[LargeFormat] [Fwd: Dealing with recalibrated shutter]

Georges Giralt largeformat@f32.net
Fri Aug 13 01:11:18 2004

Brock Nanson a écrit :
> Let's try this again... perhaps the list is working for a few more 
> minutes now.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Dealing with recalibrated shutter
> Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 16:32:21 -0700
> From: Brock Nanson <brock@nanson.org>
> To: largeformat@f32.net
> I got my 00 shutter back from SK Grimes after a loooong delay at
> customs.  They included the sheet indicating the actual shutter times in
> milliseconds for each speed.  What I'd like to do is create a small
> chart to keep with the shutter that would indicate in friendly terms
> what each speed really is.  I'm thinking that doing it in stops might
> make more sense, rather than showing each speed for what it is (1/60th
> is actually 1/45th etc).  Or more exactly, the stop difference between
> the neighboring speeds.  But it'll be different depending which
> direction you compare... it makes my head ache.
> What is the 'right' or 'common' way to deal with the shutter error so
> that zone system etc. can be handled nicely... (without a PDA ;-)?
> Brock
Hi Brock !
Have you considered Vedic mathematics ? This the only way I know to 
handle mental complex calculation.
Have a look at
And maybe you will save the PDA batteries ;-)
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