[LargeFormat] How to pay German shops

philip lambert largeformat@f32.net
Thu Jun 19 17:19:09 2003

Certainly I bid for many things that start off at £1 or $1 and only later
ask myself if I really need/want them when the bidding gets serious. At this
point I use Auction Sniper in the forlorn hope that if I am not affecting
the bidding level until the last second I will end up with the goods at a
sensible price. If only it worked out that way just once a week!  You do see
some strange and interesting items on Ebay.
I object to paying the full dealer-price for an Ebay purchase, given the
obvious risks. Fortunately I am an animal lover because a few things I
received in cartons were real dogs. PL

 I have seen studies of  eBay bidding patterns which indicate that bidders
are far more likely to
> bid on items that have a low starting price. Once bidding, momentum keeps
> some bidders going until they may end up paying more than retail for a
> item.