are Here
Heng-Cheong Leong
A MacRumors <http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/05/20060504200832.shtml>' source speculates new iBooks -- or perhaps, MacBooks -- will be revealed on New Product Tuesday next week.
Me think it's about the right time for the back-to-school crowd.
The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy
*** Grid Computing Efforts Fight Avian Flu
Stacy Lawrence, Ziff Davis Internet
*** New Social Networking Technology Packs A Wallop
Wade Roush, MIT Technology Review
Wallop promises to redefine the notion of social networking, by focusing it on conversations and media tidbits, such as songs and photos, rather than on members and their profiles.
MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life
*** A Study In Size
Ryan Blitstein, SF Weekly
Three years ago, San Franciso launched an experiment with a new ind of school. It worked. So why isn't the district pursuing it?
*** Honey, I Shrunk The District
Mike DeBonis and Arthur Delaney, Washington City Paper
Shiny condos and a flashy marketing campaign haven't solved the District's epic population problem.
*** Building Brands: How Architects Market Themselves
Witold Rybzynski, Slate
What makes an architect into a brand? Part of the recognition of a brand depends on what people who study such things call its "personality."
Life in the city
*** Singapore Elections Seen As Test For Prime Minister
Nancy-Amelia Collins, Voice Of America
The Singapore elections Saturday are being seen as the first test of the popularity of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who took up the post in 2004. Although his ruling People's Action Party is virtually assured of a majority of seats in parliament, even a small improvement by the tiny opposition could prove an embarrassment for Mr. Lee.
*** SDP's Ling How Doong Turns Up At Party's Rally At Woodlands Stadium
Channel NewsAsia
*** Impact Of Internet On General Election Likely To Be Studied After Polls
Farah Abdul Rahim, Channel NewsAsia
Information Communications and the Arts Minister Dr Lee Boon Yang said this is to assess the scale at which the new media, like blogs and podcasts, were used to influence views and shape opinions.
*** SDA Aims To Field A Candidate In Every Constituency In Two Elections' Time
Liam Cheong and Julia Ng, Channel NewsAsia
Singapore Democratic Alliance's Steve Chia has said he hopes to raise enough candidates in two electons' time to contest every constituency under the SDA banner.
*** PM Lee Clarifies Words Used At Lunchtime Rally: Press Secretary
Channel NewsAsia
Mr Lee had said that if the opposition were to hodl 10 to 20 seats in Parliament, he would have to spend much more time thinking what was the right way to "fix" them. Explaining Mr Lee's remark, his press secretary said Mr Lee had meant to say that if there were many more opposition MPs in Parliament, the government and opposition would spend all their time and energies countering each other, and Singapore would be worse off for it.
*** A Foregone Conclusion In Singapore
Alex Au, Asia Times
A government ban on pre-polling voter intentions makes it difficult to gauge their perceptions. In the mainstream media and on blogs, however, there is a palapable sense that the younger generation of voters may be chafing for a less authoritarian style of governance and a more level political playing field.
*** Lee's Opponents Refuse To Be Silenced By Singaproe Dynasty
Sebastien Berger, Telegraph
Sitting in front of a poster of Aung San Suu Kyi, Ms Chee Siok Chin vowed not to back down even though she also expects to be bankrupted. "It will not stop me from fighting the regime, against oppression, against injustice. You have to stand up these attackers. They try to fool people into thinking this society is a democracy."
*** Singaproe's Ruling-Party Leaders Push For Strong Mandate
Ruth Youngblood, DPA
*** Singapore Prepares For Polls Amid Lawsuits, Personal Attacks
Campaigning has been overshadowed by a spat between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Long and Workers' Party candidate James Gomez, who wrongly accused the government of losing his election form.
*** The Battle For Hougang
Ken Kwek and Erica Tay, Straits Times
Much hinges on whether residents wil bite into $100 million upgrading carrot.
