[MyAppleMenu] Jul 19, 2000
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Wed Jul 19 21:05:00 EDT 2000
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== AppleSurf (Top Stories) ====================
The Cube: Apple's NeXT Mistake? (Wired News)
Apple's newest computer looks an awful lot like 1988's NeXT computer according to some Macworld participants. Was Jobs ahead of his time, or is he going down the wrong path again?
Apple Bets Consumers Are Ready For Cubist Movement (CNET News.com)
Are consumers ready to roll with the Cube? We'll soon find out.
Who's The Market? (MacWEEK.com)
Apple's last machine that was this much out of touch with the market was the Twentieth Anniversary Mac. If the G4 Cube follows in its footsteps, you might get it at a great price in six to 12 months.
Apple's Fall Colors (Macworld)
New iMacs offer new colors, more configurations.
Macintosh Cubed (Macworld)
The new Power Mac, due in early August, looks nothing like anything you've seen before in a computer, except perhaps from a little-known developer called NeXT.
New Keyboard, Optical Mouse Relieve Users (MacCentral)
Good-bye hockey puck.
Apple's New Hardware (MacWEEK.com)
Apple Computer today announced major changes to its consumer and professional desktop product line with new models of the iMac and multiprocessor versions of the Power Mac G4.
Apple CEO Unveils Two-chip PowerMacs For Pro Users (Reuters)
Jobs said the company would was delivering the company's first-ever dual-processor PowerMac computers in two models containing either 400 or 500 megahertz PowerPC chips.
CNET Buys Rival Ziff-Davis For $1.6 Billion (CNET News.com)
CNET Networks will acquire Ziff-Davis in a deal valued at about $1.6 billion, expanding its global presence of technology information, the company announced today.
Apple Says iMac Sales Less Than Expected (CNET News.com)
Apple Computer today beat analysts' earnings expectations but failed to meet revenue targets as sales of its popular iMac disappointed.
Macintosh Losing Home Users, Survey Says (Agence France-Presse)
The popularity of the Apple Macintosh computer in the United States is waning despite the recent success of the iMac.
Apple Profit: $200 Million (MacWEEK.com)
Anderson, confirming reports by Wall Street analysts, noted that iMac sales were "a bit below expectations," which he attributed to widespread anticipation that the iMac product line will be refreshed. "It's been about nine months since we had any major product introductions," Anderson said. "We're going to change that tomorrow and we think you'll be impressed."
== AppleSurf (News) ====================
New Products Might Keep Doctor Away From Apple (Morning Star)
The only unfinished business for Apple remains on the software side, specifically with its new operating system, which has been delayed until January. But its refreshed product lineÊshould otherwise help Apple shine for investors over the next couple of quarters.
Show Goers Size Up Mac Cube (ZDNet)
While Expo attendees love the look of the Power Mac G4 Cube, many of them were more cautious about its place in Apple's product line.
The Cube: Apple's NeXT Mistake? (Wired News)
Apple's newest computer looks an awful lot like 1988's NeXT computer according to some Macworld participants. Was Jobs ahead of his time, or is he going down the wrong path again?
Steve Jobs' Keynote Falls On Wall Street's Deaf Ear (The Mac Observer)
Investors cluelessly shrugged off the news from MACWORLD which will radically alter the bottom line for Apple in coming quarters.
Wacom Unveils LCD Graphics Tablet (MacWEEK.com)
Harman Rolls Out Mac Audio System (MacCentral)
CPU Upgrades Step Into Laptops (MacWEEK.com)
Several announced upgrades for Apple's PowerBook G3. In addition, Newer Technology announced a G4 upgrade for the iMac, Met at box announced G4 upgrades with 2MB of backside cache and Sonnet Technologies announced that it is branching into new product lines.
Apple Bets Consumers Are Ready For Cubist Movement (CNET News.com)
Are consumers ready to roll with the Cube? We'll soon find out.
Warcraft III For Macintosh Announced (MacCentral)
Apple's MP Power Macs (MacWEEK.com)
Apple can get a strong speed boost even if PowerPC clock speeds are not rising as quickly as the company originally hoped.
