[LargeFormat] Camaraderie

Penne, Phil largeformat@f32.net
Mon Jun 10 16:40:01 2002

I've had the honor of chatting with Mr. Butcher.  He did, in fact, whack =
The Loosescrew Gator (a denizen of his "back yard") in the snout with a =
canoe paddle when it got a bit too curious.  Other than that, he has =
managed to escape more or less unscathed (other than losing having his =
wedding ring sucked off his finger by swamp muck), even though he wades =
sometimes shoulder deep through the swamps of Florida, getting just the =
right shot.  The man's dedication is monumental.  BTW, the April issue =
of B&W magazine had an article on him, if you can lay your hands on a =

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	rstein [mailto:rstein@bigpond.net.au]=20
Sent:	Friday, June 07, 2002 9:45 PM
To:	largeformat@f32.net
Subject:	Re: [LargeFormat] Camaraderie

Dear Phil,

     I can certainly see why you feel admiration for Clyde Butcher - the
images from Florida are magnificent. The look of the man as well - I'm
willing to bet he would welcome an attack by an alligator just so he =
haul out a big 'ol bowey knife and start rasslin'....Come to that he =
probably cold-cock the croc with the tripod. The waders and the hat make =
average studio garb of a faeries and elves tee shirt* look a little =

     Uncle Dick

* Worn on the assumption that you can attract more flies with honey than
vinegar. Ever had to deal with a tee shirt coated with sticky flies?

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