[LargeFormat] Batches*

tripspud largeformat@f32.net
Sat Sep 20 09:51:29 2003

Hi Philip,

       As an ex-custom color printer, a 12x16 enlargement
from 35mm is at the limits, of something that's seeable
by nearly all, especially when compared side by side
with a larger format print, that at that size is only barely

      It's like people go 'oh' for the 35 enlargement and
'AH!' for the large format.  It's why large format is still
around for the photos that demand maximum detail.
This has not changed over the years, though 35mm has
improved greatly and of course, in terms of speed of
handling the camera, number of frames possible per
minute, shots per roll, etc., 35mm rules.

      For max detail in still life, architecture, landscape,
illustration, even portraiture, more film area means more
color saturation and detailed information/sharpness.  Cropping
is more free in darkroom with more area to work with as well.

     As films have improved over the years the need for
really big negatives has decreased dramaticly.

     Personally, I believe, if you are going to put a camera
on a tripod, bigger format is better.


Rich Lahrson
Berkeley, California

philip lambert wrote:

> Dear Uncle Dick,,
> I just had a thought (that's the second today- I am so glad I joined this
> group!)
> If you are happy with 5x7 why don't you use a 35mmSLR?   I get sharp
> handheld 9x6inch prints from my Nikon & zoom using 400 ISO Fuji neg.  If you
> use such a camera with 100 ISO on a tripod your results will be very sharp
> indeed. It's not quite the thing to say on an LF group but business dear
> Uncle is business...Philip
> >     As it happened, I was engaged in a bit of juggling myself at the time.
> I
> > have just bought a Super Rollex back for my Linhof E from the eBay and I
> am
> > using it for the 2004 calendar illustrations. Ever so much cheaper film
> > costs than 4 x 5 sheet - I get 8 shots for $ 8 versus 8 shots for $ 40 -
> and
> > at a final print size of 5 x 7 the quality is more than adequate.
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