Canon Goes Small With New Scanners (MacWEEK.com)
Mac OS X Beta Due In September (MacCentral)
Office 2001 Coming In October (MacCentral)
Kiss The Hockey Puck Goodbye (Macworld)
Apple's Fall Colors (Macworld)
New iMacs offer new colors, more configurations.
Macintosh Cubed (Macworld)
The new Power Mac, due in early August, looks nothing like anything you've seen before in a computer, except perhaps from a little-known developer called NeXT.
How Many Colors Does An Apple Have? (Reuters)
Appearing to take its cue from a casual clothing catalog instead of a roadside fruit stand, the new models come in ''indigo,'' ``ruby,'' ``sage,'' ``graphite'' and ``snow'' shades.
Apple Unveils Entirely New Desktop Line Including The Revolutionary Power Mac Cube G4 (Apple Press Release)
Apple Introduces Revolutionary G4 Cube (Apple Press Release)
Apple Introduces New iMacs In Stunning New Colors (Apple Press Release)
Apple Debuts New Power Mac G4s With Dual Processors (Apple Press Release)
Apple Unveils Optical Mouse And New Pro Keyboard (Apple Press Release)
Apple Unveils All New Family Of Displays To Complement Power Mac G4 Cube And Power Mac G4 (Apple Press Release)
Apple Shows Off Next Office From Microsoft (CNET News.com)
Master showman Steve Jobs may have wooed the Mac faithful today at the Macworld Expo trade show, but not all the goodies in his bag of tricks were Apple's.
Apple Unveils More Powerful And Easier-To-Use HomePage iTool (Apple Press Release)
Apple Spawns Quadruplets: Four New iMac Systems (MacCentral)
Apple Enhances iTools (MacCentral)
Many existing iTools users have received e-mail from Apple informing them of enhancements to Apple's iTools, including access to larger storage space online and additional HomePage features.
New Keyboard, Optical Mouse Relieve Users (MacCentral)
Good-bye hockey puck.
Power Mac G4: Cube, Dual-Chip Towers Announced (MacCentral)
Apple Plans Faster Macs, Test Version Of Operating System (CNET News.com)
The new product onslaught at Macworld here began this morning with Apple announcing faster Macintosh systems and a public beta for the MacOS 10 operating system.
Microsoft To Take Office:mac Out Of The Box (TechWeb)
Microsoft Office 2001 for the Macintosh is getting so Mac-like even the stylish new packaging mimics the popular iMac design.
Developers Brace For Mac OS X (ZDNet)
The public beta of Mac OS X, Apple Computer Inc.'s next-generation operating system, may not be available until late summer, but third-party developers are bracing for the radical change the new OS will mean for their products.
Apple's New Hardware (MacWEEK.com)
Apple Computer today announced major changes to its consumer and professional desktop product line with new models of the iMac and multiprocessor versions of the Power Mac G4.
Apple CEO Unveils Two-chip PowerMacs For Pro Users (Reuters)
Jobs said the company would was delivering the company's first-ever dual-processor PowerMac computers in two models containing either 400 or 500 megahertz PowerPC chips.
Macworld Ends Drought With Dlew Of New Products (CNET News.com)
The product drought is over for Mac enthusiasts, who just two years ago were relegated to second-class-citizen status before Windows' market might.
Aspyr Releases The Sims For The Mac (MacCentral)
The Sims is the hotly anticipated game from Maxis -- it was created by legendary SimCity designer Will Wright.
Diablo II Released For The Mac (MacCentral)
The news comes only a month after the PC version of Diablo II ships -- it's the quickest Macintosh conversion that Blizzard has ever released.
Ambrosia's Pop-Pop To Be Shown By Apple, Bug Menu Revealed (MacCentral)
Whong now works elsewhere, but he's also not one to welch on a bet.
Did School Vandals First Strike In City? (Lancaster New Era)
Inspection by East Hempfield police Sunday night showed vandals had destroyed property at the school, including smashing with a baseball bat and a hammer most of the school's supply of new iMacs.
Macs On the Cheap (ABC News)
The new Macs that may be introduced at Wednesdays Macworld Expo may cost less than $1,000. But there are a few retailers who can do better than that. Much better.
