[LargeFormat] Jobos for 5x7?

Rich Lahrson largeformat@f32.net
Mon Oct 21 02:26:29 2002

Hi Mike!

      Ok, I get it.  Now, could I develop 5x7 in E6 chemistry with this
print tubes turned negative tubes?

I see Kodak has EPY #6118 5x7 Ektachrome
64T Tungsten Professional Color Slide Film (ISO-64) and for daylight I find
Fuji 5x7 Provia, that's not bad.  Anyone use these films in there view cameras?

     Can the Jobo CPE-2 handle it?


Rich Lahrson
Berkeley, California

> I did not make any mods, my drum took two 5x7 prints so substituted 5x7 negs
> and voila!

> Mike

> Sorry Clive, but I can find very little on this subject..... can you point
> me in more detail?
> Frank

> Essentially some people have modified print drums to take 5x7 sheet film.
>             Clive