[LargeFormat] Jobo Tank for 4x5

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Nov 11 20:15:47 2002

At 6:33 am -0800 3/11/02, Les Newcomer wrote:
>I may have some parts lying about here, so don't spend all the milk 
>money before I have a look.


That's great - will hang on for a bit.

Have had a good look through the cupboards here and found some 
potentially useful tanks for 5x7.

Thanks to everyone for useful advice on this one.

As an aside, the list has been a bit jumpy over the weekend so if you 
have posted and it hasn't appeared yet then it probably won't! I am 
assured that everything is back to normal but please let me know if 
anyone has any missing posts.
