[LargeFormat] Input on buying an 8x10 enlarger

LauvoneT largeformat@f32.net
Mon Feb 3 13:54:46 2003

Thanks Les for the input.
I now live in a house with 9 ft ceilings, but in about
a year and a half, I will be moving back to a former
house, where I built a 14X34 shooting plus darkroom
building which has a 12 ft ceiling.

I am going to convert the whole thing to one BIG
darkroom and don't plan on doing any studio work.

I am thinking I would be able to sell more big prints
than I would contact prints.  I will be 59 when I
retire, so I hope to have many years to sell prints
made with this enlarger.

Not sure what the price would be yet, but I think
maybe $1300 or so for a complete outfit.  Does this
seem like a reasonable figure????

I have a truck, so I could drive nearly anywhere in US
for pickup and save the shipping costs, which would be
huge for such a big, heavy package.

Thanks again,



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