[LargeFormat] packard shutter (was Horsman or Gandolfi?)

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jun 1 01:00:01 2003

On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 11:53  PM, Stuart Phillips wrote:

>  Reading
> an article in the present View Camera has reignited my interest in 
> Packard
> shutters - why exclude barrel lenses, or pay a lot of money to have 
> them
> installed in "modern" :) shutters? Today, I took a 210mm Luettke & 
> Arndt
> Extra Rapid Aplanat lens (with a barely functioning shutter) and 
> disabled
> the shutter leaving it open so that I can use the lens with a 
> hat-shutter.

For years my interior shooting was either 4x5 or a Hassy with strobes, 
flashmeter, color meter, every wratten kodak makes and at least one 

Exposures were bracketed to a 1/3 of a stop and the 'creative' part was 
color balancing a retail store interior that had metal halide,  
flourescent and incandescent lights whose controls were, no kidding, 
two states and one Great Lake away.

When I went on vacation to Idaho, I took a 5x7 2D with a packard(my 
favorite LF camera for under $200) and a Protar C set.  This gave me 6 
focal lenghts.  The light meter was an old Luna Pro. After the second 
day, it stayed in the car.  I actually had Steve Grimes set up an 
Alphax shutter so I could slip it in front of the lens, if I needed to. 
  I used it once just to say I did.