[LargeFormat] South Dakota

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Fri May 31 07:21:44 2002

> From: Gregor33@aol.com

> As we are going on a vacation to South Dakota. We'll be visiting the Black
> Hills and be around MT. Rushmore area for a week. I thought someone might
> have been there and could point me in a direction to go.
> Greg Orlando
North by Northwest.

That's the direction Cary Grant went when he was up there and he seemed to
have an exciting time.

sorry couldn't help my self.

there's also Wall Drug in Wall, SD it defines the term tourist trap but its
amusing to see what can happen to a small drug store on the edge of the
badlands when they advertise.  Really a throw back to the 50s with Burma
Shave.  I thought the Corn Palace was, okay it was bizzare, but there's only
