[LargeFormat] Moving to 8x10 (was Re: Bergger 200 Film Speeds)

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jun 30 00:02:17 2002

> The Shen wasn't really dear. About 700 US dollars as I recall, and the
> lens was only about 150. It is a very sharp lens -I used it for the
> portraits at f.8 and it still was good. I am going to fry the next glamour
> girl at full power and try to get it down to f.16 to see what happens.
> Uncle Dick

One of the tricks of the trade and old timer named Wolley, taught me was to
unscrew the front element a bit for a softer focus.  experiment. some lenses
need only 1/8 of a turn others do well at one rotation. Actually it was
Wolley's son,  Wolley Velo II.
