[LargeFormat] Nikon Process-Nikkor 260mm f/10 lens

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Thu Oct 3 22:04:03 2002

I cannot point you to Nikon LF web pages but I can tell you that process 
lenses are computed for close-up work. Typically 1:1. They may work well at 
infinity. The old Artars and Dagors seemed to.

Some of the Nikkor process lenses were designed to use a specific wave 
length of light (green) and would not focus full spectrum light. These were 
used for reducing IC traces down to minuscule dimensions.

Anyway, test the lenses and tell us what you find. Are they barrel or do 
they have a shutter?



At 06:52 PM 10/3/2002 -0700, Ted Burford wrote:
>I just got 3 new in the original box Nikon Process-Nikkor 260mm f/10
>lenses in a trade deal.
>I have not been able to find any large format web pages for Nikon.
>I would like to know what they are worth and what the specfications of
>these lenses are.