[LargeFormat] Moving to 8x10 (was Re: Bergger 200 Film Speeds)

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jun 29 20:22:15 2002

Dear Greg,

     Uncle Dick's Shen is going nicely, thank you. Still pinholes in the
negs but lessened with increased dilution of the developer. The small holder
negatives cut down well to go into the carrier of the enlarger but the
larger ones are still contact printing only. I heard a sniff of a 11 x 14
enlarger being thrown out of a commercial lab for reee but someone offered
them money instead.

     The Shen wasn't really dear. About 700 US dollars as I recall, and the
lens was only about 150. It is a very sharp lens -I used it for the
portraits at f.8 and it still was good. I am going to fry the next glamour
girl at full power and try to get it down to f.16 to see what happens.

    BTW, My efforts to get a contact printing frame to work are very
frustrating - there are more surgfaces to attract and display dust
particles. I am getting better results just laying the neg on the paper and
exposing. The base of the Tit X is quite thick and flat.

     Uncle Dick