[LargeFormat] Availability of Readyloads in Europe

largeformat@f32.net largeformat@f32.net
Wed Apr 17 10:22:03 2002


> There are a number of places - I would recommend 
> Silverprint  http://www.silverprint.co.uk./  as they are very experienced 
> both with large format photography and mail order.  I gave them a quick 
> call for you - they do not keep TMAX Readyloads in stock as it is a slow 
> moving item and they want to keep only fresh stock - seems fair.  They did 
> say that if you placed a regular order then they will keep it in stock. 
> They can get the film very quickly and in my experience oders are sent out 
> lightning fast.


Hello Clive,

Very kind of you to call with Silverprint. 

With 4 to 5 boxes of consumption a year one can hardly qualify me as someone that will order it regularly. Maybe the Readyloads wet my appetite to shoot more 4x5... loading filmholders and fighting dust puts me off a little.

Actually I've found a shop in Paris, www.prophot.fr, a friendly frenchman gave me the hint and as you, he called the shop to make some inquiries about readyloaded TMAX 100. They stock Readyloads and it should be available all the time. The shop is looking into the shipping costs, in a few days I expect to receive a quotation.

As I live at travelling distance from Paris (approx. 275 miles, to make an understatement) I'll probably drive to Paris next month to buy a few boxes. Also because they sell a few items that I would also like to give a try.

Again, thanks Clive, it's appreciated,



Ps. hiking question: are all footpath's open again after footh&mouth descease?