[LargeFormat] cropping

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Fri Apr 5 08:33:02 2002

At 20:55 04/04/02 -0800, Brock Nanson wrote:
>So I'm curious to know how the rest of you shoot large format.  Do you crop
>in the camera or leave space to do so in the darkroom?

My approach - crop in the camera unless it is a shot intended for a 
specific publication purpose - then may leave more breathing space around 
the key elements of the image.

Having said that there are two reasons that I leave a small margin around 
the edges of the image - one is the neg/trannie masks of the 
scanner/enlarger, the other is using grafmatics with the counter in the frame!

In the film bag there are grafmatics some with and some without film 
counters in the film frame. This is a challenge as you have to remember to 
check before using. I will get around to removing all but one of the 
remaining  counter wheels as I do prefer in camera composition whenever 
possible.  An interesting challenge to set yourself when using neg film is 
to get two shots on one piece of film - planning with the darkroom in mind, 
traditional or digital......
