[LargeFormat] Introductions

Graeme Hird largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jan 24 04:34:01 2003

> Are you tall, dark and handsome?  Do you need to carry a baseball or
> bat to ward off the female admirers?  Yes?  Then perhaps we're identical
> twins separated at birth! ;-))

I don't need to carry a baseball or cricket bat to keep them away - a large
wood, brass and leather contraption on three legs serves that purpose. Oh,
and the fact that I'm an ugly bastard might have something to do with it! If
we're twins, I'm sorry.....

> F5... I think I'd probably spend those dollars (if I had them) on one of
> new digital Nikon bodies - a friend has one and I have to admit I'm
> impressed and somewhat envious.  But tell you what, if you want to do a
> straight trade of your F5 for my Sinar F (I'll even throw in the bag
> bellows), we might have a deal!  Trading a toy for a real piece of
> professional equipment!  How can you pass this opportunity by? ;-)

The F5 is a profitable toy. I'm still using it for weddings and horse
photos, but you can have it when I'm finished with it, OK? Digital capture
with a small sensor array holds no attraction for me at all - give me film
and a scanner until Nikon catch up to Canon with the full frame array. Even
then, the digital will have to live along side the film camera for weddings
( too many images for a digital to handle effectively - whoa, is that a
bushfire of flaming heading my way? Call in the water bombers - quick!)
