[LargeFormat] BW 4x5 processing

Peter De Smidt largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jul 15 09:54:44 2003

> What do others use? Is a Jobo or similar unit worth the
> money? What about
> washing? What about drying? Are there any designs for home
> construction (I
> have access to a well equipped woodworking shop and like to build
> things...)?

You might try the cheapest way, trays, and see how you like it.  I
developed 4x5 tri-x for years in hc110 dil. B in trays.  I didn't have
any problems.  You have to keep temperture fairly stable.  If the
ambient temperture swings quite a bit, you might need to use a
waterbath.  When I started developing 8x10 sheets, I tended to scratch
them in trays, and so I bought a Jobo CPP-2.  I use the expert drums
for sheet film, and the hewes metal stainless steel reels with metal
cores for 35mm.  I like the Jobo. While it's expensive and bulky, it's
very consistent, it develops film very evenly, and it doesn't scratch
film.  That said, I'd start with trays if I were you.

-Peter De Smidt