Apple Reports Earnings gain But Disappointing Sales (New York Times)
The good news on earnings was tempered by lower-than expected sales of $1.83 billion. That is 17 percent higher than the $1.56 billion a year ago, but lower than the $1.9 billion many analysts expected for the quarter.
Last Big Push For 'Classic Mac' OS (ZDNet)
The product, known inside the company as Fortissimo, will incorporate new drivers, new interface elements and offer better integration with the Mac OS X, which is Apple's next-generation operating system, according to sources.
Disappointing Sales Numbers For Apple (Inter at ctive Week)
Computer maker squeaks by analysts' estimates in its third quarter, earning $200 million, or 55 cents a share, on sales of $1.825 billion.
Apple Plans Upgrades For iMac, PowerMac Lines (CNET News.com)
Apple Computer plans to announce upgrades to its iMac and PowerMac lines at the Macworld trade show tomorrow, according to a press release.
Apple Says iMac Sales Less Than Expected (CNET News.com)
Apple Computer today beat analysts' earnings expectations but failed to meet revenue targets as sales of its popular iMac disappointed.
Apple Reports Third Quarter Profit Of $200 Million (Apple Press Release)
Apple Expands National Retail Effort With Circuit City (Apple Press Release)
"Apple is thrilled to be partnering with Circuit Cityone of the premier retailers of consumer electronicsto reach even more customers with our iMacs and iBooks," said Steve Jobs, Apples CEO. "With features like our ten-minute Internet setup and amazing iMovie software, we think our products will delight Circuit Citys customers."
Will Apple Be Hip To Be Square? (Wired News)
Rumors about the Cube have been surfacing for some time, but Apple added fuel to the fire recently when their legal department reportedly demanded that the information about the machine be removed from Mac OS Rumors and Apple Insider.
Macworld May Have Bad News For 'Aftermarket' Mice (Boston Globe)
Bill Hunzeker makes computer mice. And he's fidgeting with eagerness to see if the rumors are true that Apple Computer Inc. is finally going to change the design of the mice it ships with its Macintosh computers.
Macintosh Losing Home Users, Survey Says (Agence France-Presse)
The popularity of the Apple Macintosh computer in the United States is waning despite the recent success of the iMac.
Circuit City To Sell Mac Products Nationwide (MacCentral)
Circuit City and Apple are teaming up to offer iMac, iBook and AirPort consumer products in the 570-plus Circuit City stores across the country.
Who Will Draw Your Pixels? (MacWEEK.com)
IBM Introduces Enhanced ViaVoice (MacWEEK.com)
The upgraded ViaVoice includes several user-requested improvements, including a new, enhanced microphone with USB connectivity; inline command and control of Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer and AppleWorks 6.0; direct dictation into AppleWorks 6.0; an enhanced correction interface; and custom dictionaries for topics such as cuisine, business and finance, and computer technology.
Apple Profit: $200 Million (MacWEEK.com)
Anderson, confirming reports by Wall Street analysts, noted that iMac sales were "a bit below expectations," which he attributed to widespread anticipation that the iMac product line will be refreshed. "It's been about nine months since we had any major product introductions," Anderson said. "We're going to change that tomorrow and we think you'll be impressed."
== AppleSurf (Opinion) ====================
Some Things Old Are New Again (MacWEEK.com)
For many designers, the hardest decisions will come this fall, after they see the commercials and touch the new product line. Do you want a Cube, or a Multiprocessor?
Who's The Market? (MacWEEK.com)
Apple's last machine that was this much out of touch with the market was the Twentieth Anniversary Mac. If the G4 Cube follows in its footsteps, you might get it at a great price in six to 12 months.
Jobs leaves the door open for an Apple subnotebook (PowerBook Central)
At this year's Macworld Expo in New York, Steve Jobs expanded Apple's four quadrant product strategy to six quadrants. The Power Mac G4 Cube will fill one of those open quadrants, slated between the iMac family and Power Mac Pro models, while the sixth and final quadrant was left blank.
One Thing I Hate About The Expo (Applelust.com)
One thing which seems the most non-permanent in my life becomes even more vapor-like: Cash.