*** Take My Phone Number, My Allowance: Steve Chia
Ansley Ng, Today
"Anytime you want to look for me, go to the town council. I challenge (Mr Gan) to read out his telephone number to you."
*** Upgrading Carrot Just Money Politics: Chiam
Cheow Xin Yi and Tor Ching Li, Today
The People's Action Party is running out of ideas -- that's why it is dabbling in "money politics" by offering multi-million upgrading promises, charged Opposition veteran Chiam See Tong.
*** WP Chief Says Worrying If PM Lee Can Be Distracted By Opposition
Channel NewsAsia
[Election Talk]
*** Will The Real 'Wayang' Party, Please Stand Up?
Singapore Election Watch
Time and time again, the Prime Minister has illustrated how lowly he thinks of fellow Singaporeans, that they're incapable of much thought and aspirations, that a vote for opposition is an act of stupidity.
*** Last Day Before Voting, Time To Go Geyland And Cheong - Fuck First Vote Later!
Talk Rock
Fuck lah, like this I also can be Prime Minister lah! Every time I want to pass one law, so convenient, all the man is my man. No need argue, no need convince. Make the policy is like Walkover style.
*** I Was Moved To Tears
Singapore Election Watch
Show a bit of courage yourselves, overcome your fears, and vote WP this election.
*** Nothing Is Wrong
The World According To Jonolism
*** Does Our Govt Need Upgrading?
in vino alcohol
So, remember - it is not the Singapore government that is holding upgrading back from opposition constituencies. It is not the Singapore government that is hounding James Gomez to death and charging Che Son Juan a thousand dollars for every word that comes out of his mouth. It is the PAP. And the sooner everyone makes this distinction, the better.
*** Straightening The Straits Times
Stephen Yeo, Mindblogging Stuff
Until the government has the courage to accept constructive criticisms without resorting to rebutting every critic line by line, we will have a long way to go.
*** Ang Mo Kio And East Coast Going To The Opposition Would Be Good!
Life One Degree North
*** Sorry Just Say Sorry Lah
I don't know about you all, but if I really wanted to apologise for something, I'd come out and say it myself.
*** PM Apologises For Comments
It is telling that while he took the effort to clarify his use of the word "fix," he did not explain his use of the phrase "buy more votes."
*** Let's Rise To The Challenge!
Singapore Election Watch
*** Imagine
Murmurs, Muters And Other White Noise
Should you be grateful? Or would you say, "This should have been the focus all along."
*** Don't Blame Opposition For Its Information Disadvantage
Tan Chun Meng, Today
*** Fear - The PAP's Most Powerful Weapon
Singapore Election Watch
The secret to the PAP's success is fear. That's the simple truth, and although only a brave few will ever say so publicly, everyone knows it.
*** Thoughts Before Polling Day
Burgers And Durians
The People's Action Party has spent the entire campaign period refusing to discuss real issues and simply engaging in the "politics of distraction."
*** WP AMK Rally Report: Spinning It Like A Top
Sg Election '06
A KPI your grandmother could understand.
*** Will PAP Rig The Vote?
The Useless Tree
If the PAP can see a symbolic defeat coming, they may turn to other nefarious political means.
*** Don't Fall For PAP Political Trap!
Singapore Election Watch
My hunch is that the PAP is looking for new and fresh ideas, as the existing ideas have not had much impact.
*** Elections
*** Singapore's Leaders Groomed From Early School
Geert De Clercq, Reuters
Unlike other democracies, where politicians elbow their way to the top, Singapore's leaders climb orderly up a ladder in a lifelong selection process starting in primary school.
*** Singapore Warns ASEAN Against Job Protectionism
Singapore has warned fellow Southeast Asian countries against resorting to European-style protectionism in order to shield domestic jobs from global market forces.
*** Disappointed
Leviathan Dreamer
It is disgusting that SMRT has totally neglected passengers' concerns and frustration over their system.
The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.
*** Midnight Disaster
The Rounadabouts
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