[LargeFormat] Uncle who?

Alan Davenport largeformat@f32.net
Sat Dec 27 22:49:01 2003

>     You remember how Picasso had his Blue Period and Gaugain had his
>Tahitian Period? Well that was when Uncle Dick had his Scottish Period.

What an amazing parallel! for I, too, have had my Scottish periods.
There was an early "blended Scottish" period, but now I am well into
my single malt period.  (hic)

In an "on topic" vein, I have a lens of interesting vintage which
I mentioned here a while back.  It's an Elgeet 10 inch, f/4.5.
Coverage is huge (to me,) at least 8x10, and I'm wondering if this big,
heavy chunk of sand might actually cover 11x14.  (Don't know why
I'm wondering that, because my camera is only 4x5 and likely to
remain small.)  So anyhow, I'll be taking a cardboard box and stretching
a piece of tissue across it to measure the image circle, which leads
me to today's question:  am I correct that the "standard" is to
measure image circle at f/22? or should I back off on the Scottish?

Your obedient nephew,