[LargeFormat] Introductions

Verna Knapp largeformat@f32.net
Mon Jan 20 23:58:19 2003

Hi Everybody!

I'm Verna Knapp, and I live at the edge of civilization (sort of) in 
western Oregon, about 30 miles out of Corvallis. I do 4x5 and 5x7, color 
transparencies exclusively so far. My equipment is Canham.

I do almost entirely nature photography and scenics. Recently I got a 
4x4 conversion van for going into the rougher areas. My idea of a good 
time is to spend a week in the National Forests of this state and expose 
a hundred or so sheets of Velvia and another 100 or so of Provia 100F. 
Move from place to place as impulse takes me.

I also have a day job as a software engineer, and an alter identity as a 
belly dancer. Makes for a well rounded life.

This summer I'm considering driving across the USA, west coast to east 
and back again, spending about half the time shooting. I have some 
family to visit on the east coast, so that takes part of the time. I 
have in mind Oregon to New Hampshire, sticking to the northern part of 
the country. I will have to take some time off without pay to do it, so 
I'm limited to about a month total travel time. The furthest I've gone 
before was Oregon to Fargo North Dakota, and that was a wonderful trip.

Ideas and suggestions for places to go and see are welcome!


" Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.  "
--The Dalai Lama