[LargeFormat] darkroom horrors (was philosophy)

philip.lambert largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 22 16:10:23 2002

After reading about darkroom problems I think the old fools in the camera
club( all about my age) are right to say I should try digital printing, get
my negs back on a cdrom and buy an A3 printer.  I saw some technically
excellent prints done this way. The pictures were all crap but beautifully
manipulated on a computer, nothing like the original negs, shadows all
turned the opposite way, offending details in the original covered by image
cloned from a bit further down the road and so on.   I could spend weeks and
a fortune learning how to do all this but (a) I am not an obsessive (b) it
doesn't sound fun anyway (c) computers give me a pain somewhere. Is there a
middle way?  Philip