[LargeFormat] SE Australian listmembers

Peter McDonald viewcam at incanberra.com.au
Mon Jun 19 22:04:55 EDT 2006


Any on the list who are physically located in South-Eastern Australia, 
i.e. the Sydney/Canberra/Melbourne area: in discussion with a couple of 
large format photographers at a workshop at the weekend, the idea was 
raised of developing a large format special interest group.

We are interested in getting together a group of like-minded people who 
would be interested in meeting in some central location a few times a 
year to exchange experiences, technical information, and perhaps even 
take some photographs ( --:) ).

Two of us are based in Canberra, and the third is in Mansfield in the 
Victorian High Country. We will be canvassing other large format users 
in our respective areas, and would like to talk to others from 
Melbourne and Sydney (and points in between).

One issue to be sorted is where a central location between Sydney and 
Melbourne might be.

Anyway, please email to me off-list if you are interested.

Peter McDonald
Canberra, Australia.

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