== AppleSurf (Reviews) ====================
MacWEEK (Apple iReview)
Its still possible to find timely and useful information on the site, but the signal-to-noise ratio has declined in recent months.
The iBook's First Year In Retrospect (MacOPINION)
The absence of a microphone port remains an annoying deficiency, the lack of DVD support will soon be likewise, and if Apple is serious about making FireWire an industry standard, should there not be a FireWire port on their volume portable machine?
Hard Disk Toolkit 4.0 (MacAddict)
No hardware-fiddling Mac type should lack FWB's outstanding Hard Disk Toolkit.
== The Wintel Empire (Top Stories) ====================
Outlook Bug Can Sting With Spam (MSNBC)
Users don't have to open an e-mail for code to execute. A newly discovered vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook allows hackers to hijack hard drives by merely sending a message.
== The Wintel Empire (News) ====================
Microsoft Woos Apple Users With Mac-Friendly Office (Reuters)
Microsoft Shares Slide Despite Earnings Growth (CNET News.com)
Microsoft shares dove almost 7 percent today, a day after the software giant reported fourth-quarter earnings of 44 cents per share, beating analyst expectations by 2 cents.
Resurgent AMD Posts Record Profit, Revenue (CNET News.com)
Advanced Micro Devices spilled the details on one of its most successful quarters ever by reporting record earnings and revenue and declaring a 2-for-1 stock split.
Microsoft To Take Office:mac Out Of The Box (TechWeb)
Microsoft Office 2001 for the Macintosh is getting so Mac-like even the stylish new packaging mimics the popular iMac design.
Intel Delays Delivery Of Itanium Chip (TechWeb)
Intel will delay delivery of its 64-bit Itanium microprocessor by a quarter to ensure it is tested and properly validated, company officials said Tuesday.
Outlook Bug Can Sting With Spam (MSNBC)
Users don't have to open an e-mail for code to execute. A newly discovered vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook allows hackers to hijack hard drives by merely sending a message.
Microsoft Patches Bug Amid Criticism (CNET News.com)
Microsoft has addressed security vulnerabilities in its Office 2000 applications, including one an Internet security group described as perhaps the "most dangerous programming error" by the software company to date.
Microsoft Fre Tool Speeds Web Site Creation (CNET News.com)
Microsoft has released a free software tool intended to make its Windows operating systems more attractive to Internet service providers.
Microsoft Shares Vacillate On Positive Earings (CNET News.com)
Microsoft shares zipped up and then back down in after-hours trading today after the software giant reported fourth-quarter earnings of 44 cents per share, beating analyst expectations by 2 cents.
Microsoft's Long-Term Outlook Depends On Windows.Net (CNET News.com)
The risk for Microsoft is to transition revenue from its cash-cow desktop business model to the uncertain flow of revenue on the Internet.
== Breaking Barriers (Top Stories) ====================
CNET Buys Rival Ziff-Davis For $1.6 Billion (CNET News.com)
CNET Networks will acquire Ziff-Davis in a deal valued at about $1.6 billion, expanding its global presence of technology information, the company announced today.
You've Got Too Much Mail! (Associated Press)
Anyone who has e-mail probably experiences it. You go away for a few days in some cases, even a few hours and boom! Your e-mailbox is crammed full.
Outlook Bug Can Sting With Spam (MSNBC)
Users don't have to open an e-mail for code to execute. A newly discovered vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook allows hackers to hijack hard drives by merely sending a message.
== Breaking Barriers (News) ====================
eBay Whiner's Retort (ZDNet)
I still believe eBay would be a better place if something were done to put snipers at some disadvantage.
Why CNET Bought ZDNet (Wired News)
"While we're focused on the same category, we've evolved with less overlap than one might think."
DoubleClick Slides As Analysts Cut Ratings (Bloomberg News)
DoubleClick shares fell as much as 12 percent after analysts said they expect Internet advertising revenues to slow at the online ad company's media divisions in the third quarter and into 2001.
CNET To Buy ZDNet For $1.6 Billion In Stock (InternetNews)
Online computer information provider CNET Networks Inc. said Wednesday it would buy Ziff-Davis Inc. and its online business ZDNet for $1.6 billion in stock, in a bid to create a leader in technology information and services.
