[LargeFormat] Linhof Technikardan

Huib Smeets largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jan 4 05:22:01 2004

>     The other type of list -  LINCG -  would also be a 
> possibility, given the continual chopping and changing in 
> Munich. There must be an endless variety of accessories that 
> one could exchange.

Dear "drilling and filling" Unk,

The variety in accessories is non existant :-) most of can be cross used
if needed thinking of rolfilmbacks, 45 angle viewers, etc. Only things
like Bellows and Compendiums do vary per model. The number of needed and
usefull accessories is limited anyway :-) ........ But who am I telling

Anyhow, I'm under the impression that things have calmed down in

Nefu Huib.


When you photograph the Grey's company medieval enactments how do you
make these battle-field overview shots? Do you let yourselves and the
wetplate camera getting hurdled over the battlefield with the help of a
trebuchet? Do you wet the plates pre launch-or in-flight? Can you switch
plated and filters fast enough to make colorseperations? And how do you
signal your neutrality? Oh yeah! And how do you land, with/on a spare
Beagle-2 airbag?