[LargeFormat] darkroom horrors (was philosophy)

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 22 23:49:03 2002

| for the curious, the stainless steel box with the dial in the upper left
| the Nitrogen control,  the black box is my process timer from heathkit (no
| didn't build it, never could get a switch to work from Heathkit, got it at
| an auction) It can be programed for several times in a sequence which is a
| big help when your hands are full of stainless steel and silver nitrate.
| last mystery box on the right controls the odd gray angle thingy near the
| filter. That goes to both the film and print washer and allows me to time
| the water as well as control the rate of flow.  Those parts came from Rain
| bird, Radio Shack and some cast offs from an auction.

That's all very fine, I can follow the description.  But what I can't work
out is where the cooling water from the reactor core comes in...?

Seriously though, do you have a means of controlling temperature (besides
looking at the thermometer and tapping the faucet)?

I can see I should have patented my idea of mounting everything on a piece
of plywood so as to allow mechano-tinkering and reasonable portability!
