[LargeFormat] Goerz Artars

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Thu Apr 25 14:53:19 2002

At 9:02 pm -0700 24/4/02, Charles Thorsten wrote:
>Does anyone on this list use a Goerz Red Dot Artar?
>I'm particularly looking at 14" and 19" focal lengths.
>I've been planning out an 8x10 outfit for shooting copy
>work at my lab, and I'd like a setup that I'd be able to
>use in the field in my spare time.  So far I've heard
>nothing but good things about them, yet I rarely hear
>them mentioned on this list.  I'd be interested to hear
>any personal experiences/thoughts/opinions. 


I have a 14" Red Dot Artar and it gives wonderful results. The image 
circle of the lenses is only average but they are well corrected for 
colour work - hence the APO tag. The contrast is probably a bit less 
than modern lenses as they have 8 air to glass surfaces and the glass 
is only single coated.

The diaphragm has many more blades than a modern lens so the "bokeh" 
is rather pleasant. Overall you will probably be very happy with the 
choice of a Red Dot - it works better for infinity than the earlier 
Artars as there was a bit of redesign for the Red Dot lenses. The 
lenses were designed as copy lenses and are very sharp.

Hope this helps,


PS If you find two 19" Red Dot Artars I'll have the other :-)