CNET Buys Rival Ziff-Davis For $1.6 Billion (CNET News.com)
CNET Networks will acquire Ziff-Davis in a deal valued at about $1.6 billion, expanding its global presence of technology information, the company announced today.
You've Got Too Much Mail! (Associated Press)
Anyone who has e-mail probably experiences it. You go away for a few days in some cases, even a few hours and boom! Your e-mailbox is crammed full.
Outlook Bug Can Sting With Spam (MSNBC)
Users don't have to open an e-mail for code to execute. A newly discovered vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook allows hackers to hijack hard drives by merely sending a message.
Microsoft Fre Tool Speeds Web Site Creation (CNET News.com)
Microsoft has released a free software tool intended to make its Windows operating systems more attractive to Internet service providers.
== PenguinSurf (News) ====================
Web Enabler For Linux Announced (InfoWorld)
== The AppleSurf Reader ====================
Inside.com: Size Matters (Slate)
It would be unusual to round up $28 million in venture capital--which is the amount that's been attached to Inside.com in various press accounts--by promising to build an $8 million business. By Rob Walker.
== SingaporeSurf (Top Stories) ====================
"Time To Relook Scholarships" (Straits Times)
"There have been a lot of changes in the world since we started our system of scholarships and it might be beneficial to them to see whether scholarships are as useful today to recruit the talent, which they need for their operations, as when scholarships were started."
== SingaporeSurf (News) ====================
Eateries And Clubs Silence Ringing Phones (Straits Times)
More restaurants and clubs have policies on mobile phones to avoid disturbances, as the mobile-phone menace problem continues.
JBJ May Lose NCMP Seat (Straits Times)
He lost an appeal in the High Court yesterday to stop eight people who were defamed by him from claiming $223,000 in damages.
"Time To Relook Scholarships" (Straits Times)
"There have been a lot of changes in the world since we started our system of scholarships and it might be beneficial to them to see whether scholarships are as useful today to recruit the talent, which they need for their operations, as when scholarships were started."
Let Bond Breakers Go Their Way (Straits Times)
Choo Chin Fie: I cannot agree more with management guru Gary Hamel, who said that the scholarship bond will no longer be the way to win and retain talents.
StarHub's Entry Has Limited Impact (Straits Times)
FairPrice Gives Best Value, Says Survey (Straits Times)
An independent survey in May shows that out of 300 products, it offers 59 per cent of the lowest-priced items and is ahead of Carrefour, Shop N Save and Cold Storage supermarkets.
Scholarship Problem Worse Than Thought? (Straits Times)
The situation becomes more serious if the 11 who plan to break their bonds fail to understand the public concern.
We're Still Breaking Our Bonds, Say 11 (Straits Times)
The would-be bond-breakers argued that there was nothing new about their attitude; they were just the first to voice it.
Breaking Bonds: Students Reply (Straits Times)
The public backlash since The Sunday Times reported that 11 out of 30 scholarship students interviewed had plans to break their bonds has brought forth condemnation of the students' moral character and even calls to jail the bond-breakers. Now, the would-be bond-breakers respond.
== SingaporeSurf (Technology) ====================
MediaRing.com Nets 5.9 Million Users (CNET Singapore)
MediaRing.com Ltd, an Internet telephony service provider, said its user base worldwide increased by 2.2 million over three months to 5.9 million in June.
Log On To Check On Your Kid At Childcare (Straits Times)
While one childcare centre has put cameras in its schools so parents can view the Web-videos, others have scrapped the idea due to objections.
Why The Charge For Online Banking? (Straits Times)
Lim Chun Yaw: If people have to pay for each transaction, how does POSBank/DBS defend its stance of encouraging Singaporeans to go online?
== SingaporeSurf (Entertainment) ====================
Gurmit Singh And Mark Lee To Act In Football Movie For Raintree Pictures (Straits Times)
Raintree Pictures' sixth film will be an Eric Khoo-produced football comedy with Gurmit Singh, Mark Lee, Siva Choy and Moe Alkaff as stars.
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