[LargeFormat] Need recommendations for a 4X5 enlarger lens

Charles Thorsten largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jul 6 21:07:29 2002

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Clive Warren" <cocam@blueyonder.co.uk>
To: <largeformat@f32.net>
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2002 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: [LargeFormat] Need recommendations for a 4X5 enlarger lens

>I am not a huge fan of Rodenstock enlarging lenses - 
> having used several that did not match the quality of the Schneider 
> offerings - probably suffered from use and abuse but you only need a 
> few bad experiences to put you off......

I have the same experience except the other way around.  I use
a full set of Rodenstock enlarging lenses in my lab and they are
consistently the best I've used.  I've had several bad Schneider
experiences and I avoid them now.  All of the Rodenstocks are
Apo-Rodagons, except for the two 150's which are the normal
version (f/5.6).  

I can *highly* recommend the Rodagon 150f/5.6.  It's still the
best lens I've used for enlarging 4x5 color and B&W.  To be
fair, I've also heard good things about the Schneider Componon
150mm, but I've never used it personally.  I'll go with Clive's
recommendation on that one. :-)

As a side note, my favorite enlarging lens is a recently acquired
Apo-El-Nikkor 105 f/5.6.  Only enough coverage for 6x9cm,
but the lens is perfect.  Even wide open.  It's too bad they don't
make it anymore.
